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Okamiden Help Topic

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by ax3llvsu, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Guradon

    Guradon New Member

    Do somebody know how I can get better weapons?
  2. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    i only saw one little girl on the village where you (chibiterasu) start, if you're talking about the same girl as i am you have to go to the house with the sake bottle on top of it, defeat the monsters inside and out, then talk to the big bottle inside, you'll be prompted to make a sun for the flower on top of it to bloom, you should see a cutscene where the guy flies off, take the bottle he gave you to the SOS chimney guy with all the items in the list he gave you, return to the village, go to the place where the bottle guy and the little girl are and watch the fireworks, once they are done you'll receive some prayers and you'll get the fireworks/bomb brush technique.

    i got a sword on the second dungeon.
  3. viral777

    viral777 Active Member

    so after i beat the 1st dungion wat do? ive restored the feild outside the starting village.
  4. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    Go to where the SOS smoke signs are coming from, talk to the guy inside, he'll ask for your help, and if i remember correctly give you a side mission (collect stuff to make fireworks, just need to battle demon flags that are red) go to the village you first started, then do what i said on my last post
  5. Harlequin_Boy

    Harlequin_Boy New Member

    I feel completely dumb.
    I just got to the village, talked to Sakura, repaired the cherry tree and now the whole village is gray.
    I don't read enough Kanji to figure out what I'm doing, so could someone one please help?

    I thought I was supposed to draw a sun, but I can't seem to do that.
  6. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    Get down from the cherry tree summit and go to the other side (left on the little fork where the kid and the dog are), go up to the wooden deck, there you can draw the sun.
  7. SushiSushi2

    SushiSushi2 Member

    Can you help me?I'm stuck, I bloomed 3 cherry trees so far, The village with Mr.Orange, The mountian with the frog boss, the big area between those two with Mr.Bombs

    Now I'm stuck Idk what to do I try to talk with Mr.Bomb to learn bomb tech but he's sleeping,Idk what I did i went to the village you begin the game from and went to the main house and it was full of monsters i cleared them and then putted sun outside then in the 2nd floor at the main house there was big flower And I talked to chibi Sakuya and now I'm realy stuck Idk what to do X.X Mr.Bomb still sleeps.. Please someone help me I'm confused

  8. Harlequin_Boy

    Harlequin_Boy New Member

    Bah, I thought so.
    I drew the sun fine earlier, but I cna't do it this time.
    I'ma gonna restart my game and hope it works the second time around. :/

    btw, it is patched.
    Thanks for the confirmation ^_^
  9. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Go back to the area where you cleared the monsters and you'll see a cutscene. Then go back to the SOS house and he'll give a a list of 5 items you need to get. You get these items by killing monsters that have a red circle on your map.
  10. SushiSushi2

    SushiSushi2 Member

    Thank you ^^
    I found all those stuff for him and talked with him and He gave me those "love" points and that's it.
    What do i do now?
  11. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    go back to the village you started and find the little girl (top left portion), you'll see the fireworks and will receive the fireworks/bomb brush technique.
  12. SushiSushi2

    SushiSushi2 Member

    Thanks,I advanced alot.
    Now im stuck in this Monster marketplace.
    Theres this monster guy there and he solds sword so I bought from him and when I try to use it,it asks for 3 parts.. 3 parts of what? im all confused now+There is blue spirit that won't let me advance,please help.
  13. Shadow_Aggron

    Shadow_Aggron New Member

    I'm stuck on the same part with the blue spirit next to the save mirror. I think i had to find 3 things in the marketplace which were 2 statues and a notice board and then I went back to the blue spirit but it gives me 3 questions to answer in kanji so I need help with this too. D:
  14. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    the answer to those 3 questions are on the objects you found, if i remember correctly the order to answer is middle (1st question), bottom (2nd question) then upper (3rd question).
  15. xicyacex

    xicyacex Well-Known Member

    I'm stuck right after you get slash. It's that part where the little boy just kinda goes off and you have to walk back down to the village. I can't go through any portals there.
  16. shiroiX

    shiroiX New Member

    After I got Kagura back I talked with Bluebeard and i think he told me to go to redbeard. Where is redbeard?
  17. CSL00

    CSL00 Well-Known Member

    That's AP, you'll have to patch or get a pre-patched rom.