Except 3 there's no Button mashing... Or was there? I can't remember. Then was there one in Portable Ops? I haven't played that in ages. And as for MGS4 there wasn't really a torture, but gratuitous pushing of the Triangle button.
BECAUSE IT'S A CONSIPRACY. Solidus, Liquid, and Solid Snake are all three parts of the triforce, and big boss is the ultimate unity of the three. DURRR!!
yeah, there was a button smashing in 3 and in portable ops. I hated it in MGS 2, in extreme, the button smashing, OMG, I remember i ruined my controller with that!!
Anybody unlock side Op 62? In that one there's ghosts everywhere, and you have to revive some guys, and apparently if you spam codec you can contact The End, and you can unlock "Neo Moss" Camo, which has the best Camo Index of every weapon, being all As and Ss. EDIT: How do you equip Fulton Round to the Charles Gustav? EDIT: OK, Extra Ops 118 is a BITCH. I really need some help here. People recommend the Charles Gustav, and the XFIM-92A, and then M60 (AP), I have the M60 (AP), the Charles Gustav, but only a regular FIM-43, I only have level 52 R&D Staff. I figure I'll skim through my other groups and add any with a C or above rating to my R&D group and just throw the shitty ones in the R&D group elsewhere. EDIT: Just realized I've been calling the Carl Gustav the Charles Gustav this entire time. The Rocket Launcher is named after the armament firm "Bofors Carl Gustaf", which itself is actually named after Charles X Gustav, the King of Sweden from 1654 until he died (Yay history class!). So I guess both would be right.
i beat ops 118 with rank 4, Lv.3 Carl Gustav, rank 4, Lv.3 RPG7, AP machine gun and supply marker. also to get fulton luncher (carl gustav with fulton rounds) you need to beat ex ops 98. as for unlocking mission, well i dont know i just play as i go and eventually i unlock all the mission.
to unlock missions EXO 14 > 22 > 67 > 103 > Main Op Zadornov search > 32 > 15 > 8 > 56 > 90 > 76 > Main Op Zadornov search > 42 > 19 > 95 > 39 > 35 > 106 > Main Op Zadornov search > 112 > 16 > 33 > 71 > 21 > 93 > 86 > Main Op Zadornov search > 63 > 74 > 57 > 59 > 84 > 40 > 82 > Main Op Zadornov search > 60 > 78 > 36 > 108 > 34 > 99 > Main Op Zadornov search > 116 > 17 > 101 > 110 > 43 > 97 > 118 > 23 > 24 > 105 > 25 > 70 > 26 > 27 > 94 > 44 > 41 > 77 > 20 > 89 > 55 > 79 > 9 > 66 > 73 > 107 > 58 > 61 > 92 > 62 > 100 > 64 > 65 > 87 > 111 > 45 > 46 > 102 > 47 > 48 > 91 > 49 > 75 > 50 > 83 > 37 > 98 > 104 > 72 > 85 > 109 > 96 > 81 > 113 > 115 > 117 > 119 > 68 > 120. (missions 121 - 128 are all MH monsters missions) credits go to jillvalenti on gamefaqs
ya know, everytime i look at that guide, i want to cry.... well, not really, but it's frustrating to go thru all of that o_o
was it the part when it rushed you and shot drill missiles? i couldn't find a safe place to hide so i could recover HP since the leg always managed to toss me around like a football..
It's killed me numerous ways. One time it was doing the slide attack thing, so I took cover between two warehouses, went all the way back, and it's legs went THROUGH the warehouses, killing me instantly. And then other time's I've been downed by Drill Missiles, Missiles, and everything else...
that sounds just like me. i thought it looked like it went thru the warehouse but i guess it apparently did go thru it o-o
Firing Drill Missile, Firing Drill Missile, Lunching S mine, Lunching S mine, Firing Rocket Luncher. well the leg does go through the between warehouse but only near the entrance to that space, you should go deeper. if you still have trouble with this mission, go get Battle Dress with Helmet (beating Outer Ops, S+ or S++, i dont remember)