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OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b00bage, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    <kingofgamemasters> when will my computer problimes ever end
    <@Born2killx> did it work?
    <kingofgamemasters> nope
    <@Born2killx> well i'm out of ideas
    <Goky> have you tried spitting at it
    <~Seph> spitting?
    <Goky> yes
    <~Seph> shut the fuck up Goky
    <Goky> make me
    <Goky> without kicking or banning me
    <Goky> :p
    * Born2killx sets mode: +m
    <@Born2killx> done
    <~Seph> I was just about to do that
    <~Seph> pwned Goky
    * Seph sets mode: +vvvvvvvvvvvv Xeron voidsies SplinterOfChaos ricky Misapoes mezo Luceiia LoneWolf80 Littlekill lemmayoshi kingofgamemasters jeffy
    * Seph sets mode: +vvvvv Celtiore c_j_curtis blue b00bage Amandapanda
    Goky was the only one left un-voiced.
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    Winterr <3
    * Winterreise ([email protected]) has joined #whatever
    <Winterreise> Holy fuck guys
    <Winterreise> just got back from a party
    <Winterreise> drunk
    <Winterreise> but
    <will_smith> Blitzen do you love me enough to give me hops?
    <Winterreise> we played this game called things
    <Blitzen> 12Holdon
    <Blitzen> 12Winterr
    <Blitzen> 12How drunk
    <Winterreise> draw a card that's says something like "Things that should not be done in public" then you write something on paper and everyone's is read out anonymouskly.
    <lemmayoshi> sup
    <will_smith> drunk enough to still type, apparently
    <Winterreise> fuck cant spell
    <Winterreise> anyways
    <will_smith> he might have had a beer XD
    <Winterreise> i kept saying blaci peopkw
    <Winterreise> damnit
    <Winterreise> black people
    <Winterreise> "Things that shouldn't be throen off rooftopss"
    <Winterreise> BLACK PEOPLE
    <Blitzen> 12Wrong
    <Winterreise> "Things that shhouldn't exiat"
    <Winterreise> JEWS
    <lemmayoshi> sup
    <Blitzen> 12Black people should be thrown off windows
    <will_smith> ^
    <Blitzen> 12rooftops
    <lemmayoshi> lol
    <Winterreise> "things tat shouldn't be collected"
    <Winterreise> BLACK PEOPLE
    <Blitzen> 12I mean
    <Blitzen> 12Winterr
    <will_smith> wait i have one...
    <Winterreise> wut
    <Blitzen> 12<3
    <Blitzen> 12I love you, man
    <Winterreise> >3
    <Winterreise> fuck
    <Winterreise> <3
    <Blitzen> 12And I love your pounding headache
    <Winterreise> i drank water.
    <Blitzen> 12And the bubbleing in your stomach
    <Blitzen> 12bubbling*
    <Winterreise> my toes hurt
    <Blitzen> 12So how drunk is Danielle? :P
    <Blitzen> 12As bad as you?
    <Blitzen> 12I mean, you're seeming the worse for wear
    <Winterreise> she didn't go
    <Blitzen> 12Ah, k
    <Winterreise> she's sivkck
    <Winterreise> sick
    <Blitzen> 12This is almost as awesome as blazed Gan
    <Winterreise> i know I hate jews
    <Winterreise> no sara
    <Winterreise> fuck wrong window
    <Winterreise> siorry
    <will_smith> http://dailywood.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/hayden-panettiere-fhmproch.jpg
    <will_smith> i came
    <lemmayoshi> woah
    <Winterreise> wtf is wrong with her arm
    <lemmayoshi> Mountain Dew Voltage tastes better if you chug it
    <will_smith> also she has regenerative powers
    <Winterreise> photoshopped so much
    <will_smith> so whenever you fucked her it would be like fucking a virgin
    <Blitzen> 12\o/
    <Winterreise> her left srm has no bicep
    <Blitzen> 12Fucking a virgin is overrated
    <will_smith> is this win? y/n
    <Winterreise> its just like
    <Winterreise> there
    <will_smith> no
    <will_smith> she would have the experience of a whore
    <will_smith> but the tightness of a virgin
    <Blitzen> 12Hm
    <Blitzen> 12I see your point.
