Nickname: Gr8 1 Character: RAmar Name:??? (well im going to change it till i like the name lol) it's jin for now Friend Code: 1677 2357 8956 (US) ADD ME GIRLS !!!!!!! ^_^ ...... and guys PM me if u plz XD
Hey Guys, My Character's name is Atieh - Lvl 14. Nickname : veinZ ( with a capital Z ). Friend Code : 3524-2233-3622. I added every one of you, so please add me too. It took me so long..soo lol Respect to all players.
To exchange friend codes on FREE PLAY, you can codify your friend code as LETTERS, and use the code as the CHARACTER NAME. In that way, all players on FREE PLAY will able to DECODIFYIN the LETTER CODE and add you on the friend roster. The trick is easy, so you know that you CANT upload your REAL FRIEND CODE as a character name on WI-FI, but if you replace each NUMBER as a LETTER, you CAN DO IT and you will be able to share your code to other FREE PLAYERS. You can REPLACE a number by the letter below it... So, instead of write the number 1, you need to write the letter A, for the number two is the letter B, for three is C an so on.... the number zero is the last one, so it will be named J. Example: this is a FRIEND CODE: 5328-1011-9472, so the character name should it be : ECBHAJAAiDGB IF YOU SEE, IS EASY TO RECOGNIZE WHEN SOMEBODY IS USING THIS IDEA TO SHARE THE FC. YOU CAN CHECK THIS IMAGE FOR MORE INFO: