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Play Pokemon Diamond/Pearl On No$GBA [Saving Is Confirmed Working]

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Golden Falcon, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Kris-11

    Kris-11 Active Member

    i open the rom and the screen just goes black and if i try to close the emulator it doesnt close and then starts to make my computer slow down.

    it wont play and other games either aswel

    pls help

    EDIT: dw ive worked it now
  2. Kris-11

    Kris-11 Active Member

    when i open the save file in game the screens just turns black and nothing happens ???

    how do i make it work?
  3. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming you can save in-game but you can't load in-game....that's a weird one for me. Dunno what to tell you, just make sure all the programs you have for it are from the pokemon package in the first post, and download the Legacy version of the pokemon game you want. The reason I say the Legacy version is because it's the one I haven't had problems with.

    Make sure you have these settings in the emulator.(Sound settings are optional)

    Also make sure you save this configuration otherwise it just resets when you close the emulator. Good luck.

  4. dude111

    dude111 Member

    when i just reset cartridge the save works fine
    but once i shut off no$gba and reload
    i lose the data
    any suggestions?

    EDIT: ***FIXED***
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Please post how you fixed it for the benefit of others.
  6. scott8888

    scott8888 New Member

    when i try to play the game it says "the data could not be read. please turn off the power...." does anyone know why this is happening?
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yes you forgot to change the backup media type as said in step 3.
  8. Viviana

    Viviana New Member

    is there a way to limited speed up the game, such as in GBA you held space bar and your game would speed up alot.
  9. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  10. scott8888

    scott8888 New Member

    oh... thanks Seph. Guess i just didn't read carefully.
  11. romester

    romester New Member

    about that pokemon storage thing, is there anyway to fix it? because i wasn't aware of it and now it's gone over 10, and everytime i try to access it, the screen goes black and stays black...
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no fix other than getting every new version of your emulator as it comes out and hoping one of them fixes it.
  13. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, as far as I know you have to prevent that bug, not fix it.
  14. romester

    romester New Member

    well i sort of fixed it...

    i got the saved state hacker, and just moved the pokemon that way... i just hope the program reproduced the pokemon exactly, but even if it didn't... at least now i can play on...

    also interestingly, the limit isn't 10 - i tested it. it's like 20, but to keep it safe, just don't go over 17 instead. (i'd say you should test it yourself and see if the numbers are different for you or not).
  15. muzicguru

    muzicguru New Member

    Hey thanks for the guide...i used to get stuck after the first battle..its working fine now and i thank you
  16. azkikr

    azkikr New Member

    is anyone elses emulator game thing really slow...is there a way to fix this?
    i've put my settings like how someone earlier had said to
  17. polay

    polay New Member

    i think the best way for everyone to play a decent game for No$Gba (specially Pokemon Pearl/Diamond) is to check your computer set up.I had observed that the higher the specs of your PC the better would the Emu would work..I tried it with several PC's from my friends i think that's the key. Too bad i can't play it well with my machine .. *sad* but that's really what i can say based on my observations :D
  18. dubaru

    dubaru New Member

    The game works fine and all but when i load my saved file the screen just becomes black any help please.
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Apply the IPS patch properly.
  20. rakata2k6

    rakata2k6 Member

    My pokemon diamond is weird. Before it use to run about 70% on No$gba outside. Now it runs around 30-40% outside. Can someone help me with this?