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Please Answer D:

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by polipolipluff, May 18, 2012.

  1. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    First of all, he's not acting like a snot-nosed brat, he's just acting paranoid. Secondly, that guy isn't really doing him any favors. I wouldn't go as far as to call what he is doing immoral (you could draw parallels to profiting off the industry to any emulation website such as this one, and parallels to many tech-related jobs in the sense that you are being paid excessively for doing simple things most people could do if they tried to learn how) but he's certainly not doing this out of the kindness of his heart.

    - If he does turn you in to the cops, the cops won't be able to attain a warrant without some degree of evidence
    - This evidence would implicate his crimes as well, which would be a lot more attractive pursuit to law enforcement
    - This guy has a fringe lifestyle and probably isn't buddy-buddy with law enforcement anyway
    - What are the police going to do anyway? Call Nintendo and try to convince them to press charges?

    Edit: tl;dr: You're over-thinking it, relax. I've been breaking like multiple laws on a daily basis for years and my overall legal repercussions include a single speeding ticket. If you end up in jail over this shit you are the unluckiest person I have ever met.
  2. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    I'm breaking federal laws right now with these topless pics of void right here.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    those aren't federal laws, they're international human rights laws that protect people from cruel and unusual punishment (such as looking at topless pictures of void).
  4. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    baby, the only thing thats cruel and unusual punishment is void being so far far away from me.
  5. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Lol what

    And please tell me you don't actually still have that picture.
  6. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    its on my wall
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I have it saved in 37 different places just so that I'll always have it available.
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    You guys could very well be serious :(