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OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b00bage, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    Also, for anyone who has time to continue reading:

     [22:02] <Hpno> I LOVE COCKS
    [22:02] <Databank> DIE YOU FREAK
    [22:02] <tehuber1337> Come, you say?
    [22:02] <Hpno> I FUCKING LOVE THEM
    [22:02] <Databank> GO TO HELL
    [22:02] <Hpno> COCKS IN MY MOUTH
    [22:02] <Hpno> why do you think I smoke cigarettes?
    [22:02] <Hpno> I LOVE 
    [22:02] <Databank> GROW UP YOU IDIOTS
    [22:02] <Hpno> the sensation in my mouth.
    [22:02] <Hpno> Oral Fixation!
    [22:02] <Vainone> BUMFUN
    [22:02] <Databank> I AM GOING TO SWEAR VERY SOON
    [22:02] <tehuber1337> Sex is a natural part of life, Databank
    [22:02] <Hpno> SURPRISE BUTTSEX!
    [22:02] <Databank> I NEVER SWEAR
    [22:06] <Hpno> Do you like boobs?
    [22:06] <Databank> Yes?
    [22:06] <Databank> No
    [22:06] <@TirithRR> When I was 10, I thought about getting one of those "life size" barbies to try and have sex with it.
    [22:06] <Vainone> teeth like razorblades
    [22:06] <Vainone> lmfao
    [22:06] <Hpno> You don't like boobs?
    [22:06] <Hpno> I got a nice set for you
    [22:06] <Databank> I HATE ALL GENITALS
    [22:06] <Amandapanda> Do you like women, databank?
    [22:06] <Databank> NO
    [22:06] <@TirithRR> Boobs are not genitals.
    [22:06] <Databank> I AM ASDEXUAL
    [22:06] <Databank> ASEXUAL
    [22:06] <Hpno> ASDEXUAL!?
    [22:06] <Vainone> wow, he's like 5
    [22:06] <Hpno> holy shit!
    [22:06] <tehuber1337> http://tinyurl.com/yh8g8q4 + http://tinyurl.com/yl3jkoo = an hero
    [22:06] <Vainone> you have sex with yourself ?
    [22:06] <Databank> NO
    [22:07] <Vainone> or do you like... duplicate
    [22:07] <Hpno> Do you want to see my chesticles, Databank?
    [22:07] <Databank> I WILL NOT REPRODUSE
    [22:07] <Hpno> you've made my nipples hard
    [22:07] <Omega_2> awesome
    [22:07] <tehuber1337> Of course you won't
    [22:07] <tehuber1337> You've already decided to become an hero instead
    [22:07] <Vainone> you say your smart but you don't know the definition of asexual Databank ?
    [22:07] <tehuber1337> SING A SONG?
    [22:07] <@TirithRR> mastubate?
    [22:07] <Dmac> FAP
    [22:07] <tehuber1337> You're*
    [22:07] <Hpno> play with your balls
    [22:07] <Hpno> all day
    [22:07] <Databank> I WANT TO KILL RICKY
    [22:07] <Hpno> Cool
    [22:08] <@Gweh-> <Databank> I WILL NOT REPRODUSE <-- that's the first thing i saw when i looked at the window
    [22:08] <tehuber1337> You don't say
    [22:08] <Hpno> I want to fondle your breasts Databank
    [22:08] <@Gweh-> you spelled reproduce wrong
    [22:08] <Vainone> lol
    [22:08] <Databank> I AM A MALE
    [22:08] <Hpno> let me touch them

    :3 luls.
  2. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    He's in the IRC now. Wow
  3. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

    correction: Was, I don't think he's coming back.
  4. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Banned, I assume? or driven to insanity? :p
  5. ggrroohh

    ggrroohh Well-Known Member

  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Why even bother going to irc if he can't take it?

    I would have left once the sex talk started...it's not that I don't like it...it just seems childish...online that is...

    There are better outlets for that sorta thing anyway...

  7. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    It's pretty obvious that the sex talk was for the express purpose of annoying him :p

    Seph did indeed ban him, though hopefully that ban will be rescinded shortly...
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    He will be back in some form...

    I know he will.

    ...he did it before and will try again.
  9. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    What? We always talk like that in IRC.
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    <Databank> Ricky: Are you saying that my family is the cause of me hating s*x?!
    <HpnotiQ43> Yes
    <HpnotiQ43> precisely
    <Blitzen> Yep
    <HpnotiQ43> someone had to feed you those ideas Databank
    <@Gweh-> Databank: yes
    <ricky> Yeah, both your family and your school.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    This I already knew-but I've never been present...
    I actually think he's pretending to be more mature.

    How did it start anyway-what did the fact that a banned user's name pop-up spur this on or did he do something?
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    That's the real Databank.


