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Piracy not Nintendo's problem.

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Arcwolf09, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    All the shovelware that Big N licenses because they're sure some noob will buy the crap made by this shovelware producing moron, and it and Big N gets money from those licenses and a percentage of 'copies sold', which are actually bought by stores in BULK, but the consumers haven't bought it yet. Typical that they think stores buying a few dozen boxes means that people have already bought the game. It could still be in that same box 8 months from now, and it's STILL considered 'units sold'. You can't base your own numbers by what the stores bought to sell. (Let's say a retail chain buys 500k copies of, say, 'Imagine: Teacher', distributes to its stores, and in some 8 months, only sells ~2,000 copies. The developer still has those 500k as 'sales', and 'popular')
    ...'Imagine' series seriously needs to die, there's too many crap 'games'.
    Now, as with the other 'piracy is hurting the economy' threads, I'm done with this.
    I'm going to play on Suis' minecraft server
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Some of the reason why devs didn't like Nintendo in the past was because they were harder to license games that were shovel ware, now they have the opposite and benefit from the money from it. Video gaming is a business, and shovelware is a constant stream of revenue. I doubt publishers want to get rid of it, I don't even think people who enjoy video games should hate shovelware, in fact since it makes the most amount of revenue, wouldn't make sense to say that it helps fund the games that we want?

    And of course, let's point the finger at Nintendo, not the developers. Nintendo's licensing is probably 'does it work? Did we let you use a dev unit'. Bam, out the door. I find it unlikely that the 360 and PS3 do something different than that. I highly doubt the PS2 did that (and it's had a large amount of shovelware too). Also, the person buying the shovelware is just as much a moron than the people behind it. Their fault for not knowing better. Similar to the situation where Best Buy was selling services to set up your PS3 for ~100$. Regardless if the stores bought them in bulk, it's still giving the developers and publishers money.

    Also, I played Minecraft and got into it, it's so awesome Pat and I gave him money.
  3. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I made a server dedicated to insane architecture. It's pretty great so far, especially since it's just me and nobody else using it.
  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Do want.
  5. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    It's getting intermittent uptime until the Halloween Update. Hoping to sort out bugs and usability mods in the next week, so if you hit up IRC when I have it running you can log right in.