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Phantasy Star Zero - Out soon!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Vainone, Oct 29, 2009.

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  1. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

  2. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I said in the next 48 hours, I meant WITHIN >_>

    So it could be dumped at any time within the next two days. Patience is a virtue.. Besides.. if I said it'll be dumped in the next 3 hours, you'll expect to see it in 3 hours, and when it's not there you'll be let down... If I say 48 hours and it gets dumped 30 hours before that. You'll think OMG ITS HERE I ACTUALLY HAZ IT YAY I CAN PLAY 30 HOURS EARLY!@!@!@!@!@!

    At least that's the way I see it :D
  3. felipeboone

    felipeboone New Member

    Well , you have a point.

    Sorry for bad english, i'm Brazilian lol.
  4. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Hey that's Okay :D
    The main bulk a lot of people on here don't speak absolute perfect English, including myself the majority of the time :D So just chill and play some games while you wait :)
  5. rampage1

    rampage1 Member

    :'( the release date in wikipedia said Nov 12.
  6. Vainone

    Vainone Well-Known Member

    I can't do that, trust my R4 / SD card to start playing up as this game hits it's release date..
    Keeps telling me to format it and i can't because my gf is playing style boutique >.>
    Bah @ Technology at the moment.
    Post Merge: [time]1257888846[/time]
    we'll wait for it and be very patient

    (Who's up for rampaging through the streets of london holding crudly fashioned torches screaming in tongues? Anybody? no?)
  7. conder

    conder Active Member

    My poor F5 key is taking some serious action today haha

    Hey guys... I've never really played PS. My friend had it for the GC but I never got on it. Looking forward to it, and Harvest Moon, being released in the next few hours hopefully :D
  8. rampage1

    rampage1 Member

    wow nice too see theres nice people like you to reply back. i just wanted to inform everyone about it. thanks for being nice. i wasn't being impatient or anything just wanted to inform.
  9. conder

    conder Active Member

    Any info is good info right?

    well... not really if it's wrong... but still

  10. rampage1

    rampage1 Member

    i really do hope its wrong. lol.
  11. rikana

    rikana Member

    This. ^^^^^^^^

    No one else noticed it? There hasn't been US dumps lately. It might be dumped by some individual though.
  12. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    why didn't anyone listen when i said my gamestop friend said it shipped today :I
  13. rikana

    rikana Member

    Wiki isn't reliable. Check the history page of it. It's been editted as of yesterday. It originally had Nov. 10.
  14. rampage1

    rampage1 Member

    oh ok nice thanks :)
  15. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Ok so this game comes out today at gamestop or tomorrow? Sorry i'm a bit confused I thought it came out today
  16. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I think it comes out tomorrow, today is the shipping date.
  17. naruto6768

    naruto6768 Well-Known Member

    Comes Out Tommarrow
  18. conder

    conder Active Member

    Wow... the controls are amazing.
  19. naruto6768

    naruto6768 Well-Known Member

    Found The Rom

    Post Merge: [time]1257890171[/time]
    It Just got out cant say anything else
  20. biguiu

    biguiu Member

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