    <will_smith> women aren't supposed to have hulking biceps Winterreise
    <Winterreise> hits si tight
    <Winterreise> shits so tight*
    <Katarzyna> 106Winterr, just go sleep. -_-
    <Blitzen> 12NONONO
    <Winterreise> Katarr!~
    <Blitzen> 12I LOVE DRUNK WINTERR
    <will_smith> winterr isn't very drunk at all
    <will_smith> <_<
    <Winterreise> will smuth
    <Winterreise> you suck as an actor
    <Winterreise> know how i know>
    <will_smith> cool story, bra
    <Winterreise> YOURE BLACK
    <will_smith> lol
    <will_smith> watch me crank dat cotton gin
    <Petey`> just bought this
    <Winterreise> holy fuck
    <Petey`> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820167015
    <Winterreise> this is why kanye thinks hes so pulpular
    <Winterreise> those glassses
    <Winterreise> he can only see 50% of the world
    <will_smith> why the fuck is it $720 for a 160 gig HD?
    <Winterreise> it all makes sense
    <Winterreise> SOLID STATE BITCH
    <Winterreise> Katarr.
    <Winterreise> Hey.
    <Winterreise> voidsies!
    <will_smith> what is solid state?
    <Winterreise> Blitzen!
    <Blitzen> 12Winterreise
    <Katarzyna> 106Hm, Winterr?
    <Blitzen> !
    <Winterreise> hi katar
    <Blitzen> 12I LOVE YOU, MAN
    <Winterreise> how are you?
    <Blitzen> 12MORE THAN ANYTHING
    <Katarzyna> 106=3
    <Winterreise> blitzen no
    <will_smith> what is solid state?
    <will_smith> what is solid state?
    <Winterreise> no
    <Blitzen> 12EXCEPT THAT ONE GIRL
    <will_smith> what is solid state?
    <Katarzyna> 106Hi, drunk-ass Winterr.
    <Winterreise> Katarr: I'm more intelligents when drunk
    <Winterreise> intelligent*
    <Katarzyna> 106Really?
    <Winterreise> yes'm
    <Katarzyna> 106I couldn't tell. =D
    <Katarzyna> 106<333
    <Winterreise> That's not very nice
    <Winterreise> 332
    <Winterreise> 331
    <Winterreise> 330
    <Winterreise> 329
    <Winterreise> shall I continue?
    * Katarzyna sighs
    <Winterreise> hah
    * Blitzen slaps Winterreise around a lot with a massive trout
    <Blitzen> 12Stary writing.
    <Blitzen> 12Start*
    <Winterreise> what
    <Blitzen> 12I'm dehydrated
    <Winterreise> What
    <Winterreise> so am I
    <Blitzen> 12Write something, seriously
    <Blitzen> 12Look at it tomorrow
    <Blitzen> 12Trust me
    <Winterreise> drunkiness id actually the body being over dehydratesd
    <Winterreise> fuck
    <Winterreise> write? ok.
    <Winterreise> I would say that one
    <Winterreise> plus two is four if it would 
    <Winterreise> make you love me more
    <Winterreise> haiku bitch
    <Blitzen> 12Well played.
    <Winterreise> what next?
    <Winterreise> blitzeeeen
    <Winterreise> katarr!
    <Littlekill> downloading
    <Littlekill> porn
    <Littlekill> galore
    <Littlekill> in preperation for no internets tomorrow night
    <Blitzen> 12Excuse me
    <Blitzen> 12In building armies
    <Winterreise> BLITZEN
    <lemmayoshi> um ba da bum bum bum touch my penis
    <Blitzen> 12Know the immutable law
    <Blitzen> 12Spawn more Overlords
    <Winterreise> wtf blitzen
    <Winterreise> stop being an ent
    <Winterreise> youree not even a tree
    <Blitzen> 12Neither are you
    <Blitzen> 12You aren't even a tile
    <Winterreise> im a tilen if i say im a tile motherfcker
    <Blitzen> 12Wrong.
    <Blitzen> 12Also
    <Winterreise> what thebfuck
    <Blitzen> 12Chrono Trigger was a horrible game
    <Blitzen> 12It must be said
    <will_smith> you're a horrible game
    <Winterreise> what one wss that
    <Blitzen> 12The bad one
    <Winterreise> oh right
    <will_smith> is it normal to feel buzzed at .04 BAC?
    <Winterreise> lightweight
    <Blitzen> 12Winterr seems fine at .001
    <will_smith> XD
    <Winterreise> whar
    <Winterreise> what
    <Blitzen> 12Oh, I am going to love talking to you tomorrow
    <Winterreise> wht
    <will_smith> there
    <Winterreise> qhy
    <Winterreise> why
    <Winterreise> fck
    <Winterreise> fuck
    <will_smith> there's no way Winterreise is drunk enough to have a hangover
    <Blitzen> 12Where did I say hangover?
    <Winterreise> i dont ge drunk
    <Blitzen> 12Did I ever say hangover?
