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Play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl On No$GBA [Saving Is Confirmed Working]

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Golden Falcon, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    alright how do i do the
    ISP thing ? I see the directions on the first page but i dont understand them..
    what file do i put in the top bar and which in the second one
  2. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    in the top file put the rom watever pokemon game u have 2nd bar put the patch file the one that ends with .ips
    oh and click patch ;D
  3. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    For some reason it says " One of the specified files doesn't exist "
  4. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    u probly useing a shortcut and might have deleted ethier the rom or the patch maybe not saying u did?
  5. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    nope their both their.. look

    Shot at 2007-07-22
  6. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    patch is only for pokemon(U) pretty sure not for the japan version of the game. :-\
  7. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    where can i find a pokemon (u) ?

    cuz the one I have right now is from Romulation.. so where'd u get yours ?
  8. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    check for one with (U) next to it thats the one u should play.
    oh and i got mine here
  9. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    Oh alright thanks man.. sorry I wasn't too much help with your problem though.
  10. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    ah it's ok i'll post tommrow even thuo i had to restrat from dailga...
  11. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    For some reason it still says that the specified file doesn't exist..
  12. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    u have an instant messenger pm urs and i'll send it too u
  13. KingofKings.

    KingofKings. Member

    Ok and one more thing still can't find the flash 520k setting.
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

  15. dude111

    dude111 Member

    hey i'm brand new to this and all
    i tried following the directions but i have no idea what to do
    i know i'm new
    but can someone please help!!!
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well which step was confusing?
  17. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Looks like people aren't understanding the IPS part. Download the package as directed, and extract everything to the same folder. Then on Romulations download page get the Legacy version of the Pokemon game you want (Which I think is (U)) and extract that into the same folder as everything else. Open the IPS Patch and in the top field put the pokemon game you downloaded, and in the bottom field put in the file that ends with .ips. Then Patch! it. Wait a few seconds and a confirmation should come up.

    Open up the emulator and load up the only pokemon game file that should be in that folder and then follow the directions in the first post for the emulation settings...it's pretty self-explanatory.

  18. pr4v1n192

    pr4v1n192 Member

    so can anyone explain why there is no water?glitch?
  19. romester

    romester New Member

    i think i should mention -

    i initially got the latest version from the no$gba website and i tried the method listed in the first post.

    i got the same problem as that fire guy a couple of pages back - it would save fine, however when i tried to continue from the save after restarting the emu, it would be stuck at a black screen.

    after a frustrating hour and a half, i thought it might be the emu version. so i used the no$gba version that was included in the "pokemon_emulator_package.zip" instead of the one i got from the no$gba site, and it worked for that emulator.

    donno if this is common, but for me, this was the solution. maybe the newest version of no$gba doesn't work with the method in that first post? (could it be the patch?)
  20. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    It could be the patch yes, I don't know how that works though.

    pr4v1n192: As I've stated before: NDS emulation is in a very initial state, while it's progressing rapidly many features don't work, 3D rendering is still slow and flaky. It might just be that no$gba simply isn't capable of emulating water.