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Please need some serious help

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by Clmbnsccrplyr, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. Clmbnsccrplyr

    Clmbnsccrplyr Active Member

    My Micro Sd is 4GB. And it says SDHC on it :/
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    That's it.
    If it is truly an R4 then it must be an R4 SDHC.

    Try using this instead.
  3. Clmbnsccrplyr

    Clmbnsccrplyr Active Member

    So its a clone?
    THe guy told me it was a real one. :/
    dammit, thanks john
  4. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    No problem.
    Hopefully the Wood for R4 clones turns good for you.
  5. Clmbnsccrplyr

    Clmbnsccrplyr Active Member

    nope didnt work either :/
    Aghh wat the heck, its suppose to work :/
  6. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    What's wrong this time?
    Still continues saying loading?
  7. Clmbnsccrplyr

    Clmbnsccrplyr Active Member

    Yea it still says "Loading..." Its so wierd, i left it there for about 3 minutes to see if it went past the screen but it didnt :/
  8. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's not even R4 at all.
    Do you remember what files was on the MicroSD card when you got it?
  9. Clmbnsccrplyr

    Clmbnsccrplyr Active Member

    _system_ , moonshl, _Ds_Menu.DAT, _DS_Menu.ini , _DS_MSHL.NDS , _DS_Menu.SYS. Then the rest were games, is there any patched version of the Soul Silver or Heart GOld that gets past the blackscreen?
  10. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Well then I guess it is an R4.

    For Pokemon look here
  11. ZOMGDETH133

    ZOMGDETH133 Member

    Clmbnsccrplyr looks like we pretty much have the same problem

    my r4 is a clone R4 Upgrade 2
    and Soulsilver works but freeze sumtiems
  12. mr. awesome

    mr. awesome Well-Known Member

    I know exactly your problem. On the root of your SD card, you have a file called "R4" and it's a .DAT file. That is what enables your r4 to load. It seems like your r4 is either an r4i, r4i 1.4, r4 sdhc, r4i sdhc, or r4i 1.4 sdhc. If this IS true, then you will not be able to load r4 wood, I have the same problem. If you want to play SoulSilver/HeartGold, then you have a slight problem. if you have cheats, one of the first ones should say "Fix black screen problem" or something along those lines. If not, or you don't have that cheat, download this: http://www.r4i-sdhc.com/downloade.a...4 underlined in red. I really hope I helped!