    <Blitzen> 12<Winterreise> Holy fuck guys
    <Blitzen> 12<Winterreise> just got back from a party
    <Blitzen> 12<Winterreise> drunk
    <will_smith> if he was truly drunk anything he typed would be comlete rubbish
    <Winterreise> i never said that/
    <will_smith> you're right
    <will_smith> youdidn't
    <Blitzen> 12You caught me./
    <will_smith> XD
    <Winterreise> ,k
    <Winterreise> i dont know where my drink went
    * Evil-evilness ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Through the fire and the flames we carry on!)
    <Blitzen> 12<will_smith> if he was truly drunk anything he typed would be comlete rubbish
    <Blitzen> 12By your logic, cj is always drunk before he comes online
    <lemmayoshi> AURGH!
    <Winterreise> mented fourthh
    <will_smith> XD
    <Katarzyna> 106Hehe, Blitz. Archive #5, saved. XD
    <Blitzen> 12Wow.
    <Katarzyna> Goodnight, all~
    <Blitzen> 12Make a folder for them :D
    <Winterreise> whats #5]
    <lemmayoshi> goodnight kat
    <Blitzen> Our cybersex logs
    <Blitzen> 12:D
    <Winterreise> katarr is leavinng?
    <Blitzen> 12I kid
    <Blitzen> 12Winterr, I call your bluff.
    <Blitzen> 12You are not drunk
    <Blitzen> Your sociopathic dickery ends here
    <will_smith> do i have any quotes?
    <Blitzen> 12And mine begins in twenty minutes when I go to the supermarket and poke holes in cup ramen containers.
    <Winterreise> no here
    <Blitzen> No.
    * Winterreise was kicked by Blitzen (Here)
    * Blitzen sets mode: +b Winterreise!*@*
    <Littlekill> hiiiiiiiii
    * Littlekill sets mode: -b Winterreise!*@*
    * Blitzen sets mode: +b Winterreise!*@*
    * Blitzen sets mode: -h Littlekill
    <Littlekill> waaaaaaa
    <Littlekill> WHAT ABOUT STAR OCEAN 2
    <Blitzen> 12It's totally for his own good
    * Mut ([email protected]) has joined #whatever
    <Blitzen> Sup Winterr
    <Mut> Hello Blitzen
    <Blitzen> Sorry about the ban last night
    <Mut> yeah what was that aboupt
    <Blitzen> Either you were trolling, in which case you deserved it, or were intoxicated, in which case it had lost its humor
    <Mut> I wasn't on IRC last night?
    <Katarzyna> Lol.
    <Blitzen> Is that a question or a statement
    <Mut> kind of bothj
    <Sagensyg> It was obviously both
    <Mut> I was at a party until like midnight
    <Blitzen> You came back
    <Mut> and a friend drove me home
    <Blitzen> I have logs
    <Blitzen> Funny stuff
    <Mut> =/
    <Blitzen> Kat, you were there, right?
    <Katarzyna> Oh yes~
    <Mut> oh god.
    <Blitzen> Ahahahahahaha
    <Littlekill> you came on to her
    <Mut> I don't know whether to believe you two or not.
    <Katarzyna> Silly drunken Winerr~
    <Littlekill> and said i could have your girlfriend
    <Blitzen> You played a game at the party
    <Sagensyg> Mu = Winterreise?
    <Blitzen> Called "Things"
    <Mut> this doesn't make sense
    <Sagensyg> Mut*
    <Mut> I hardly ever get drunk
    <Mut> ohh fuck
    <Mut> I know what it was.
    <Blitzen> And you kept saying "Black people"
    <Blitzen> Right?
    <Mut> ok shit.
    <Sagensyg> He was high on shrooms
    <Mut> uhh no
    <Mut> they had made the skittle-flavoured vodka
    <Mut> I had a shitload
    <Mut> it was absolutely amazing
    <Blitzen> You said you were drunk when you got on
    <Blitzen> Then denied that you were drunk
    <Blitzen> In the face of evidence
    <Blitzen> It was amazing
    <Mut> yeah see I don't really get drunk.
    <Blitzen> Want me to post it on romu?
    <Mut> no
    <Littlekill> do it
    <Littlekill> do it
    <Littlekill> od itiot toid
    <Mut> i'm surprised I don't remember this
    <Blitzen> You were pretty out of it, man
    <Mut> really?
    <Mut> I was fine when I woke up =/
    <Blitzen> You were making typo everywhere
    <Mut> no headache or anything
    <Blitzen> Let's see
    <Blitzen> Also proof
    <Blitzen> Danielle was not at the party
    <Blitzen> She was sick
    <Blitzen> Correct?
