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Out of all of the things we all bootleg, what is somethings we shouldn't pirate?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by garychencool, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    wait, ebooks?
  2. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    any kind of scanning or using a pritning machien to amke copies of a physical book is considered borderline piracy, depends on what international alw current your country follows, and if they enforce AP projects.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    in most countries there's exceptions for academic use.
  4. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    nope, photocopy.
  5. hmfan

    hmfan Well-Known Member

    part of the thing with internet piracy, most of the MPAA and such don't really care if you download. because they don't target the downloaders. They target the ones uploading.

    as for the question, um... Good games in general. For me I say the dragon quest games, Golden Sun series, those sort of games. Music I don't respect and Movies I don't respect because they think they have gold when all they have is a steaming pile...
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually the MPAA and RIAA are notorious for targeting downloaders. they spam lawsuits in every direction not caring if the recipient is innocent or guilty and demand money to not take the case to court. It's basically blackmail.
  7. anthraxzxzx

    anthraxzxzx New Member

    Honestly I believe that we should pirate games so many publishers have put out excellent games over the years and they do not support them but yet will not re release them because they think that any time and effort they put into it will be wasted lets take system shock 2 for the pc i have contacted EA about it and I was told to just buy it off of Ebay what is the difference to them the IP holder, is it for me to pay $ 80 to some person and I might get it or download it for free.
    As for digital media in general I say you shouldn't pirate non-DRM games and games from start up companies (inde) they would feel it a lot more then EA or ubi soft ever would.
    Music go ahead its a well known fact that musicians do not get really any money from record sales ( this coming from a former musician).
    Movies hell go ahead if its the 300th sequel of a movie Hollywood just milks things dry if its a good movie support it by buying it so they can make a sequel out of it.
    And for the record I have been in the process of making a game started it in '05 and i think it wont take as long as Duke Nukem forever (the name Duke Nukem Forever was a dead giveaway on how long it would take) and I would make my game free of charge.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    There is actually no way to actually buy SS2 new, it's not on any Digital Download service, there's no way to actually give money to the publisher for the game and show support for the brand. And honestly the brand has turned into more or less Bioshock (the spiritual sequel).

    And shit, even pirating it, is a pain in the ass. Getting it to work on any modern day PC is quite an arduous effort.

    I agree but why not extend it to even big publishers? I mean, their money has to come from somewhere, right? Hell, there's arguably smaller games coming out from a lot of big publishers lately, I mean look at the XBLA or PSN.

    I'd love to hear your resume.

    This does not apply to every movie. C'mon. And not sure if srs.

    Heaven's Wings or whatever the fuck that game is called?

    For the record, I don't get angry when people actually pirate. I really don't, it doesn't affect me in any sort of way. The only thing that annoys me is that most pirates will justify their actions with poor excuses to show that pirating isn't actually 'that' bad. While most publishers will often exaggerate their claims of piracy, it's still a problem and it's part of a problem with consoles like the PSP and the Dreamcast. The PSP game's catalog is very bare when looking for quality games compared to the DS, while piracy isn't the only reason for this, there's not doubt in my mind that it isn't a part of it. Sony is determined to stomp it out with the PS3, and I honestly hope it works out in Sony's favor. And the Dreamcast partly died because of piracy (along with another myriad of things but that's a whole other story).

    Also the PC games market? Part of the reason the way it is now, is because of piracy, along with extreme DRM on the games. This is starting to extend to the consoles as well. While it isn't a very effective way in doing away the pirates, it's almost the only way besides online only features.

    As for movies, most people still watch movies in theatres. I like the atmosphere when the other patrons aren't batshit retarded.
  9. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    the gremlin movies, copy those, and i keel you!, I keel YOU dead!!!!