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pick someones death

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by drew44, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Fumiko

    Fumiko New Member

    Suicide? Why should I do suicide? I'm perfectly content with my-*slips on the banana peel that nobody else slipped on*
    *falls off train*

    Next poster will be mercilessly killed by my snow leopard.
  2. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    good kitty... GOOD KIITY....... ARRRRGGGG

    next one dies by the orders of pope
  3. Chappy89

    Chappy89 New Member

    Orders of who...DAMN IT!*dies*

    The next poster dies of squirrel aids.
  4. Fumiko

    Fumiko New Member

    It's some serious s***...

    Next poster is killed by a chocobo.
  5. sinharvest24

    sinharvest24 Guest

    oh look it big bird ^_^.......*WACK*.........ook it's...not......big............bir...........................................*deadness*

    next poster get's killed from watching naruto..
  6. Fumiko

    Fumiko New Member

    Zomg! Chidori! Naruto is so dead! *Sasuke jumps out of the screen and goes chidori all over my sorry butt* ...Ironic, da?

    Next poster just drops dead.
  7. Mateus M.

    Mateus M. Active Member

    Good a death without pain XD
    Next poster wil be eaten by enraged zombies
  8. HA! but i called frank west

    the next person will be slain by kira in aproximatly 40 seconds
  9. ProtomanZX

    ProtomanZX Well-Known Member

    ...Nothing..............-_-..........o_O *dies*

    Next person will choke on his/her mouse
  10. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member


    next person will die from shock from his/her keypad that is over 200000 volts
  11. BugsyV

    BugsyV Member

    Whoo. =D

    I predict the next person will die from a guy throwing his Coke out into the street, a mouse getting stuck, and then they tried to help it, and while being distracted a truck hit them.
  12. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    oh no a mouse.

    go on small one.


    next one will die out of horror
  13. blaziken123

    blaziken123 Active Member

    next person will die of a machine that turns nes zappers into a gun and a yoshi gets the zapper and kills yu.
  14. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    jay. a real yoshi and a gun. wohoo! wait.. wath are you doing yoshi....?
    PANG PANG PANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    next peron will die at the hands of pokemon lopunny.
  15. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    Yeah! Death by Pokemon ftw!

    Next person will die from overexposure to underexposure (lolwut?)
  16. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member


    next one will die for seeing a busty gardevoir
  17. qiehebat

    qiehebat New Member

    Nose bleed!! *dies*

    Next poster die for being rammed by a crazy buffalo
  18. koolkatyoyo

    koolkatyoyo New Member

    Buffalos cant... owwwwww.

    The next person will die from putting a whole pach of mentos into a coke bottle. (it makes the bottle explode. trust me :( )
  19. hi1116

    hi1116 Well-Known Member

    yummmm... BOOM!!

    next person dies from eating pie
  20. Bhepster

    Bhepster Member

    *Munch* Whut... After killed by rickrolling I died of eating a pie? That's an overkill, n.. GHKKK *Chokes**Dies*

    The next poster will die of leishmaniasis.