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Official Monster Rancher (U) Help Thread

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by unqiueninja, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. that3d-trapezoid

    that3d-trapezoid Well-Known Member

    Both wrong.
    Intelligence boosts damage of green-colored techniques, while Power boosts yellow-colored techniques. What you increase is entirely up to you (and the techset you wish to use).
    I've also read in-game that increasing one parameter will up your defense against that type of attack (i.e. have max Power and you get increased defense against Power-based techniques), but I'm not sure if it's true.

    Speed increases only your dodge rate. If you have high speed, chances are you'll only get hit by highly accurate attacks, or opponents with high Skill/Accuracy stat.

    Both the movement speed and guts recovery rate of a monster is predetermined by its breed, and IS NOT affected by any of the 6 parameters.
  2. Yes, increasing your Pow/Int WILL increase your defense against that type of damage, and although only slight at first, it tends to play a giant role once you hit S rank, where if you have less than 100-200 in either, you will be rolled if you get hit.

    And which one you focus on however, is entirely Dependant up to what monster you have, and what skillset you want to use. I had a Phoenix/Joker I believe, and went almost pure INT till much later. Likewise I also had a Tiger/Dragon that I went pure pow on. It all depends on what kind of monster you have. You will be able to tell if they are some of the ones that are only good in certain areas, but that almost always depends on the subtype, and available skillset.

    Also, with the introduction of defensive positions, speed is largely useless as the poster above is correct, and all it does it change dodge rate, and if you simply swap to your second skillset, which you may or may not have set up with defensive blocks (I had LxS and xMx to assure I had an empty spot on matter what) then you have +15% avoid-ability on average, which lets you put that time into training more useful stats... Like Skill. o_o