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Official "This website seized by feds" Graphic

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by UltraSword, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    The UK just recently said they would not allow copyright infringement to become a federal crime. Most likely European countries are going to be like this. It's primarily the US politicians who are in the pocketbooks of the industry.
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    that doesnt necessarily mean anything, Scotland has a devolved government which is independent of the Westminister government.
  3. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I'm Bubba. :-*

    Yes I admit I overreacted, but hell I am sitting on a lot of illegal shit (yes I know RomU has more) that can really send me up the creek for quite awhile but more I thought about it, in reality I can not see any ISP spending extra money let alone the time watching everyone 24/7 using their services especially in large cities as you know they would raise the prices for the services and eventually would lose customers. Plus if anyone has access to a laptop and close to a wifi hotspot what to stop them from getting caught downloading? A friend of mine just today went the local library with his laptop sat in the parking lot and downloaded some roms and some emulators for his PSP (his net was down at home is the main reason he done this) the funny thing is inside you cannot access a lot of sites which tells me they blocked it on the actual computers and not the connections (if that's even possible).