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Parenting: Dealing with "Different" Kids

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Don't forget the "God fearing" people as well

    Man I wished we were Vulcans or Klingon instead ;D
  2. multy

    multy Member

    Never expected a thread like this in a gamer's forum... you're really something...

    Well... I am not a parent... but I do study medical and sometimes deal with these kids.

    1. It depends on the complexity (especially deaf-blind), physical disabilities is not a hindrance in one's life in my opinion. You lose sight... you gain sensitive ears... etc... all is balanced. I don't treat them specially... but I do pay heed to threats or special needs.

    2. Can be tough on the long run... but they can be trained in skills (cooking/singing, etc)... so lead them that way. Again... no special treatment. They are slow but not dumb. They are dumb because no one is teaching them anything...

    3. This is tough... if you have never seen it, you won't believe it. Extra patience and care is definitely needed. Well... other than that... they are just your average not so regular kids.

    4. Correct them... simple... at least that is what I will do. I would like to know the reason first though...
  3. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Well, I'm one of the regulars here who like to start topics that aren't just gaming related, because some of us here think of this place more of a chill out place than just someplace to sponge off games from the internet, as such, we like to open up topics that we feel like worth mentioning, even if most people can't actually relate.
  4. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    slow..... slow Dyslexia slow.....
    i have Dyslexia, not a major case but i have it i also have other problems like that, that make paper work hard but i'm the most intelligent in my class, i have the best social skills and the same test that told me i have Dyslexia told me that my practicle/visual skill (can't remeber for the life of me what the correct words are for them) is in the top 2.2 percent of the population.

    all of the issues listed just need time and effort.
    i am a parent i am also a trained childcare proffesional

    1. Children with physical dis-abilities like being deaf, blind, have deformities
    children like this who have time, love and encouragment put in to them can get just as far if not ferther in life then any "normal" person
    2. Children with learning Dis-abilities like Dyslexia
    this is bullshit, the only thing that holds these children back are the school system
    3. Children with Psycho-mental differences like Autism, ADHD or Tourettes
    again love, time and effort.
    4. Children with different sexual orientations
    who gives a flying f**k what they do with their jiggly bits. its their own life as long as they are happy and stay safe whats the problem.
  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Cahos cannot ban people here, so I don't know where you are getting that from. On the other hand, I can, and to me this looks like you are attacking one of our respected members. We respect people here regardless of disabilities, and I find this debate to be very interesting, especially considering the extent of my own disabilities. I do not wish to lock this thread, but if people attack and insult other members in it then I will have no choice.
  6. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    yeah give it a rest. i like the guy, and the posts he makes are interesting and i value him as a romulation member.
    even if there are any "lies" i've never seen any inconsistancies and even if that is the case he has never sought to gain anything from it so where is the problem. and nearly all of the posts are fun things so............ (urgh i so frustrated with people like you )

    you sound like such a lovely "friend" coming on the forum of a place where he is a well respected member and trying to stir up some shit. we have had people like you in here before and we don't like it. we are a loving community that doesn't need the poo that is spilling from your mouth.

    enough said.......
  7. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm, there's no need for that equity, if any of us continue to follow this "off topic" issue, we might be repremanded for it, & the thread might be locked for good.

    Anyway, just shows you how shallow people can be.
  8. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    ::) I have only one comment.

    lol. :D
  9. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    ( >.<) meh.
  10. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    Oh wow, I haven't heard a person who says something like this other than me. It is very true, no matter what people say or do there will be descrimination. As a parent you can't protect your child from it. It is up to the child to decide how to live with it. My mom is disabled so I know how descriminating people can be. When you use something like that as an excuse to divorce, the worst I've seen in my life.
  11. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Another divorce argument I heard is "he/she is infertile, so our marriage is worthless.."

    Humanity is so messed up... :p
  12. Fail

    Fail New Member

    I'd actually think that that should be the correct way to view a partnership like marriage. The sole purpose of a human is to reproduce and prevent the species from dying out.

