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OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b00bage, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.


  2. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    I'm still pissed that "Fingers on the Foot" was never accepted.
  3. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    03:43:47: <babydriz> I think we should move on
    03:43:51: <dino> hell i yelled at my mom on the phone today
    03:43:53: <babydriz> and find something new to complain about
    03:43:55: <Joben> You're kind of a fucking idiot to be talking about this again
    03:44:00: <Joben> Whoever started
    03:44:13: <Justin> i love android btw
    03:44:26: <Fenrir> I do too, babydriz
    03:44:41: <dino> Joben: i started
    03:44:56: <dino> because why not
    03:44:58: <Fenrir> let's talk about the garbage collectors fucking up setting trash bins down
    03:44:59: <Justin> Dino, you got a smartphone?
    03:45:06: <dino> Justin: yeah i have a desire
    03:45:15: <Justin> Fenrir: THEY FUCKED UP MY LID ON MY TRASH CAN!
    03:45:23: <Littlekill> SHUT THE FUCK UP
    03:45:31: <Justin> Dino: Coo! i got a droid X. fucking hate how motorola locks shit down though.
    03:45:36: <Justin> NO U
    03:45:49: <Littlekill> are you still with your girlfriend
    03:45:57: <babydriz> when you live in a trash can
    03:45:59: <babydriz> this shit is a big deal
    03:46:01: <Justin> that was like 3 years ago lmao
    03:46:09: <Littlekill> so is that a no
    03:46:13: <Oscar> THEY DINGED MY HOUSE
  4. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <Fenrir> tehuber1337
    <Fenrir> we're sending you poptarts
    <tehuber1337> Fenrir
    <tehuber1337> I'm sending you mailbombs
    <Fenrir> we're packaging the poptarts with mortal kombat
    <Fenrir> so you have something to play while you eat them
    <Fenrir> also jail
    <tehuber1337> I'm packaging the mailbombs with anthrax
    <Honey_Badger> have you been to Cinnabon?
    <tehuber1337> So you have something to eat while you die
    Post Merge: [time]1303356219[/time]
    * Reider ([email protected]) has joined #romulation
    * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Reider
    <Reider> Hi fags
    <Seph> What about the rest of us?
    <Littlekill> indeed
    <Littlekill> how rude
    <Reider> Alright, alright
    <Reider> Hello jizzbag and cockmongler.
    <daedalus> mighty nice of you to include everyone
  5. daedalus02

    daedalus02 Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    [09:54pm] <Petey_iPhone4_> For that I shall stay on for a bit longer
    [09:54pm] <Petey_iPhone4_> Thx 4 p3ptalk
    [09:56pm] <+Dino> i like how it takes you longer to type like a retard on your ipad than it does normally
    [09:57pm] <Littlekill> be nice
    [09:57pm] <Littlekill> maaaan
    [09:58pm] <Petey_iPhone4_> Just 4 u
    [09:58pm] <Petey_iPhone4_> How do u know I'm not on my phone
    [09:58pm] <Petey_iPhone4_> Aka my android device
    [09:58pm] <Littlekill> your crazy name
  6. Littlekill

    Littlekill Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <@Reider> Seph: My pleasure
    <Littlekill> Seph isnt here
    <Littlekill> LOL WHAT AN IDIOT
    * Reider sets mode: +b Littlekill!*@*


    Remnoca played no part in anything
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    He did say to do what I want before I left however.
  8. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    That explains...EVERYTHING
  9. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    15:57	Remnoca	WHAT what are cuticles?
    15:58	Honey_Bager	it's a part of your fingernail
    15:58	Littlekill	look at your nail
    15:58	Sarra	the bits of skin on your nails
    15:58	Littlekill	the skin like part
    15:58	Littlekill	where your nail begins
    15:58	Honey_Bager	also known as Eponychium
    15:59	Fenrir	congratulations, Mr.Wikipedia
    16:00	Honey_Bager	fuck you
  10. Omega_2

