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Pet names!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lostinamimebox, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i have a cat named kat and a kitten named lilly although i think she will start responding to the names aaarrrgghhh, f**k off and f**king kitten.
  2. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    Too many here to section out, but there are about 9 cats (5 are about to find new homes very soon) and thats also not counting the 5 "visitors" outside and I also have a Boston Terrier and an elderly (8 year old) Pit Bull

    But I guess my favorites are my 2 twin Bombay cats they are 8 months old and they already weigh in at 7-8lbs each and are still growing! Plus they are without a doubt expert ninjas. I named them Loki and Thor but Thor gets called "mouth" a lot as he likes to "talk" to you. I think I figured out who their daddy is as he came to "visit" and i was outside and finally got him to come to me and I got to pick him up for a minute he is a Bombay and I swear he weighs 15lbs or more his head is about the size of a softball hes not fat he is just HUGE and if thats the Twins daddy I am going to end up with 2 monster sized ninja cats when they are full grown.
  3. Renan_XIII

    Renan_XIII Member

    I have one dog named Lilly, she's a Yorkshire poodle! And I used to have a hamster named fabio but he's not with us anymore :(
  4. sparxxraps

    sparxxraps Well-Known Member

    I have 2 cats Boots girl little over a year and socks girl about 6 months old and 2 dogs cupcake and Nola cupcake is a full blooded golden retriever and Nola is half black lab half cocker spaniel and i have a gerbil named jack
  5. Mon937

    Mon937 Member

    Let's see...My sis has had 3 gerbils: Star, Moon, and Sun (all deceased), my stepdad had a dog, Raven, that we had to give away, my sis has a dog, Jazz, that annoys the ever living daylights outta me, 2 cats, Mystique and Taz, both ran away (though Taz more like went "mysteriously missing" when we left him alone with mom for a weekend), and uh...I think that's about it. As you can see, my family shouldn't be allowed to have pets ^^'
  6. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    11 years old?! wow.
    Post Merge: [time]1260083034[/time]
    she looks evil =(
    Post Merge: [time]1260083061[/time]
    aww lion cubs i sooo love animals
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    There is an older thread similar to this one but since the rules of Necro posting have changed it's better if I just post here.

    Anyway, we have Five dogs here three of whom are females & two are males.

    We have a sort of tradition here at home where if we get a new female dog we name her after a female celebrity who at the time of the dog's arrival is very popular.

    Sorry if I don't have photos to show you guys, but anyway.

    One of them is a mixed breed female of a Japanese Spitz & a Maltese who we named Rochelle. She was named after Rochelle Pangilinan a former member (that is she frequently leaves her group from time to time) of the singer/dance troop "The Sexbomb Girls".

    Two half breed Dalmatians who are a mother & daughter named Maui & Ashley. Maui was named after Maui Taylor a former sexy actress (that is she starred in NC-17 or R-18) movies. Ashley was named after Ashley Tisdale :D

    We never had such a "tradition" when it came to male dogs until recently when we got another half bred male Dalmatian. Actually he was just given a celebrity's name because of her sister. He was given to us along with a female, his sister but his sister got ill one day & died :( Because we named the female the name of a celebrity we "had to" name the male after one too. His name is Dingdong from DingDong Dantes & his sister was Marian who we named after Marian Rivera. Those two Dingdong Dantes & Marian Rivera are a celebrity couple, a love team if you may who are still very popular these days here in my country.

    The other male, a black Labrador we named Bingo, simply because of the children's song "Bingo"

    And we also have an Orange Marmalade cat named Kiko, he was named after the place where I found him which is the local Market near my house.
  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    They aren't cubs any more, Achee is about 8 years old. (lions reach sexual maturity at around 18 months - 2 years). Ma juah is of unknown age, but suspected to be similar.
  9. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    OIC, well i suppose they're still cute ^_^
  10. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    They'd eat you if they could ::)
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    loony post that picture with one of your lionesses chowing down on what looked like a human thigh bone for crimson089 ;D
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

  13. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    ^LOL! Nom, nom, nom!
  14. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Damn my ten year old Labrador just died this morning :(

    You know how sad/ironic things get like before I left for University this morning I fed & played with him, then when I got home a few hours later I saw him seemingly asleep at our front gate as he always does but he didn't greet me when I came in, heck he didn't even bark like he normally does even if I was still a street away from our home :( You see our dogs go nuts whenever they feel our presence even if we're still a street corner's way from our house, it's their dog senses at work :)

    But I wasn't entirely surprised though, because he was being so quiet for over a week now, making me notice that something might be wrong. So yeah I bid my final good byes with him as I laid him to rest at our own pet cemetery (because we've laid countless dogs & cats there over the years :( ) beside where his mother was located.

    :( *Sigh, such is the cycle of life :)
  15. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Sad... :(
    I remeber when my Dalmatian died... He was such an intelligent dog :(
  16. stirgo1212

    stirgo1212 Well-Known Member

    Lili, my dogs name shes 4 on the 31st of december

    got a vid on youtube
  17. noitenshi

    noitenshi Well-Known Member

    I happen to have a picture of my rotti before he kicked the bucket. I grew attached to him before he left us and it hurt when he did. He was a good dog, although the picture isn't so much. Here he is: [​IMG] Anyway, his name was Mu, which was short for Maruchi.
  18. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    you should have brought him to the vet when he was quiet for over a week. that was really sad though.
    Post Merge: [time]1260448320[/time]
    yikes. uhmm... kawaiiii?? this cat sure have 15 lives
  19. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    i have 7 chickens mine is called eggnog(white leghorn)my wifes is called dusty my daughters is called chicken chops and the other four ex battery hens are called sally /scratchy/raptor and'roasty' coz it dont lay eggs so i warned it it will get eaten if it doesnt start laying muhahhaha
  20. littlekiwibird

    littlekiwibird Active Member

    I've a 14-almost-15 year-old kitten (yes, she's still a kitten for me, no matter how old she is ^^) named Luna (after Sailor Moon - I got her for my 10th birthday). My dad says she's my cat-twin, because she's as bitchy as I am, and she's got black lines around her eyes that match my eyeliner - which makes me laugh a lot because I only realized it quite recently!

    Here's a pic