    Like most others said, I'd treat a "different" child like I would a normal child. However, my actions would not correspond to my beliefs. In all honesty, I'd much rather abandon or otherwise get rid of a child that would not assist in the continued prosperity of the human species, simply because that is one of the instincts of animals (including humans, although our joke of a society does its best to re-educate us). I wouldn't actually attempt to do such to my children, because it's against our society's moral views.
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Human morality, a hypocracy in itself
  14. ruthlesscraigo

    ruthlesscraigo New Member

    i wont take ofence
  15. devinjulian

    devinjulian Well-Known Member

    Eh, yeah, that is the purpose of human life, though many don't want to believe so. Yet, I think it's not the only way to live life. I mean, maybe reproduction isn't the best thing in life...oh, wait, nevermind. What was I thinking?!~ :-\
  16. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Put them back ;D
    Only kidding...I'm not that heartless

    Of course you're going to raise and love a kid with a disability,
    just as if it was any other kid...
    Just look upon it as another of life's challenges that you
    and your child will be stronger for overcoming

    I'd also like to stress my belief that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice
    and as such...gay kids don't just magic themselves into existence...
    Sexual preference only becomes apparent in the late teens,
    as a result of life experiences untill that point...

    I'll be happy as long as my kids aren't ugly...
    But they won't be will they ;D
  17. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    its not just a life style choice it can also to be with hormones and it they can just be that way as some gay people come out to their parents and they are like yeah we know you've benn mincing about since you were 3
  18. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    It could also be hereditary, that is, if there are homosexuals in your family, chances are, in the next lineage, there will also be homosexuals.

    And don't forget the "more common form" of homosexual transition, turning homosexual by means of a traumatic, often sexual, experience. You know, becoming gay or lesbian because you were molested by one as a kid.

    And there is also, social influences, such as being the only girl in a family of mostly boys & vice versa.
  19. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Do you know how ridiculous you sound?
    We can debate whether it's a lifestyle choice or not,
    but to suggest that homosexuality is hereditary.....
    It's like your just picking theories out of the air...
  20. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    This is a copy of my Private Message to iamlegend , obviously I edited it, to NOT include the names of actual people who I used to give my argument on his post above this one.

    Anyway, as I said, homosexuality can be hereditary.

    And it's proven

    Now the reason I PMed you instead of posting this on the parenting thread is I am about to give you names of actual people & it is against the rules to drop names, I think. Plus some of the names I'll be giving are names of actual celebrities here in our country.

    So let me begin:

    There is a family of reknowned tough guy media men here, the *****s. Anyway, they are 5 brothers who all underwent training in the fields of para-military training, Police Surveillance, forensics & law. Four of them went on to become "hardened" investigative reporters who do sting operations revealing crimes like prostitution, drug trafficking, establishments not following protocols etcetera.

    Anyway, the fifth brother was considered the black sheep of the family because he was gay. Now, if you were a part of an all boy sibling family, where everyone was taught to become tough guys who lug beer & were trained to have no emotion by your parents who were also in the Military, how the hell could one turn gay? You can't keep saying, "well it's a life-style choice", how could you, if everyone won't let you? So there could be another factor at work. That's where Hereditary factors come into play.

    Now, when the gay brother turned 21 (that's the age where a man is considered "mature" enough to do what ever he wants here in the Philippines), he, along with his four brothers, went on National TV, on a talk show here.

    The four brothers had to go on National TV, because they had to resolve a nasty rumor that was being spread around by the corrupt politicians, Syndicate leaders & detractors that they were going after on their investigative shows. This rumor being, one of the brothers was gay. And, so on National TV, they settled this issue, by bringing out the fifth estranged brother who was gay. They blatantly admit that, that guy was indeed gay & they hated him for it. Growing up as kids, the four used to beat up the fifth brother for acting gay-ish, wearing their mom's dresses, acting un-snappy & at one time, was caught looking at nude photos of men on a gay magazine.

    Now on inquiry, they said that, he could have become gay because one of their grandparents had a brother who was gay, so he could have inherited the gay-ness from there. On their mother & father's generation, there weren't any gays or lesbians, so again, the life-style choice argument can't be used, as how on earth could the Fifth brother catch on the gayness from a distant, yet DIRECT descendant, unless it was passed on via hereditary factors.

    So you see, you should be open-minded to new & outrageous answers to such issues, just because it conflicts with your beliefs & religion, otherwise, it can only mean that you are a homophobe or something like that.