    Omega_2 Strings Cat

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    we should have his name changed to Mr.Wikipedia
  11. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    23:08	Fenrir    http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkch0i5KE01qbnvpao1_400.jpg wat
    23:10	Littlekill	dont fuck with me like that
    23:10	Fenrir	lol
    23:10	Joben	haha
    23:11	Honey_Badger	 http://i.imgur.com/zqyqd.jpg
    23:11	Honey_Badger	earth looks better that way
    23:11		*** darkdays quit (Quit: )
    23:12	Littlekill	pretty interesting
    23:12	Littlekill	we could flip it that way
    23:12	Littlekill	and everything would be the same pretty much
    23:12	Littlekill	space would still look the same
    23:13	Honey_Badger	yup
    23:13	Littlekill	just mirrored
    23:13	Omega_2	it's space, what would you expect
    23:13	Honey_Badger	magnetic north doesn't need to up
    23:13	Honey_Badger	to be*
    23:13	Littlekill	we very well could of easilly called that south
    23:14	Joben	we very well could call you a FAGGOT
    23:14	Omega_2	clearly, you're holding that compass wrong 
    23:15	Honey_Badger	what's wrong with being a faggot joben?
    23:15	Honey_Badger	there's nothing wrong with homosexuals
    23:15	Fenrir	is there another kind of joben?
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    [00:19] [Reider] Story time!
    [00:19] [Reider] So, I'm sitting here eating a klondike bar and the fucking thing explodes all over my hand.
    [00:20] <Omega_2> goddamned trap snacks
    [00:20] [Reider] I'm licking the vanilla ice cream off and my mother comes in and she sees me licking the ice cream off and she also sees a chick in a bikini on the monitor.
    [00:20] <Fenrir> the fucking thing?
    [00:20] <Anbu15> Reider: you didn't do enough for a klondike bar.
    [00:20] <Omega_2> lol
    [00:20] <Fenrir> is that what you were doing for a klondike bar?
    [00:20] <Fenrir> oh
    [00:20] <Fenrir> oh god
    [00:20] <Anbu15> lmao.
    [00:20] <Fenrir> I think I can see where this is going
    [00:21] <Fenrir> did your mom lick it off for you
    [00:21] [Reider] She didn't say anything.
    [00:21] <Fenrir> and act all disappointed when it wasn't semen?
    [00:21] [Reider] Just turned around and left.
    [00:21] <Fenrir> ABOUT FACE
    [00:21] <Omega_2> "ok, fuck this."
    [00:21] [Reider] I'm laughing about it too hard to bother correcting her.
  13. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    20:45	Fenrir	 oh look it's littlekill http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llvbi7U4Pp1qcecwvo1_500.jpg
    20:46	Sarra	HAHA
    20:46	Sarra	oh fenrir
    20:47	Littlekill	so pretty
    20:47	Honey_Badger	oh fenrir, please cum on my breasts
    19:55	FacePoppies	I had a great idea for a book
    19:55	Fenrir	oh yeah
    19:55	Metris	Nah, I only read faces <3
    19:55	Fenrir	you have a shotgunner somewhere
    19:55	Rem	There's so many factors that change thing, it's like the chaos theory.
    19:55	daedalus	and 6 enemies
    19:55	Fenrir	get him in that room
    19:55	daedalus	well i tried
    19:55	Fenrir	because you'll need him
    19:55	Joben	that's why they're so annoying Rem 
    19:55	Fenrir	try harder lol
    19:55	FacePoppies	check this out: two bros do an epic high five that's so powerful that the shockwaves change history
    19:56	Metris	That's the idea for the book? My advice; Don't write it.
    19:56	FacePoppies	like, the scene jumps back to world war two, where hitler and churchill are meeting, and things are tense, and hitler does his hiel hitler thing and suddenly churchill feels the shockwave and high fives hitler
    19:56	FacePoppies	ww2 is ended and europe is united in brodom
    19:56	Fenrir	FacePoppies: is this like, a Captain Underpants book?
    19:56	FacePoppies	no it's a serious book
    19:57	Joben	I'll just stick my penis into my own butt hole
    19:57	Fenrir	you just talked about churchill high fiving hitler
    19:57	FacePoppies	yeah
    19:57	Fenrir	it doesn't sound like a serious book
    19:57	FacePoppies	it's very serious
    19:57	FacePoppies	it explores the nature of time and how history is as much a part of the present as the present is a part of tomorrow
    19:58	FacePoppies	right now, there are hitlers high fiving churchills in 20 different universes
    19:58	Joben	i bet there's a universe where hitler is a cool guy
    19:58	Lawr	  I want to go to Universe Prime
    19:58	Joben	fighting dinosaurs and evil gorillas
    19:58	Lawr	  and change everything
    19:58	FacePoppies	oh that's definitely happening
    19:59	FacePoppies	there's a universe where gorillas have mastered the high five before mankind and are now the dominant species
  14. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    20:49	Dino	i like how the fork goes right into the scrotum
    <Omega_2> how does organic vodka?
    <Rem> POTATO
  15. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    Well it was the first thing I noticed on the Goatse cake, other than the fact that it was a Goatse cake...
  16. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    goatse is disgusting. Goatse cake is confusing.
  17. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    [20:14] <SwissArmyFork> What the FUCK was that?
    [20:14] <Primus> whoops
    [20:14] <Primus> lol
    [20:14] <Littlekill> BAH
    [20:14] <SwissArmyFork> Oh
    [20:14] * Petey_iPhone4_ ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [20:14] <Omega_2> So, meat in innernets tubes = bad
    [20:14] <SwissArmyFork> Okay.
    [20:14] <Primus> apprently "..." is not a valid spamfilter
    [20:14] <Primus> and means ban everyone

