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Personal Rules and moral standards when it comes to roms?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DriftNinja, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Do you even have an iPod insane? Updating your firmware via iTunes doesn't wreck anything. And plus it's not always good to update when you have things modded.
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I have two iPods, and my 40 GB one is totally screwed because I updated it to its latest one. (which is still quite old).

    I was doing fine with it until I updated.

    I also might add that the PS3 updates are flaky and does anyone remember one of the newer updates that bricks the system?
    I only update if one of my games require it.
  3. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Sticking to the main topic, I try to download games when I can't afford to buy the original. Games can be really expensive and I seriously cannot afford to buy all the games I want so I only buy the ones that are really really good and worth it, and download others that are not as important. I download games for systems which I do not own.
    As for music, I am of the same opinion as Winter and DO NOT buy from stores as the band hardly gets any money out of that. In fact, that money goes to the store itself, as they own the CD's and have purchased them from the record label. Thus music piracy is primarily affecting stores and only indirectly the artists themselves. I download my music and will order an album if it is really good or if it is by ma favourite bands.
  4. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    I don't own any consoles. I'm a PC guy. I haven't bought a game in years, mainly because most games don't interest me enough any more.

    The few games I still do play I bought. 2D zelda games I download, because I don't have the systems. PS2 won't run on my pc. For PSX I've only played final fantasy. NDS is also too slow to run on PC. Older systems like SNES and Genesis are for nostalgia. Plus I'm a collector. I like a complete collection, but I don't actually play them. I'd rather do something with it, like telling Seph to put them on a website.

    As for morals, software is just software and can be copied. Stop trying to prevent something that is fundamentally made to copy. Make the hardware count (wii, nds).
  5. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    ROM downloading doesn't really phase me that much. All the ROMs I've downloaded have been for NES/SNES/NDS and I have given Nintendo TONS of my money over the years. (Own everything from them aside from the NDS Phat and Wii.) And being a student I don't have the money to pay $30 every time they come out with a game I want to play for a week and then have beaten it. Some games just as the Kirby Super Stars remake I WILL buy because it is a game I know I will love (Have the original) and I'll probably be too impatient to wait for the ROM! :p I know that it isn't really 'proper' or 'legal' to get these games for free but they have made enough profit off of my that it won't be a problem. And it isn't like we're stealing the physical product that they have to keep producing. We're helping the environment by only needing one plastic card instead of hundreds! ;D
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i also said this. bands are finding shop sales have gone down but they have more fans, piracy in the music world to touring bands is almost free publicity and some bands have even been known to leek the album them selves.
    more people listen to there music the more merch and ticket sales they get and half the time at gigs you can pick up EP's that will never go to the shops.
  7. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Yes you did say it. My bad dude. You are totally right. Bands don't really care too much hey. If I was in a big band, I would be happy for people to hear my music and download it. That way you get publicity and your name gets bigger. More people come to shows, buy merch etc.
  8. libsielibsie

    libsielibsie Member

    Well, I download almost everything.. Hehehe. that's because my cousins are so pushy. They push me a lot. Ouch...
    they are three siblings who doesn't wanna share!
    talk about selfishness there.
    good thing I didn't grow up like that...
    do you wanna borrow my games?... nah... :p

    My rule:
    I only buy games which I really like and would be willing to play again after a year or so....
    I am a very sentimental person so I actually treat my bought games as treasures... :'(