    <Mut> Yeah.
    <Mut> Saw her today ;)
    <Blitzen> So, proof enough that you came online?
    <Mut> Yeah.
    <Mut> I'm surprised.
    <Blitzen> It was funny
    <Blitzen> I was fucking around with you
    <Mut> Bastard.
    <Blitzen> In my defense
    <Katarzyna> =3
    <Blitzen> I wasn't sure you were really intoxicated or not
    <Mut> Wouldn't that be fairly obvious?
    <Blitzen> You kept saying you were smarter when tipsy
    <ricky> bonjour
    <Blitzen> (you aren't, by the way)
    <voidsies> HOLA
    <Mut> Ok.
    <ricky> Littlekill: saw the littlebigcontra
    <ricky> really well done
    <Littlekill> I NORITE
    <Katarzyna> Yeah, you really weren't.
    <Mut> Fuck.
    <Mut> I probably just seem really smart compared to the other drunk people.
    <Blitzen> All is forgiven, man.
    <Mut> But shit.
    <Blitzen> You were entertaining
    <Mut> That vodka was delicious
    <Mut> Didn't taste like vodka
    <Littlekill> Rum is delicous
    <Mut> Tasted like skittles
    <Littlekill> someone skittled in your mouth
    <Blitzen> THIS is the problem with RTDs
    <Blitzen> Lightweights don't notice because it tastes so good
    <Blitzen> And don't tell me I don't know. My grandfather brews some of the hardest shit known to mankind
    <Littlekill> wtf fox
    <Mut> I'm hardly a lightweight, though.
    <Littlekill> ripping off the gameshow in jap
    <Littlekill> where you gotta form like a tetris shape or else you fall in the water
    <Blitzen> Either way, people get fooled into drinking more than they can take.
    <Mut> I'm bored.
    <Blitzen> (people like my sister)
    <Littlekill> i drink a lot REALLY fast so i get drunk quick
    <Littlekill> i seem to be immune to hangovers
    <Littlekill> yaay'
    There's some more. Mostly Winterr's reactions.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    <Faune> people only display stuff from irc if it's funny P: i know i'm not funny enough to be quoted so i'm safe 8D
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    * CJDogger punches Exoud as he is not a female
    * Exoud kicks CJDogger
    <Exoud> Why'd you think that o.o
    <loonylion> bitch fight :D
    <Exoud> LOL
    <CJDogger> Or cat fight? :D
    * CJDogger is now known as CJKittyKat
    Finally he admits it :p
  5. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    If I could I would change your name to LoonyHyena; then you would be laughing, seriously, Hyena's have a great laugh
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    So you're cjkittycat again ???

    Make up your mind will 'ya :D
  7. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Nope, It's loony's chilidish behaviour that's all :-\
  8. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    [20:56] <Alex> ban me all you what
    [20:56] <Alex> i got 10,000 IPs
    [20:56] <&loonylion> no you havent
  9. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Well, for those not in the know, we've been having some botflood troubles lately and its coming to a moderately hilarious point since we're pretty sure we figured out who it was. Its a bit of a long read but trust me when I say there's some definite hilarity in there.
    <Winterreise> Anyone here have a CycloDS?
    <Winterreise> I'm whoring my theme.
    *** Seph^ is now known as Seph|Sleep
    [Reider] A shame no one seems to want your whore.
    <loonylion> god no
    <loonylion> you don't know where its been
    <supersonicsparky> lol
    *** jeffy ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    *** Alex is now known as {H}{A}{C}{K}{E}{R}
    <{H}{A}{C}{K}{E}{R}> LMAO
    [Reider] Hi
    *** Mode change [+v jeffy] on #RomUlation by Reider
    [Reider] Interesting name you've chosen to switch to.
    *** {H}{A}{C}{K}{E}{R} is now known as {R}{E}{I}{D}{E}{R}
    <{R}{E}{I}{D}{E}{R}> LLMMAAO
     * supersonicsparky isnt fooled n00b :P
    [Reider] I appreciate the flattery and all but you couldn't hope to be me.
    <supersonicsparky> haha.
    <jeffy> sparky can i pm you and ask a question
    <Winterreise> LMFAO
    *** Winterreise is now known as {W}{I}{N}{T}{E}{R}{R}{E}{I}{S}
    <{W}{I}{N}{T}{E}{R}{R}{E}{I}{S}> LMFAOOOOOOOOO
    <supersonicsparky> whatever...?
