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OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b00bage, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Geez, give it a bit to show up :p
  2. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    [16:58] <Akane> Protect your slytherin from her hogwarts while you are in her chamber of secrets.
    [17:02] <~Seph> I'd rather just slytherin Hermione.
  3. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

  4. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <Petey> chill bro
    <Littlekill> dont say bro
    <Littlekill> its insulting
    <Honey_Badger> bro
    <Dino> dudebro
    <Dino> bau5
    <Honey_Badger> brofist
    <Dino> lik a bau5
    * Honey_Badger is now known as Honey_BROger
    * You are now known as Brono
    * You are now known as BROntosaurus
    * Fenrir is now known as BROdin
    <BROntosaurus> nice one
    <BROntosaurus> i think i've heard that somewhere 
    <BROdin> proably me
    <Honey_BROger> that's so browesome
    <BROdin> probably, even
    <BROntosaurus> maybe
    <BROdin> BROseidon
    <BROntosaurus> i thought it was in a webcomic
    <BROdin> BROmetheus
    <BROdin> BROki
    <BROntosaurus> BROki
    <BROntosaurus> ah
    <Honey_BROger> BROthena
    <BROntosaurus> ApolBRO
    <Honey_BROger> BROmander
    <BROdin> Riders of BROhan
    <BROdin> BROdo Baggins
    <Honey_BROger> Harry BROtter
    <BROntosaurus> BROn
    <Honey_BROger> LittleBRO
    <Honey_BROger> BROnom
    <Honey_BROger> BROmus
  5. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Sure is BRO around here.

    Also, you forgot BROnius.
    Just saying,.
  6. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    11:07:46	FacePoppies	oh my god
    11:07:54	FacePoppies	sid meier's pirates is on ipad
    11:08:01	FacePoppies	goodbye attention span
    11:10:23	Reider	You have one of those?
    11:11:11	FacePoppies	huh?

    21:01:23	Joben	who cares about the logic
    21:01:27	Joben	just suck each others penis
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <Dino> Did they cancel universe too
    [Reider] They canceled universe before they canceled legends 3
    <Dino> Ah
    <Dino> That looked so good
    <Dino> I wonder why their killing one of their best franchises
    <Dino> Oops
    *** JustBeingHonest ([email protected]) has quit IRC [Quit:]
    [Reider] Looks like you killed him
    <Dino> Stupid disconnect button on a touch screen isn't a great idea
    <Dino> Good
    [Reider] You should hook me up with that disconnect button
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <Littlekill> REIDER SO DUMB LOLOL
    *** Mode change [+b *!*@lk.ism] on #romulation by ChanServ
    *** ChanServ has kicked Littlekill from #romulation [Requested]
     <Littlekill> http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=53759.msg1287110#msg1287110
     [Reider] heh
     <Dino> wat
     [Reider] He posted that after he got kicked?
     <Dino> http://puu.sh/3MWu
     [Reider] hahahaha
  10. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    * Now talking in #romulation
    * Topic is 'Welcome to the un-official RomUlation.net dating channel. Today is the 32rd. Because fuck you that's why!'
    * Set by Seph on Wed Jul 20 01:44:16
    <Littlekill> WHAT A HOMO
    <@Reider> I'll add that up there
    <Littlekill> up where
    <Littlekill> your anus?
    <Littlekill> you fag
  11. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    On tablet, so I have license to talk like a moron
  12. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    You're lucky you're using an Android tablet, on a junkpad, you'd get NO mercy from anyone.
    dailup, lol
  13. NeoStriker

    NeoStriker Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    No really, only two pages?
  14. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Reider deleted the last one through some blind act of fury.
    At least that's the excuse we came up and went with, I think it was one of the other forum moderators that did it, though.
  15. NeoStriker

    NeoStriker Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    And you're not completely outraged?
  16. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Now, why would I need to be Outrage?
    most of that shit, I wasn't there for, but the times I WAS on RomU, I was there for most, if not all of these 'memories'. You're not missing much unless you're part of the crew.
  17. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    I AM

    I remind Reider every day hes a fucking idiot
  18. kanwarrulz_123

    kanwarrulz_123 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    I will be up for IRC now.. !! I have just got the irc client can't wait to talk to you guys.>!
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Are you kidding? If we could lynch someone over the internet we would have done so on him.

    Also pretty much everyone on this forum but it's gotta be one step at a time yadidimean
  20. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Oh, I suppose I was SUPPOSED to be enraged...
    Well, then.