Yeah, I have a couple friends I could play with. I might have to give it a try. Thankfully I have a wired connection.
i still can't figure out how to get that fulton launcher... but i'm going to be busy with trinity universe, lots of dialog XD
damn, trinity universe already out? i too busy with peace walker to notice. anyway to get fulton luncher you need to unlock ex ops 98. its a tank battle, so its going to be really really boring.
Tank battles are easy. I just equip my Charles Gustave, my Stinger, and a machine gun, combat armor, and then Tactical Strike, and Supply Marker. And AT Mines of course. XD
Too many enemies than I can handle with a Tranquilizer Gun, and I don't like running out of ammo. I have plenty of hero points anyways.
where'd you get the stinger and at mines... ? i can't find those either. i prefer to capture tanks too. which kind of tank is it? the ones that shoot their cannon, or the ones with only a machine gun? please say machine gun!
I already have tons of good soldiers. So I'm good. I can't even remember where I got the Stinger and AT Mines. I was just playing, did a side mission or two, and it said "You got Stinger!", and "You got AT Mines!", and I'm like "Yaaay!". But sorry, I can't help you there. Just look it up. I guess. Also, I'm assuming the tank on level 96 is the kind with the cannon. The kind that are ASSHOLES. XD
stinger: FIM-43 Rank 3 FIM-43 Design Specs Complete Main Ops 12 XFIM-92A Rank 4 XFIM-92A Design Specs Outer Ops 5-8, 53-56 at mines: Anti-Tank Mine Anti-Tank Mine Design Specs Complete Extra Ops 029 -from for tank battles i usually go stealth n use non-lethal means but what do i do if i cant fulton all the enemies out? I have fulton balloons x13 and fulton sleep mines only any advice please?
if you have fulton ballons and fulton mine, you should able to fulton 33 soldier, providing you able to fulton 4 soldiers with fulton mine. i dont know any neat trick to us fulton mine, but i often hold everyone up and put the mine in the middle and snipe it from far away with mk22 or Mosin. if you are run out of fulton mine, in land battles, you can hold them up and try to get them run over by tank or whatever you are fighting. in chopper battle, i dont recommended to fight those with 36 soldier without fulton luncher.