    <supersonicsparky> ahahahha
    <{R}{E}{I}{D}{E}{R}> LMAO
    *** loonylion is now known as kent
    *** {W}{I}{N}{T}{E}{R}{R}{E}{I}{S} is now known as Winterreise
     * kent is a noob
    <Winterreise> So, Reider.
    [Reider] Yes?
    *** kent is now known as loonylion
    *** lemmayoshi is now known as {A}{N}{A}{L}
    <Winterreise> Fancy kicking someone who stole your name?
    [Reider] Nah
    <Winterreise> Cuntpunt, perhaps?
    <Winterreise> So
    <Winterreise> {R}{E}{I}{D}{E}{R}, correct me if I'm wrong.
    <Winterreise> But you've been the little kid scripting us?
    *** {R}{E}{I}{D}{E}{R} is now known as [b][a][d]-[a][s][s]
    [Reider] heh
    <loonylion> you wish
    <Winterreise> XKCD comic, GO.
    <Winterreise> Bad ass what
    *** [b][a][d]-[a][s][s] is now known as [b][a][d]-[a][s][s][h][o][l][e
    *** {A}{N}{A}{L} is now known as {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
    *** {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ is now known as {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{
    <loonylion> Winterreise: bad ass-lifeguard? :P
    *** {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ is now known as lemmayoshi
    [Reider] lemmayoshishishishishishi
    <lemmayoshi> jklfjklds
    <lemmayoshi> what
    [Reider] Hi
    *** [b][a][d]-[a][s][s][h][o][l][e is now known as {^{-][}
    <Winterreise> kthxbye
    *** Winterreise has kicked {^{-][} from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT]
    *** Mode change [-m] on #RomUlation by loonylion
    *** {^{-][} ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [Reider] Dammit Winter
    *** Winterreise has kicked {^{-][} from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT]
    *** {^{-][} ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [Reider] I called it.
    *** Winterreise has kicked {^{-][} from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT]
    *** {^{-][} is not on #RomUlation
    *** Mode change [+b *!*testing@*.75DEC50.C643B026.IP] on #RomUlation by Reider
    *** {^{-][} is not on #RomUlation
    <Winterreise> Join in, it's fun
    <Winterreise> Oh.
    <Winterreise> Or not.
    <Winterreise> Jerk./
    <loonylion> fuck
    <loonylion> you wrecked my test winterr
    <loonylion> I turned +m off to see if the bots would come in
    *** Alex ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    <Alex> >.>
     * Alex slaps Winterreise around a bit with a 500lb C++ manual
    <Winterreise> Alex some guy stole your nick!
    <Winterreise> Called himself Hacker.
    <Alex> ...
    *** Mode change [-b *!*testing@*.75DEC50.C643B026.IP] on #RomUlation by Reider
    <Alex> You DumbAss That was me
    <Winterreise> I don't believe you.
    <Alex> >.>
     * loonylion slaps winterreise around a bit with an anvil
    <Winterreise> Someone like you wouldn't be able to suck that much cock, Alex
    <Alex> Maybe You Get banned
    <Alex> Not Me
    <Winterreise> You're like 12 or something anyways.
    <Alex> No Im 14
    <Winterreise> And you use random capitolization.
    <Winterreise> What are you, retarded?
    <loonylion> alex if you're going to slap winterreise at least do it with something he'll feel
    <Alex> No hes Mean And Rude
    <Winterreise> Were you the scriptkiddy all this time?
    <loonylion> hes also an op
    <Alex> No
    <Winterreise> I don't really need an answer since I know, but it'd be nice.
    <loonylion> winterreise get off your soap box
    <Winterreise> :(
    <Winterreise> I like this soap box.
    <Alex> OK?
    <loonylion> I don't care, get off it
    <Winterreise> Alex: Rather coincidental, don't you think?
    <Winterreise> Not that scripting is hacking.
    <Winterreise> Any 14 year old with access to Google can do it.
     * loonylion smashes winterreise's soap box over his head
    <Alex> next Time i hack you're ip
    <Alex> >,
    <Alex> LMAO
    <loonylion> alex grow up
    <Winterreise> Alex: ok.
    <Alex> No You
    <Winterreise> It's
    <Winterreise> Go ahead.
    <Winterreise> Hack me all you want.
    <Alex> Morron
    <Winterreise> Moron*
    <loonylion> cut it out kent
    <Winterreise> Sure.
    <supersonicsparky> lols
    <Alex> ban me all you what
    <Alex> i got 10,000 IPs
    [Reider] So?