    also this

    17:55	daedalus	lol did dino find a gf?
    17:56	Fenrir	no
    17:56	Fenrir	why do you ask?
    17:56	daedalus	starsia sure does seem to be interested
    17:56	Fenrir	that's Primus' girlfriend
    17:56	Fenrir	of seven years
    17:56	daedalus	oooooooh
    17:56	daedalus	lol
    17:56	daedalus	oops
  18. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    	*** Athemoe joined #romulation
    00:07	Athemoe	k bai. wish me luck n.n
    00:07		*** Athemoe quit (Quit: -a- Android IRC 1.8.19)
    00:07	Jobe	the fuck
    00:07	Dino|Mibbit	what the shit was the point of that?
    00:08	Fenrir	seriously
    00:08	Fenrir	what was that
    00:08	Reider	She wanted Joben to wish her luck?
    00:09	Jobe	the fuck
  19. Magoran

    Magoran Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    17:49	FemmeFatale	dino
    17:49	FemmeFatale	you don't want to start a poke war with me ok
    17:49	FemmeFatale	it won't end well
    17:49	Omega_2	yes he does
    17:50	Fenrir	challenge accepted
    17:51	Petey_iPhone4_	Hehe
    17:51	FemmeFatale	not you aswell
    17:51	Petey_iPhone4_	Finger time!!
    17:54	FemmeFatale	oh dear god no
  20. dino340

    dino340 Well-Known Member

    Re: IRC Memories - Because the memories there are better.

    <FacePoppies> also, this is a victory for all men
    <FacePoppies> because Casey Anthony's life has been ruined beyond repair by the media no matter if she's guilty or not
    <FacePoppies> which means she'll inevitably turn to porn
    <Blitzen> Gus, you're the original hipster
    <Blitzen> I have a question
    <Gus> huh
    <Blitzen> Thoughts on Nick Cave?
    <Gus> who
    <Blitzen> argh why the fuck
    * Gus has quit (Quit: :D)
    <Sarra> ehheh
    <Dino> lol
    <Blitzen> Sonofabitch