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Phantasy Star Zero technical help

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by buchichu, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. AbelialSV

    AbelialSV Member

    the website H provided should be what you need to convert your ac sav files to no$gba sav files. load in your ac file then set the source format as whatever acekard you have and the target format as no$gba and then just move the file to your battery folder.
  2. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    im really glad PS0 is working perfectly with my edge. though i don't have much time to play, i pushed my character to level 13 today!
  3. supernova-777

    supernova-777 Active Member

    which cards will this game NOT work on
  4. markie

    markie Well-Known Member

    AceKard 2.1 (Not be me, cant get it work, tryed much things) Glad i have my old R4 ^^ Work Perfectly on it with YSMenu.
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    I tried that and from what i learned PSZ SAV files from flashcarts do not work on Emulators
    I tried converting SAV files and using other Emulators and they cant load Flashcart SAV files

    I know because I tested this over and over again with both pokemon and Phantasy star and PSZ Fails to use the flashcarts SAV while pokemon works just fine..

    So i'm just gonna give up and say that Phantasy star zero SAV files from flashcarts do not work
    anyone here wanna test this out and qoute me on thsi be my guest lol i'm tired and I give up
  6. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    You can just start a fresh new game though :p
  7. Seppala

    Seppala New Member

    Okey, so I downloaded this and don't seems to get it work.
    I'm playing on my DS with the Acekard 2.

    I've extracted the rom to the card and when I start it up it creates a SAV-file and then the screens are just white.
    Help me pleas :)
  8. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Update to AKAIO firmware it will work for sure after that
  9. Seppala

    Seppala New Member

    Oh, thanks!
    Where do I find this?
    I'm quite new to this stuff, heh.
  10. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Format your Micro SD with panasonic SD fromatter so it runs better when you place the AKIAIO firmware
    Yes download it

    Step by step guid from this RomU thread

    AKAIO Firmware

    Don't worry it's easier then it sounds. I'm still new to all this crap lol it's barely my second month, So if a idiot like me can do it ;D then so can you lol have fun.
  11. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I am so glad my game didn't crash when I was going through the Eternal Tower. 101 floors just.. No... Just no...
  12. Aguido

    Aguido New Member

    I did everything like you guys said to play in NO&GBA and it does run smoothly but i cant save :S
    I save ingame but then when i try to load it, the save just doesnt exist, no character created :(
    What should i do?
  13. XxZer0xX

    XxZer0xX Member

    I'm in need of some serious help here.

    Short explanation: I can't get PS0 to run on my cart for crap.

    Long crap: I own an R4 Ultra with R4-New Firmware 1.50, and I can't use YSMenu, so I have to settle for AKAIO 1.4.1. Do not tell me to upgrade to 1.5, because AKAIO 1.5 blocks all AK2 clones, including the R4 Ultra. I don't know how to modify it to accept the R4, so I'm screwed on that part. Again, DON'T tell me to upgrade it.

    AKAIO 1.4.1 is incompatible with PS0, as well as the R4 Ultra default firmware, which is the real problem here. I can't play PS0 past the white screens. None of the versions work: BAHAMUT, XPA, as well as their patched/cracked versions.

    Also, DON'T tell me to get a new cart. I'm only 16 and my parents won't buy anything for their kids for any reason other than the holidays or they got a huge bonus, and Christmas is over a month away, which isn't exactly an easy waiting time, because I've got a short attention span and can complete most DS and Wii games within a few hours time, and I don't have an X360 or PS3 (Again, I'm only 16 and my parents are cheapskates).

    I've only been able to come up with 2 solutions to this:

    1. Have a patch made that is compatible with AKAIO 1.4.1 or an R4 Ultra.

    2. Have a way to modify AKAIO 1.5 to be compatible with an R4 Ultra.

    Any other solutions besides the ones I told you NOT to tell me (Which are 1. New cart, and 2. Upgrade firmware), please tell me.
  14. Arkverdugo

    Arkverdugo New Member

    Is there a patch to fix Wifi for R4 1.18? I have tried both the Bahamut patch and Xenophobia patch and both of the roms, neither can find retail players on Wi-fi.
  15. illvillain187

    illvillain187 New Member

    Both versions load on DS-X but the only time I was bale to play is when I did the "free play" and my character was not the one I created, but a default one.
    Anyone had this problem? When I go to "PLAY ALONE" it loads me into a rock, and I can't do anything.

    playing on a DS-X card
  16. Seppala

    Seppala New Member

    Thanks man!
    I will definitley try it out :D
  17. g@l1h

    g@l1h Well-Known Member

    Change the NDS save type to Auto :)
  18. Aguido

    Aguido New Member

    Yeah, i know that now, figured it out yesterday :)

    Thanks anyway, you have been very helpful ;)
  19. Tsumaura

    Tsumaura New Member

    I'm using NO$zoomer~ um but i have no idea how to connect online? so very sorry for my noobie question forgive me~ >-<
    um! and thank you in advance to whomever can answer my question!
  20. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    lol you can't connect online with a Emulator