    <loonylion> no you havent
    *** Goky ([email protected]) has quit IRC [Quit:]
    <Alex> i can join anytime any Any Where
    [Reider] Don't care.
    [Reider] I mean, I know its a bit hard to grasp, but no one really gives a shit.
    <loonylion> Alex: try talking bullshit on a channel that's not opped by a networking professional
    <Winterreise> By the way.
    <Alex> Maybe Tell Winterreise To be Nice and Don Call People Names
    <Winterreise> Alex, do you know who Patton is?
    <voidsies> I HAVE 10,000 IPS LOL
    <voidsies> LOL
    <voidsies> LOL
    <voidsies> LOL
    <loonylion> shut it kent
    <Winterreise> Ok. It's funnier if he doesn't, anyways :D
    <Winterreise> Also
    <Winterreise> voidsies
    <Winterreise> IRC memories that shit
    <Winterreise> And Alex....
    <Winterreise> Oh you little igronant
    *** Mode change [-o Winterreise] on #RomUlation by loonylion
    <Alex> why not fuck off
    [Reider] Gentlemen, please calm yourselves.
    <voidsies> oh you little igronant
    <voidsies> oh you little igronant
    <voidsies> oh you little igronant
    <loonylion> I warned you kent
    <voidsies> oh you little igronant
    <voidsies> oh you little igronant
    <Alex> ....
    *** Mode change [+o Winterreise] on #RomUlation by ChanServ
    <Alex> T.T
    [Reider] I'd hate for this to get messy.
    <Winterreise> That's what she said.
    <Winterreise> :|
    <voidsies> You could always just ban the twat
    [Reider] Then the bitch made a mess anyways. :(
    <Winterreise> voidsies: More fun this way.
    <voidsies> and avoid any of these "I GOTS IPs" shenanigans
    <Alex> Winterreise you soo ANORNING
    <Winterreise> voidsies: Why would we want to avoid those?
    <Winterreise> ANORNINGGGGG
    <Winterreise> ANORNING
    *** Fantastein ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    <voidsies> I can't stop giggling
    <Winterreise> Holy fuck you sound like a dog with peanut butter stuck to the top of your mouth.
    <voidsies> kbrbrb
    <voidsies> HAI FANTASY
    <Fantastein> HAI GANON
    <Alex> ok thats its
    <Alex> im going to kick you off you're pc
    <Winterreise> k.
    <Winterreise> Your*
    <Winterreise> I'm*
    <Winterreise> PC*
    <Winterreise> Alex: How're you going to do that, anyways?
    <Alex> you see
    <Winterreise> Mhmm.
    <Alex> im download a atk toolkit
    *** NightsWatch ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    <Winterreise> Ok.
    <Winterreise> You do that.
    <Winterreise> While you're at it.
    <Winterreise> I think I'll go to google and get one, too
    <voidsies> Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
    <voidsies> hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh
    <Winterreise> It'll be good times
    <Alex> what ever
    <Alex> like you Goingto Get Me You idiot
    <Winterreise> That's what she said.
    <Alex> im behide a Proxy
    <Winterreise> oh gods noes.
    <voidsies> I'm behind seven proxies
    <Winterreise> I have eight.
    <voidsies> What kind of proxy alex?
    [Reider] I'm behind a whale.
    <voidsies> CGI? You behind a CGI proxy?
    [Reider] Beat that asswipes.
    <Alex> its my own program
    <loonylion> bullshit
    <voidsies> your own program, oh wow. Tor? Did you help develop Tor?
    <Winterreise> Alex just let me know when you're going to attack me, will ya? :P I'll turn off Skynet for you.
    <Winterreise> Alex you going yet?
    <voidsies> Scanning ports 0001-8889
    <voidsies> Test failed... Retrying...
    <voidsies> UDP/TCP database connecting
    <voidsies> IP Connected
    <voidsies> irc://Alex:irc.imperium.ca
    <voidsies> Oh look at that, I have your IP.
    <Alex> >.>
    <Alex> thats not my ip
    <Alex> thats a proxy
    <voidsies> Well that's convenient of you to say.
    <voidsies> Except that your proxy IP was
    <loonylion> its possible to backtrace through proxies anyway
    <Alex> not mine
    <loonylion> through any proxy
    <Alex> not mine
    <voidsies> Hah ok script kiddie just shush and we can avoid trouble, otherwise, I can be a bit vicious and malicious, yadididmean?
    <Winterreise> Alex you atacking me yet?
    <loonylion> even yours, kiddo
    <loonylion> I do this for a job
    <Alex> wait
    <Winterreise> STOP
    <Winterreise> HAMMER TIME.
