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oh crap,nintendo is in trouble with sony's motion controller

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. MR4Y

    MR4Y Well-Known Member

    A new way to play games. With a lightbulb on top of a stick....
  2. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    AKA Flashlight :p
  3. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    Well i agree with what you said here. They could have made more quality games, but the thing is that they're trying to go on with the innovative titles (Wii Music, vitality sensor(lol), etc) but those were regarded as failures. So it's not like they weren't trying to release quality titles, its simply the public not accepting their games as quality titles.
  4. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    More like they want us to like their releases only XD
  5. ultra

    ultra Guest

    how would you explain the situation with manhunt 2?! rockstar made a game about killing people and made use of the wii remote mimicking the killing motion. nintendo didn't prevented them from making the game. it was only censored when the media made a big fuss about the grand theft auto hot coffee patch which got politicians hyped up and it forced the game into adult rating. not nintendo's doing and can't be blamed on nintendo. so in no instance there has been a moment on the wii where nintendo prevented developers from making a game they wanted.

    street fighter 4 could be on the wii as capcom made an iphone version and you have that tatsunoko vs capcom title. but capcom refused to make one for the wii. similary, resident evil 5 could be on the wii, but capcom refuse to make it.

    heck, how do you explain guitar hero world tour where the developers manage to make downloadables possible?!

    btw, how do you explain the balance board?!
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    I really doubt RE 5 could work on the Wii

    Plus RE4 > 5
  7. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    {following was typed up around 5-6 hours ago, but pc decided to crap out because of some issues}

    Well, one; I never bothered with Manhunt series, as I could never get a working xbox for more than 10 minutes, then comes the part about being broke and unable to mod the racist console(if it was on PSX/PS2, I never bothered with it as I never owned anything aside from a PSP)
    Two; GTA hype...never cared enough to read into it.
    Three; Street Fighter is more of an Xbox/Playstation mainstream game now(though I could never find the PSX /2/3 controller comfortable compared to the other two systems, hence why I never got one)
    Four; DLC and WiiWare/Vconsole/things
    Lastly; Balance board is meant for something greater, they're just waiting on a few more sales before they decide to announce it
  8. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    what ultra is trying to say though is that Nintendo DID try having games that are not really kiddie-friendly, but it just didn't work out.