The Neo Geo Pocket just wasn't super well known. I can't think of one person who would make that comparison that doesn't prowl a video game forum that is aware of the more obscure portions of video game history.
still thinking whether to sell my 3DS and buy a vita... well i love nintendo's handheld consoles but this time the two are priced the same (wifi only) seeing vita has more powerful features. but then i really look into the handheld console's game library so definitely having second thoughts... : (
I think I might just skip the 3DS (For now) and get the Vita, Vita is looking to have a stronger library of games so far, none of this casual kiddy crap Nintendo is pushing. I really like the look of the touch pad too, looks like it'd be interesting in some games, I'd like to see how it'd work in something like killzone or resistance. I'll probably just get the Wi-Fi model, that's all I really need. I wonder if the camera will be more powerful, I know DSi's camera was like 0.7 megapixels, and I'm not sure 3DS is any better. I really don't see what the issue is of having a console-like game experience on the go, something like that certainly shouldn't deter you from playing it, the point of the handheld system was to have games on the go, and that's what was delivered, what that game is like or how powerful it is shouldn't matter, and I'm sure they would have made the original gameboy more console-like if they could. When I was but a child playing my gray brick gameboy I never thought I'd see in a million years a handheld with the power of a game console, I don't think the folks at nintendo back when they made the original gameboy would have seen it coming either, and after experiencing games like that on PSP I don't think I'd want to go back, I did have fun playing Super Mario Land, yes, but I want to move onto better things. Stick with an iPod if you just want dumb little time wasters, or just pull out the old gameboy. Besides, I don't think handhelds will ever perfectly match the console experience, they can try to be like them, and they'll be close, but I don't think there'll ever be a handheld to replicate console gaming.
^^ The biggest problem I had with the PSP was, 'why isn't this game on the PS3/Xbox?' games like God Of War, MGS, and a lot of the bigger titles on the system, they would've played a lot better on the console. While something like Loco Roco and Patapon works nice on a handheld, the bigger scaled games like Monster Hunter, GoW, MGS, etc would've played, looked, and felt better. Handheld games for me don't revolve around immersive and long term gameplay, while it could happen, it just doesn't suit a smaller device and I'd much prefer actually playing it with a better controller and on my TV set (or PC). Dumb little time wasters? Sorry but games on the iPod are attrotious because of one thing: Controls. The time wasters I'm talking about is something like Advance Wars, FFT, Patapon, Mario etc. Games that you don't have to spend a long time to actually get to a save point and games that are easy to get into. The best games are the ones that are accessible but difficult to master, and all these games revolve around that. The fact that there's a full fledged Uncharted on the PSV sort of makes me think Sony's trying the same thing as the PSP, where they want a console experience in your hands. While I can appreciate that, I don't want it, I'd much want my console-like experience on my console.
Ah okay, I see what you mean. I guess its all just a matter of opinion really. And there are some good games with good controls on iPod Touch! But they'd be better on something with buttons, I'll admit.
i definitely agree with this, i'd rather play these great games on my larger screen than a tiny screen resolution. but, uh... well for me monster hunter is different and i prefer to play it on handheld since this game requires a lot of play time. it feels much comfortable playing it online on bed rather than staying up infront of a tv set... if this game will be out on 3DS (even a ported version of Tri), this will definitely boost nintendo's 3DS and there's no reason for me to switch to vita (dj maxx again as an exception =P), im going to stick around my 3DS... dragon quest, monster hunter, ragnarok, pokemon, professor layton, all these games are much better on a handheld
nothing good has been announce so far for the vita so i think ill wait a little bit longer to decide....besides theres alot of good games coming out for most consoles....e.g. OoT for 3ds, disgaea for the ps3, rage...then again most of those games are my preference LOL