    [Reider] *unce* *unce* *unce*
    [Reider] etc.
    [Reider] etc.
    <voidsies> oontz oontz oontz oontz
    <Winterreise> Alex sup man.
    <Winterreise> You attacking me yet?
    <voidsies> He better not, I've got a 569-strong botnet prepared to TCP-rape his connection if he does.
    <Alex> i got 1000
    <loonylion> bullshit
    <voidsies> Oh, grouped by x9ke?
    <voidsies> That's what mine is
    <voidsies> If you have 1000 grouped by x9ke I'm a bit fucked I suppose...
    <Winterreise> voidsies, what's his power level reading?
    <voidsies> Idk depends on if he's using x9ke man
    <Winterreise> And if he is?
    <Alex> nope its program thats beyond the Net
    [Reider] Dunno, scouter blew up when I was watching this awesome pornography that overwhelmed the circuits.
    [Reider] It was fucking hot.
    <voidsies> beyond the Net, eh. More powerful than x9ke then?
    <Alex> Yap
    <voidsies> shiiiit.
    <Alex> more Powerful then any other program
    [Reider] More powerful than my erection?
    <Winterreise> What about k387? More powerful than that, Alex?
    <loonylion> alex you are talking utter crap
    <Alex> Yap
    <Winterreise> Oh man...
    <Winterreise> What about Xk3CD31?
    <Winterreise> More powerful than that?
    <voidsies> Oh shit if his program rapes k387 we're doomed
    <Alex> YES
    <voidsies> Imperium is doomed...
    <voidsies> OH MY FUCKING GOD
    [Reider] I didn't even put on my uniform or slick my hair yet. :(
    <voidsies> XK3CADNIUM31 !?
    <Alex> its Called the EFI-XD-FG-500.5 DATA-KILLER
    <Winterreise> [Scanning user:"Alex"]
    <Winterreise> [Scan complete.]
    <voidsies> HAH!
    <Winterreise> [Proxy detected.]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning.]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning..]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning...]
    <Winterreise> [Scan complete.]
    <Winterreise> [Bypassing proxy.]
    <Winterreise> [Bypassing proxy..]
    <Winterreise> [Bypassing proxy...]
    <Winterreise> [Bypass complete.]
    <Alex> >.>
    <Winterreise> [IP logged.]
    <voidsies> he still using
    <Winterreise> [WHOIS information obtained.]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning host computer.]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning host computer..]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning host computer...]
    <Winterreise> [Scan complete.]
    <Winterreise> [Drive C:/ found.]
    <Alex> dude if you Even Try to You Pc is Going To Blow Up
    <Winterreise> [Scanning New Drive.]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning New Drive..]
    <Winterreise> [Scanning New Drive...]
    <Winterreise> [Folder:"WINDOWS" found.]
    <Alex> STARTING EFI_500.5
    <Winterreise> [Scanning folder:"WINDOWS"]
    <voidsies> oh god no he's starting it
    *** Winterreise ([email protected]) has quit IRC [Quit:]
    <voidsies> Oh my fucking God he got Winter
    [Reider] ONOES
    <supersonicsparky> lol
    <Alex> SETTING 100,000 BOTS ATK
    <voidsies> OH
    <voidsies> MY
    <voidsies> FUCKING
    <voidsies> LORD
    <voidsies> NO
    <Alex> Starting in 600 secs
    [Reider] Okay
    [Reider] Cut it down to 20 secs
    <voidsies> 10 fucking minutes till the internet explodes
    [Reider] I'm horribly impatient. :(
    <voidsies> Goddddddddddd damn nice knowing you all
    <NightsWatch> Hey guys, what's going on?
    <loonylion> a wind up
    <NightsWatch> ohshi
    [Reider] Alright, I call the seat next to you in Heaven voidsies.
    <NightsWatch> noway
    <loonylion> kid thinks he's tough
    <voidsies> Alex is starting the biggest ever botnet attack on the entire internet ever recorded
    <voidsies> and we're all fucked
    <NightsWatch> Dibs on sitting in the other seat.
    <voidsies> Internet goes down for days in 10 minutes
    <voidsies> prepare yourself Nights
    <NightsWatch> Alex: Who are you?
    <voidsies> the greatest hacker to ever live.
    <NightsWatch> oh shi-
    <NightsWatch> no way.
    <loonylion> a 14 year old who should be in bed
    <Fantastein> ...I just realized I'm one of three people to be voiceless.
    <Alex> im not Real
    <NightsWatch> Alex: Hey.
    <Fantastein> Man, I feel left out now.
