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Discussion in 'Sony' started by olliebot, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    if you have a ps3 and a wired connection, you can use adhoc party to play with people "online"
    not quite sure how it works since i have a wireless connection >_>
  2. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    So how do you do that?

    EDIT: Unlock the M1911 A1 .45 ACP Pistol, and look at it in the model viewer. A certain something is missing from the gun. A certain... triggering mechanism, if you will. XD
  3. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    Holy shit, redo the cutscene where you check the vans for the nukes. Just do it. But don't go for the right one, look through the others first.
  4. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    download adhoc party from psp add-ons on your ps3, start it up and i'm pretty sure it gives you a message on what you need to do. i really have no idea.
    capturing a tank is a bitch, there's almost a shatload of soldiers coming out of that tank...
  5. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I heard that Ad-Hoc Party is Japan only... Like you'd have to make a Japanese Account on PSN to get it.

    Anyways, yeah, the tank was a pain. I went on one side mission where you destroy an APC, but I figured I'd try and capture it, well, I don't think I can. Troops keep pouring out the top. XD
  6. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    nope, it's also in america and i pretty much told ya where to check...

    yep, they do. i just caught my 3rd tank. first close capture was when it had 1 bar, i rocketed the captain in hopes that it'd just kill him, i was wrong and became pissed.
    i really don't understand the concept of capture, i eliminated all his troops and he didn't bring out anymore, and then i rocket his wheels and "son of a bitch!" pops and there he is... to receive his 2nd rocket to the face.
    now, i shall try to capture a Hind... how the bloody hell do i capture a moving chopper o_O

    EDIT: um, nvm, it was a lot easier than expected using and RPG and LAW...
  7. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Yeah, if you kill the pilot, the Hind will crash, if you Knock Out the Pilot, the Hind will crash. Helicopters aren't vehicles that will just simply land softly on the ground. :p
  8. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    it was unexpectedly easier and odd....
    i used a LAW and RPG to draw him out... he just sat in his cockpit which was incredibly easy to hit...

    i really wish i could go co-op, the tank box can actually shoot... well, only if i have another player under it...

    EDIT: OK, NOW i really wish i had co-op. first monster hunter quest is rathalos and he killed me several times...
  9. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

    But you can catch the helicopters. I did.
  10. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying you can't, I'm just speaking realistically. If you kill the pilot of a Helicopter in real life, it's not gonna gently drift to the ground, it's probably gonna fucking crash.
    Anyways, the Hind was easy. I equipped my RPG-2, and fired into it whenever the pilot was gonna drop off troops, and then I just needed to piss him off a bit so he could stick his head out the window.
  11. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    well, i just kept killing his troops and surprisingly not one person managed to land safely while was doing that :p
    then BAM! RPG to the nose of the heli. my 4th tank is going to be the KPZ which i am currently annoyed at getting :|
  12. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Actually....I just tried knocking out the pilot. It just landed softly on the ground. :p
    Using a missile launcher that uses Fulton Recovery as missiles makes it very easy. :p
  13. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    how did you get one of those o_O
    i really need that for those capture missions...

    anyone know how to get the battle suit?
  14. alexong96

    alexong96 Well-Known Member

    Hideo Kojima? :eek:

    I don't remember. The problem in using that is it'll cause unnecessary attention and it'll give away your location. I still prefer using CQC to smack them against the wall to take them out cold. XD
  15. olliebot

    olliebot Well-Known Member

  16. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    i'll risk that. the 2nd helicopter rains bombs and you're in the area where you capture the first tank so, yea, few places to hide after it bomb-fucks the empty building...
  17. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i finally get the game 2 days ago, and i got my camo PSP XD

    apparently the asia didnt get the entertainment pack, but instead we get a lesser version of Big Boss Bundle.

    so far, i'm at chapter 3
  18. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Sucks, only Americans, and I believe the Japanese get the camo one. I pre-order the game, totally psyched thinking "Ah yeah! I'm gonna have a sweet camo PSP, 4 gb stick, and a cool carrying case!" I get to EB and it's like "Here, have your green PSP, and 2gb stick." I already have a 4gb stick. I could have just pre-ordered the game special edition and use the other money for other games. The green PSP is nice, but I was pissed. Haven't even watched 2012 yet, because it's supposed to suck ass.
    The game is great though.
  19. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    ya it really sucks that only gamestop get the Big Boss Bundle, its like Sony have no idea what the market wants. Entertainment Pack is nothing but normal PSP with the game on it.

    well i i still get the Camo PSP, but i dont get those stuff in Big Boss Bundle.....

    my bundle is call Peace Walker Premium Pack, with Camo PSP, MGS PW and The Badges.

    i'm planing to get this -> Peace Walker Accessory Set when i got some extra cash.
  20. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    I did get the Camo Bandanna too, so that's cool, I guess.