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Perfect body question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Libbie, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    My girlfriend is like me. We both Refuse to get our pictures taken.

    The Camera Will steal our Souls.
    Me and her thought that for about a month.

    We still don't like cameras with in picture range.
  2. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's one of the only good ones i have as she hate her picture taken

    it was taken at my brothers wedding and the photographers were like snipers they went round talking to people and just snapping away at real life rather then cheesy wedding photo's you normally get.
  3. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Section mods have limited control over all other sections. We can lock, sticky, but not move topics.
  4. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Who's girlfriends here play games?

    Mine likes to play the brain training series so my DS goes missing for about a week at a time. She's also quite partial to some Rainbow Six Vegas, Guitar Hero, Rock Band and Burnout.

  5. Libbie

    Libbie Member

    I play games, but am not someone's girlfriend... does that count?
  6. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Yeah it counts. ;D
  7. loopydsfan

    loopydsfan Well-Known Member

    I'm someones wife and love playing games, does that count?
  8. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Count towards what?

    And to answer the question addressed to me, i'm 6ft 2 and a half and i'm still growing ;D

    Also, most guys like girls who like stuff they like, and most guys like girls who aren't perfect but look reasonably attractive and a fun personality
    I guess it's vice-versa for girls...
  9. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    Ok to clear things up. Everyone of the female gender who plays games is viable to count. :)

    Also you have to remember personality is paramount in a relationship, now I'm stuck trying to find the words for the next bit so don't flame if it comes out wrong. You could have the most beautiful girl in the world but if you can't hold a decent conversation and you have nothing in common then whats the point? Don't try to go out with someone to impress someone else e.g. family, friends, co-workers. I don't know what sort of language is accepted on these forums so I'll censor myself. F**k everyone else, as long as your happy what else matters? You can't base a relationship purely on sex, those kind of relationships tend to end in a heartbeat. You want someone who you think is beautiful and not what the magazines say is beautiful. It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like there will always be someone for you.

    After that deep insightful paragraph with lots of long words I think I'll end this post.

    This post was in no way directed at anyone I was purely making a statement. Don't get bitchy.
  10. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i think that nearly all people in magazines and the press that a depicted to be attractive are disgusting
  11. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    I agree, all the glossy magazines that depict women as perfect sex symbols only cause real women to have a very low self esteem. Some women try to pursue this perfect body and try to be like the digital altered cover girls, and what does this lead to? Anorexia, depression, suicide. I suppose it's just a way to advertise products like makeup. What a sad world we live in.

    In a perfect world there is no such thing as perfection.
  12. Libbie

    Libbie Member

    Well you guys certainly win in the best answer to my question competition, to be honest i wasn't really expecting much, just a general "i like boobs" kind of topic. I think instant attraction helps but sure, if you don't have anything to say to each other then it's never going to develop. I don't think guys and girls are that different in that though, I definitely am more attracted to people who like the same things as me. The fact that someone likes Tool is a step in the right direction instantly. Is that as superficial as liking someone for what they look like?
  13. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

    If you didn't look for people who liked the same sort of things as you you would be going out with someone who you have no interest in at all and it would all be over very quickly. If your going out with someone purely because of looks there is nothing more shallow.

    Question, what is tool?

    Secondly, boobs are fun.
    Also with boobs, anything more than a handful is a waste. :)
  14. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You joker....
  15. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i used to say this but it is only a quote from a man who has not had more.

    but i have always found with people i've fallen in love with that the person i love is my type at the time if you get what i mean
  16. sniper5252

    sniper5252 Active Member

  17. Libbie

    Libbie Member

    Tool is a band, the best band, give them a listen!

    Secondly, i have more than a handful, and never had any complaints!
  18. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    lol thing is the chicks in glossy magazines dont really look like that, 99% of magazine models have wicked pimples, skin blemishes and countless other imperfections, ive seen homeless people that looks more beautiful than some of the models we use for magazines. Pictures of magazine girls are 1% human and 99% photoshopped.
  19. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    I am going to be a stereo-typical male and shout: I LIKE BOOBIES! :p
  20. vhiznu

    vhiznu Well-Known Member

    for man or woman...?
    Man : well..tall enough...about enough weight...square breast...six pack stomach...clean looks!
    Woman : white...big boobs...big butt...long nice silky hair...geogeus looks...latex/uniform dress...hot voice! Wooow!
    am i a pervert or what..... :'(