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Phantasy Star Zero technical help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by buchichu, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. mordaki987

    mordaki987 Well-Known Member

    oh well i guess i'm just sol with being able to play this with no$gba since it's the only means i have of being able to play ds roms. it seems to run fine on desmume but the sound sucks.


    no i meant epic music for an epic... uh... premise for a game?
  3. nekonolan

    nekonolan Active Member

    Ohhh, makes since.
  4. The AP hacker

    The AP hacker Well-Known Member

    Whoa, wait. This game crashes on an emulator!? Odd.

    It works fine for me. I'm sing CycloDS evo FW 1.56B3
  5. nekonolan

    nekonolan Active Member

    Yeah, it's been crashing from the start on them. Really it seems to work on most flash cards unpatched as well.
  6. Matt2D2

    Matt2D2 New Member

    I downloaded the bahamut version and im getting the white screen after i learn how to fight on the first level. Is there a patch for the bahamut version? Im using Acekard 2.
  7. kickitsoso

    kickitsoso Active Member

    is the bahamut version a virus? i got a strange unsafe message when i was about to download it. im also using a acekard2i
  8. zargax7

    zargax7 New Member

    Which ROM was used to make this patch? I'm having a bit of trouble seeing some people online but not others, and was wondering if that might be part of the issue.
  9. mordaki987

    mordaki987 Well-Known Member

    at any rate for those who have this it can be played on desmume without any problems or crashes. I haven't run into any yet. So i just through i would let those who use winds pro or who use desmume that it can be played on an emulator just not no$gba.
  10. Oniguard69

    Oniguard69 Member

    im not sure if this is the right spot but will this game work wifi wise on the aK2i with akio firmware 1.5???
  11. me123

    me123 Well-Known Member

    um ive found a fix for R4i witch mite work for the m3 take off soft reset ds download play and the other thingie on the settings of the game but becarefull becoz soft reset keeps coming back on and hold A on the balck loading screen
  12. Bedjoe92

    Bedjoe92 Member

    I'm using r4ultra and soon as the game started, it shows only white screens. Can anybody tell me how to fix it????
  13. Matssaa

    Matssaa Member

    Does this works on Ez-Flash V?

    EDIT: It works fine , very nice game !
  14. nekonolan

    nekonolan Active Member

    It's the Xenophobia release of the rom that is used. If you use the second one, it won't work
  15. markie

    markie Well-Known Member

    Doesnt for for me on AceKard 2.1.
    To bad, hoping there coming A fix.
  16. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    works fine for me on R4 v 1.18, with YSMEnu setting,
    I will tell again if it freeze or not, Hope it won't ~
  17. icaddd1

    icaddd1 Member

    i am using no$gba..
    crash before the game will start...
    is there anyone can help me...? ??? ???
  18. knightmare235

    knightmare235 Well-Known Member

    Just thought I'd post that I have R4 with 1.18 and it works fine no patching, but I haven't tried going WiFi with it I will try soon as I can get to a WiFi spot......(no WiFi in my house :() But I haven't had a problem yet been playing for awhile now. If anyone with R4 has tried WiFi I'd like to know if it works
  19. polobow

    polobow Active Member

    Does this one work for M3real?
  20. SkimGuy

    SkimGuy Active Member

    Using the Xenophobia release on an M3 Real, and it freezes whenever I try to fight the first boss (The sea monster thing)