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Phantasy Star Zero - Out soon!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Vainone, Oct 29, 2009.

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  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    I am as suprised as everyone else that this didn't dump early but meh, I am sure we won't be waiting til the 11th even.. soon.. I'm tired of waiting for tonight.. time to hit the hay :O .. if it comes out while im asleep, everyone else - enjoi :U
  2. allard_Crow

    allard_Crow Member

    Welllllll its 13 minutes before the 11th so sadly.....we will

    as for lcleong...c'mon dude all we have its our hope XD dont take that from us XD

    but dont get me wrong i know you're right XD
  3. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    dunno where the hell you are living but in florida/usa its 2:26 am november 10th :/
  4. allard_Crow

    allard_Crow Member

    Yup m'bad got mixed up between time zones and excitement XD
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    Dunno if I want to play as a male or female cast...
    Male looks cooler but female has more heal traps....
  6. SecretDL

    SecretDL Member

    It's been over a year since I got this hyped over a game release and I've been hitting refresh on my RSS reader way too much waiting for this one. I've played the JP version and it's freaking awesome, it has that super-addictive PSO quality that was missing from PSU. Having an updated PSO with full online modes in the palm of your hand is absolutely priceless.
  7. Davey87

    Davey87 New Member

    Any luck on a rom yet? From the eu and apparently were not getting it until February. *sigh*
  8. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

    I'm sure RomU'll have it in a few days.
  9. robolink

    robolink Well-Known Member

    I've never had the chance to play a Phantasy Star Game before so i need to ask,

    This game is basically almost all multiplayer based right? at least that's what Ive picked up from the posts. Does it got a compelling story or anything?
  10. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    The Multiplayer Mode is completely Optional. You can can play the storyline and do lots of quests on your lonesome. Multiplayer just makes it that little bit better I guess.
  11. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i really need to play this, i got the jap version but i couldn't understand it. this game feels like a mmorpg inside a handheld console and i knew that the ds is more capable of doing it =)
  12. VongolaTempesta

    VongolaTempesta Well-Known Member

    this game should come out in the afternoon sometime
  13. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i really hope so, and i also hope that this game will not be very addictive cuz my studies will be ruined
  14. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    I think you're in trouble then, this can get pretty damn addictive..
  15. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    is it? i'm going to turn the brightness on max level to lose the battery! nah, i can't do that, i'll just skip school =P
  16. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Lmfao it's not a good idea to have the brightness on its highest anyway :p But don't skip school just for a game :)

    just play it every so often. I'm just recommending.
  17. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    just kidding. i don't want to lose my eyes at the age of 20, thanks i'll try to control myself =P
  18. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Hahaha! Yeah that's a good idea, I'm only 18 but I don't want to lose my sight either :p
  19. JayBlue

    JayBlue Well-Known Member

  20. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    the day? it's 11th of november
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