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Phantasy Star Zero technical help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by buchichu, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    for phantasy star zero, just go to the options menu for no$zoomer, go to ex and select phantasy star zero.

    if your not playing psz make sure to uncheck it all but ex0
  2. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    cool so eevrytime I load a game do I darg in drop it on no zoomer or no$gba?

    "With no$zoomer you don't need to extract the .nds file from winrar"
    Not sure what you meant by that lol let me see if I understood that lol everytime I have a NDS file I just got I just use no zoomer and it goes inside the files that are compressed? and plays them? is that correct?
  3. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    It auto uncompresses it everytime you load a rom. Its a little longer on the initial load but if you prefer it take up less space its worth it. Just open no zoomer and it will you use your last rom path.
  4. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    well my zoomer is in japanesse lol so I don't know what is what
  5. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    go to other and select the third to last tab (it;s the language) and set it to english
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    If you want to play a game, just double click no$zoomer then choose the Rom that you want.

    When you download nds roms from this site, the format is Winrar.
    You don't have to extract the nds files from it to play using no$zoomer.
  7. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    OHHH thats is awesome! so would this add on fix alot of games?

    ok now I have another problem lol my save file from my flashcart won't load any ideas how to make it load on no zoomer?
  8. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    no$zoomer fixes alot of issues with games but the ex themselves are pretty much just for those games. Is it a .sav file? if it is just make sure the save name and rom name are the same and the .sav file is in you battery folder.
  9. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    theres five tabs and the last tab I looked at shows a side arrow and it only shows japanese?

  10. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    The Other tab is the 4th one, the one with (H) on it.
  11. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member


    read the common issues thread about no$zoomer's language
  12. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    theres the english file just put it in the lang folder. as for the sav file read my last post again.
  13. supernova-777

    supernova-777 Active Member

    Can someone please tell me how to get the game to run on akaio version 1.4.1 or R4 sdhc?
  14. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    ok you guys been a great help! and I did read the common issue thread but didn't help for this occasion

    and I did name the SAV file and the ROM the same thing
    here look


    heres the settings
    yet no luck I can't get my save file to transfer over from my flashcart to the emulator
    any ideas?

    oops sorry I didn't think the pictures would be this big
  15. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    have you converted it?

    SAV/SNA File Format == Raw
    look for this^ in your no$gba.ini if it is set to RAW
  16. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    no I didn't convert because I assumed the SAV file would work on the Emulator the same way I do on pokemon
    Flashcart SAV>computer>Emulator
    works on hgss so I thought it would work the same? any ideas why it's not showing up?

    just want to use my save file from my Acekard on my Emulator
  17. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    When you play it on an emulator and you need to have it on your flashcard afterwards, you need to convert it first.

    Open your no$gba.ini[in the no$gba folder] and look for this one:
    SAV/SNA File Format == Raw
    make sure it's set to Raw before converting.

  18. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Noob question lol whats the ini file look like or where is it located because all my no$gba Emulators I downloaded don't come with this file, mostly just battery files along with readme's and stuff like that

    and I mean't I need to transfer my SAV from my flashcart to my Emulator because I would like to use my Save game from my Nintendo ds on the emulator just like how I use it on pokemon HGSS except this same method I use for pokemon doesn't seem to work for PSZ
  19. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    I dont have a flashcart so i cant help that much but the .ini file is created when you open no$gba, it'll be in you no$gba folder. its basically the configuration file for no$gba.
  20. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I see it now thanks for explaining the Ini file and no problem about the Flashcart deal, I guess I'm juset gonna need to wait till someone has a answer on how to get my acekards SAV to work on my No$gba