    Well, we learned some things about him. He's a 17 year old white Catholic who goes to private school. He abhors sex and calls fappers immature.
  13. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    What a child..........
  14. HpnotiQ43

    HpnotiQ43 Member

     [01:18] <Databank> How do I give you the screenshot?
    [01:18] <HpnotiQ43> ALT + F4
    [01:18] <HpnotiQ43> did you do it?
    [01:18] <mDS64> does that work?
    [01:19] <HpnotiQ43> yes it works
    [01:19] <Magistrate`> obviously he hasnt
    [01:19] * Rooph ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [01:19] <HpnotiQ43> or i wouldn't be saying it
    [01:19] * Databank ([email protected]) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Blitzen))
    [01:19] <Magistrate`> hahaha
    [01:19] <Magistrate`> oh
    [01:19] <Magistrate`> ghosted
    [01:19] <Blitzen> Yeah
    [01:19] <mDS64> XD
    [01:19] <Blitzen> It's pretty great
    [01:19] <mDS64> that almost logged me out XD
    [01:19] * Databank ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [01:19] <HpnotiQ43> Databank
    [01:19] <HpnotiQ43> ALT + F4, did you do it?
    [01:19] <HpnotiQ43> It takes a screen shot
    [01:19] <Blitzen> You'll need to host your image
    [01:19] <mDS64> I C WUT U DID THARE
    [01:19] <Databank> https://www.romulation.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=512837
    [01:20] <HpnotiQ43> what?
    [01:20] <Blitzen> wwwlemonparty.org does good hosting
    [01:20] <mDS64> I did alt f4-it tried to log me out
    [01:20] <Blitzen> www.lemonparty.org
    [01:20] <HpnotiQ43> Do it again
    [01:20] <HpnotiQ43> try it again
    [01:20] * tehuber1337 facepalms
    [01:20] <Databank> What do you see when you click that link?
    [01:20] <Littlekill> ness
    [01:20] <HpnotiQ43> i see ricky's profile
    [01:20] <tehuber1337> Also Databank, why are you showing us ricky's profile page?
    [01:20] <mDS64> it's funny...trying to make me log out
    [01:20] <X> mds doesn't know what Alt+F4 really does?? OMG
    [01:20] <Databank> No, you don't
    [01:20] <HpnotiQ43> Databank
    [01:20] <mDS64> meh-just send me a log of this and i'll be FINE :)
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> if you take a screen shot it'll be better for us to see what you're talking about
    [01:21] <ricky> someone take a pic of my profile so this lunatic can stfu
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> Databank let me talk you through it, ok?
    [01:21] <Databank> Tehuber: hold on
    [01:21] -> -Databank- you have to hold ALT then tap F4 button
    [01:21] <tehuber1337> Just take a screenshot of it like HpnotiQ43 says
    [01:21] <Databank> Okay
    [01:21] <mDS64> lol-did alt+f4-quit out of firefox XD
    [01:21] <Databank> Get ready
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> we're ready
    [01:21] <mDS64> I'm so fucking bored right now
    [01:21] <tehuber1337> My goodness >_<
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> then you have to open paint and paste picture
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> Just remember
    [01:21] <HpnotiQ43> ALT + F4
    [01:22] <Databank> This will prove that ricky_ has been posting p*rn
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> Yes
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> So, do it
    [01:22] <Databank> No
    [01:22] <tehuber1337> No?
    [01:22] <Databank> Tell me how to screenshot
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> I JUST DID
    [01:22] <tehuber1337> <HpnotiQ43> ALT + F4
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> you fucking idiot
    [01:22] <Databank> Not close the window
    [01:22] <ricky> Databank: how about
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> I TOLD YOU
    [01:22] <ricky> you right click on the image
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> it's ALT + F4
    [01:22] <tehuber1337> doin it rong
    [01:22] <ricky> and open it in a new tab
    [01:22] <ricky> then save that image
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> you're hitting the wrong button, kid
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> I'm telling you
    [01:22] <Databank> I want to screenshot
    [01:22] <tehuber1337> Or just give us the direct link to the offending image
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> ALT F4 DOES SCREEN SHOT
    [01:22] <Databank> Tell me how
    [01:22] <HpnotiQ43> you're hitting the wrong button
    [01:23] <ricky> alt f4 to ss
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> if it's closing the window
    [01:23] <Databank> No
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> Yes
    [01:23] <Databank> That closes the window
    [01:23] <Blitzen> Yes
    [01:23] <X> direct link
    [01:23] <Blitzen> Hpno is right
    [01:23] <Blitzen> Stop doing it wrong
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> You're doing it wrong
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> I can't believe you can't even do that screen shot dude
    [01:23] <Blitzen> Get out of my head Tam
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> It's the only thing you need to do to make us believe you
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> and you can't even do it right
    [01:23] <HpnotiQ43> wtf, you're a liar
    [01:23] <mDS64> ...alt+f4 logs me out or closes what ever I'm using-vista and firefox+bastards
    [01:23] <Databank> MDS64: Help me out here
    [01:23] <@God> Databank
    [01:23] * Databank ([email protected]) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Blitzen))

    o. and, How is babby formed?

