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Play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl On No$GBA [Saving Is Confirmed Working]

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Golden Falcon, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. dude111

    dude111 Member

    if the no$gba emulator displays when you load up the rom
    "The data could not be read.

    Please turn off the power, then remove and reinsert the DS Game Card"

    how do you fix that?

    EDIT: Never mind I fixed the problem:D
  2. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    oh ok.. but does ur's have no water too?? just asking to see wat other people have.
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Mine can't even run due to my laptop being too slow. :)
    But lets see what the other people say.
  4. dude111

    dude111 Member

    i can play the Pokemon game just fine (minus some slowness and glitchy music)
    then i save and everything seems to workout alright
    when i turn the game back on again the save file doesnt exist
    dunno what i'm doing wrong
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Are you absolutely certain you applied the patch?
  6. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    If you patched the game properly in-game saving and in-game loading should work just fine...if you are sure you patched it properly I wouldn't see what the problem could be.

  7. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    alright i'll post back later :)
  8. dude111

    dude111 Member

    well to patch it I went to IPSWin and put the rom image in the top box and the pkmnpatch in the bottom box
    then clicked patch
    maybe i'm doing something wrong in game?
    i'm unsure
  9. monkey94

    monkey94 Member

    OK evveryone who is confused with the ips patch you onky need the patch if u have no$gba 2.4a or lower
    2.4a is given in the pokemon package at the sart of this forum the the patch is only for the savin g glitch in the lower versions of no$ if u have no$2.4b or above then the patch is not needede if have the patched pokemon rom and are trying to run it on 2.4b or above all u will get is A BLACK SCREEN
  10. dude111

    dude111 Member

    when i just reset cartridge the save works fine
    but once i shut off no$gba and reload
    i lose the data
    any suggestions?
  11. philktyu

    philktyu New Member

    does the game save when i open up the computer to deposit pokemon? my game froze and its slowly going back to normal.... like one frame per hour hahah.
  12. philktyu

    philktyu New Member

    nevermind my game froze. can someone send me their game so i dont have to go through like 6+hours of gameplay again. i ended up right before i get the egg from the old man in hearthome/route 209. =(

    *oops sorry i forgot we could modify posts! i don't usually post on forums as you can see =[

    or anywhere thats past gym 2.... im DESPERATE!!! haha its like im addicted to pokemon =/.
    email is [email protected]
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That happens when you try to fit more than, I think 10, pokemon in a storage box, you can only have 250 in total, so whenever you have caught some pokemon then change the box so that there are never more than 10.
  14. Viviana

    Viviana New Member

    I am going to confirm that if you turn your sound output off it will speed up your game. I ran 105% in buildings now I run 125% I ran 77-80% outside now I run 100-105% the game is much faster even if it does take away alittle of the experiance.
  15. mr599

    mr599 New Member

    ahhhmmm... yea i still need help lol. yea i kno i'm a noob but can someone help me plz.
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well what do you need help with?
  17. Kris-11

    Kris-11 Active Member

    how do u make the screen bigger?
  18. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    u can't right now the emulator screen doesn't get any bigger maybe after more updates it can resize the screen so for now, get used to snall screen sorry :-\
  19. Kris-11

    Kris-11 Active Member

    mine was working fine but when i tried to play it again it wouldn't work anymore

    how can i fix it?
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    We'd like to help but we need to know more, so far you haven't told us anything useful.
    How does it not work? Do you get an error message? A white screen?