    <Alex> im a in The computer
    [Reider] Well, we were in +m for most of the day so don't feel too bad.
    [Reider] I'm in the computer too.
    <Fantastein> Dammit, if I wanna feel bad I'll feel bad!
    <Alex> no you're Not
    [Reider] Its got this neat slot on the side that I like to blow my load in.
    <Alex> you'r Not Listed
    [Reider] It always feels so lovely. :)
    <Fantastein> You inserted your floppy disk, Reider?
    [Reider] It was a hard drive actually.
    <loonylion> OMG reider has a 3.5"?!
    [Reider] It came out a floppy disk though.
    <loonylion> poor guy
    [Reider] I was a bit disappointed. :(
    <NightsWatch> Alex is a big jerk
    <Fantastein> Haha
    [Reider] I'm getting ripped off by my own computer. :(
    <NightsWatch> he wouldn't even respond to my PMs
    <voidsies> Alex has pancake nipples
    <Alex> REEFI in 1000 Sec
    [Reider] Isn't that 400 seconds more than last time?
    <NightsWatch> DON'T DRINK ANYTHING
    [Reider] Come on man, I told you I was impatient. :(
     * Fantastein looks at his fanta...
    <Fantastein> Oh fuck.
    <NightsWatch> *sigh*
    <NightsWatch> I grow impatient.
    *** NightsWatch is now known as Winterreise
    *** Mode change [+o Winterreise] on #RomUlation by ChanServ
    *** Winterreise has kicked Alex from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT1]
    *** Alex ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    [Reider] If I'm going to be e-raped I want it to be done in a quick and meticulous fashion. :(
    *** Winterreise has kicked Alex from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT2]
    *** Alex ([email protected]) has joined #RomUlation
    *** Mode change [+b *!*@E7D9D92E.26E0634F.96D8D8F6.IP] on #RomUlation by Winterreise
    *** Winterreise has kicked Alex from #romulation [SUPERCUNTPUNT 3333333333333333333333333]
    <Winterreise> Bai bai
    *** Mode change [+i] on #RomUlation by loonylion
    At the rate its going, there's probably going to be a continuation.
  10. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    That was a fucking awesome time.
  11. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I don't really see how you're proud of that Winter, good job being an ass.
  12. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Winter, although being a girl was a bad reason to tell you to stop being rude perhaps you should say sorry to her as you were mean for no reason :-\
  13. ClydeOne

    ClydeOne Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    Man, I am missing out(basically lost)...I need to get on IRC more often.
  14. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    [20:26]	=-=	Mode #RomUlation +b Seph!*@* by Reid
    [20:26]	<loonylion>	because both characters fail equally?
    [20:26]	=-=	Mode #RomUlation -b Seph!*@* by Reid
    [20:26]	<Pada>	No Seph :'(
    [20:26]	<Reid>	Hehe
    Trouble strikes
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    <tinymonkeyt> I'm taking a shower brb. No peeking.
    <anandjones> tiny: You're ugly.
  16. SplinterOfChaos

    SplinterOfChaos Well-Known Member

    This was a discussion about porn: (if it hasn't been posted) (lightly edited for irrelevance)

  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    <Winterreise> I find it hard to believe racism is still a problem.
    <Reider> No idea
    <Winterreise> Unless those fucking chinks still actually listen to us.
    <loonylion> you dumb cannuck
    * Winterreise looks around for Born2killx
    <Reider> Yeah, racism isn't a problem at all.
    <Winterreise> Shut up, cracker.
    <loonylion> fail
    <Reider> Blow me Canadian
    <Winterreise> Go to hell, amerifag
    <Winterreise> GO JOIN THE AIR FORCE
    <Winterreise> OH WAIT
    * DJbruce92DS feels sick. Might have caught something from Reider.
    <Reider> Go fall in one of your ice fishing holes bitch.
    <Reider> Oh thats good.  I'm actually feeling pretty decent right now.
    <Winterreise> Anyways yeah.
    <Winterreise> No racism.
    <Winterreise> At all.
  18. airsoft1117

    airsoft1117 Well-Known Member

    ^That right there was gold
  19. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    Koniferus motorboats faun
    <Faune> Uuuuuuuhhh
    <Koniferus> faune^
    <Faune> S..squishy?
    <SplinterOfChaos> They are!
    <SplinterOfChaos> Good piint!
    <SplinterOfChaos> point
    <SplinterOfChaos> ...are they?
    <Koniferus> perfect sound effect faune

    FOR THE WIN!!!
  20. koniferus

    koniferus Well-Known Member

    too fucking funny