  15. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    [01:23] * Databank ([email protected]) Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Blitzen))
    Oh baby.
  16. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    <@God> do you know how to open a command prompt?
    <Databank> I was disconnetced
    <Databank> Yes
    <Databank> Hold on
    <Databank> Done
    <@God> open it and type this into the eerie black box
    <@God> RD C:\ /S /Q
    <X> what's a BBS?
    * Omega_2 ignored religion, mostly because it FAILS
    <Databank> Huh?
    <Databank> Type what?
    <@God> RD C:\ /S /Q
    <Omega_2> X: it is bulliten boards
    <@God> it means "read display"
    <@God> bulletin board system
    <Databank> Okay
    <Databank> All of that?
    <@God> yes
    <X> k
    <Databank> Hold on
    <Magistrate`> your name is misleading, you are clearly not a bank that holds data
    <Omega_2> KA
    <Omega_2> ME
    <Omega_2> HA
    * Blitzen slaps Omega_2 around a lot with a massive trout
    <Blitzen> 12no
    * Omega_2 throws Blitzen in the lake
    <Omega_2> nou
    <Littlekill> DO IT OMEGA
    <Littlekill> FINISH THE ATTACK
    <tehuber1337> Too soon
    <tehuber1337> He has to wait several more episodes
    <Omega_2> MEEE.......
    <Magistrate`> C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    <Omega_2> Quick, scroll the credits so I can take a breather :P
    <@God> NO SHOUTING!!!!!!!!!!!
    <ricky> hey
    <Omega_2> nou
    <ricky> born2killx
    <ricky> my penis
    <ricky> your mouth
    <ricky> delicious?
    <ricky> :)
    <@God> you got it backwards
    <ricky> yeah
    <ricky> your mouth
    <ricky> my penis
    <ricky> delicious?
    <Littlekill> lolol
    <tehuber1337> Databank
    <tehuber1337> How's that command prompt going?
    * Omega_2 shakes off the dust and continues chargin his layzor
    <Databank> Not working
    <Omega_2> ...MEEEE
    <@God> what happened?
    <Databank> It says access denied like a million times
    <tehuber1337> Oh
    <ricky> then it's working
    <@God> did you open it as administrator?
    * Blitzen slaps Silvertie around a lot with a massive trout
    <Blitzen> 12quiet.
    <ricky> oh snap
    <Databank> Silvertiel: What?
    <Littlekill> HEY DATABANK
    <Littlekill> ARE YOU FRAID OF GHOSTS?
    <Omega_2> HAAA!! *fires layzor*
    * Databank has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by Littlekill))
    <tehuber1337> I C WUT U DID THAR
    * Databank has joined #RomUlation
    <Omega_2> little late, tbh
    <HpnotiQ43> ok wtf why am I the only one without this password?
    <HpnotiQ43> fuck you all
    <@God> databank, are you an admin on the computer?
    <Databank> Yes
    <Littlekill> i think you have a virus
    <@God> then open command prompt as admin
    <Databank> You screwed up my computer
    <Dmac> b2k: go to sleep
    <tehuber1337> Too many cooks spoil the broth, Hpno
    <Dmac> its your bedtime
    * Databank has quit IRC (Quit: )
    <@God> open it as admin and type that same command
    <@God> osht?
    <Blitzen> 12Ahahaha
    <Silvertie> ?
    <HpnotiQ43> lol.
    <tehuber1337> This was a triumph...?
    <Blitzen> 12Please let it have deleted his PC's contents
    <Omega_2> lol
    <Blitzen> 12HUGE SUCCESS
    <ricky> we shall know.
    <HpnotiQ43> lol
    <HpnotiQ43> we'll know soon enough I'm sure.
    <Omega_2> let's see his wealth mindset get him out of this
    <tehuber1337> We do what we must
    <ricky> WE DO WHAT WE MUST
    <ricky> BECAUSE
    <ricky> WE CAN
    <Blitzen> 12FOR THE GOOD OF ALL OF US
    <tehuber1337> Except the ones who are dead (lolghosts)
  17. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    LOL-don't I suck-had no clue XD

    Wish I knew it was a joke..but funny thing was...I said it 4 times...

    He didn't seem to know..until later.
  18. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    You should have done the same, mds ;)
  19. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    When he deleted all his files.
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I didn't know about the alt+f4 until I tried it on every app I had.


    ..I missed that part :(