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OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc here

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b00bage, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. b00bage

    b00bage Member

    This topic will be dedicated to any funny happenings that happen in the #romulation irc channel on imperium. If you are not sure how to get onto irc, Zerozangle has kindly written a tutorial on how to use mirc to get onto romulations irc channel: irc tutorial

    Please note, IRC channel is definitely NOT PG-13.

    Anyways here are a couple of mine that I've collected to kick this thing off =)

    07:11.26 ( Re4retard ) hows the site holding up
    07:11.41 ( ~Seph ) imagine a woode nthreehouse
    07:11.43 ( ~Seph ) *wooden
    07:11.46 ( ~Seph ) *treehouse
    07:12.07 ( ~Seph ) as romulation of course
    07:12.21 ( Re4retard ) ?
    07:12.27 ( ~Seph ) now instead of nails you use bandaids
    07:12.41 ( Re4retard ) basicly it could break at any time
    07:12.45 ( ~Seph ) and instead of planks you use fine print paper
    07:30.52 ( Rainier ) if you don't like me that certainly then you shouldn't be afraid of saying the reasons
    07:31.05 ( Rainier ) so I guess if it's more like you can stand up to your claims or not
    07:31.59 ( b00bage ) 1. YOUR A CUNT BUT IM AN ASS NOW WE JUST NEED A DICK...
    07:32.16 ( Rainier ) llololololol
    07:33.12 ( ~Seph ) yeah Rainier like b00bage says, we're just not compatible
    07:33.30 ( Ganondorf ) What about me? :d
    07:33.32 ( Rainier ) errr, Seph, bob was kinda... joking
    07:33.40 ( b00bage ) I disagree Seph as your the DICK in that equation
    07:33.42 ( ~Seph ) we keep bumping together not be never really connect
    07:33.54 ( ~Seph ) b00bage: am I a huuge dig?
    07:33.56 ( Ganondorf ) What about me? :d
    07:33.56 ( Ganondorf ) What about me? :d
    07:33.57 ( Rainier ) err
    07:34.01 ( b00bage ) Seph: of course
    07:34.01 ( Rainier ) Seph, we have just, talked, like, twice
    07:34.04 ( Rainier ) this being the second one
    07:34.12 ( ~Seph ) Ganondorf you're the guy who wants to join but only gets to watch
    07:34.19 ( Rainier ) you can't even say the reasons of why you don't like me
    07:34.23 ( Ganondorf ) join what?
    07:34.29 ( b00bage ) Ganondorf: vibrator attachment?
    07:29.56       .•• Sensei ( [email protected] ) joined #RomUlation
    07:29.56       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +ao Sensei Sensei
    07:30.01 ( b00bage ) w00t
    07:30.05 ( @phreakhacker ) sure seph... security 'card' is what i'm gonna be
    07:30.10 ( @phreakhacker ) geez...
    07:30.19 ( b00bage ) Seph: type /bs say #romulation to make it say shit
    07:30.20 ( ~Seph ) secirry guard
    07:30.30 ( &Sensei ) I did it for the lulz
    07:30.54 ( b00bage ) phreakhacker: you can manipulate the bot aswell
    07:31.24 ( @phreakhacker ) cool
    07:31.26 ( &Sensei ) b00bage is ugly
    07:31.30 ( @phreakhacker ) but i'll try it some other time
    07:31.35 ( ~Seph ) who did that?
    07:31.39 ( @phreakhacker ) i'm bathing in mame goodness right now... =D
    07:31.51 ( &Sensei ) nomercy PLZ have mercy on me!
    07:31.56 ( b00bage ) Sensei: but I give you anal just the way you like it
    07:32.04 ( ~Seph ) omg this is the perfect toy for a child like myself. :D
    07:32.17 ( &Sensei ) Seph is awesome
    07:32.19 ( b00bage ) Seph: only +o and above can command the bot
    07:32.19 ( ~Seph ) thanks you
    07:32.34 ( ~Seph ) so what does it do?
    07:32.41 ( ~Seph ) besides chat?
    07:32.59 ( ~Seph ) Luceiia is a bot too right?
    07:33.03 ( b00bage ) yes
    07:33.05 ( b00bage ) no
    07:33.07 ( b00bage ) no
    07:33.14 ( b00bage ) spambot is a bot of that chan
    07:33.32 ( ~Seph ) [23:27:32] * +Luceiia is away: washing my hair
    07:33.37 ( ~Seph ) luceiia is a bot too
    07:33.40 ( b00bage ) nope
    07:33.42 ( ~Seph ) no one goes away because they wash their hair
    07:33.55 ( b00bage ) luceii actually talks
    07:34.09 ( ~Seph ) not in here. :P
    07:34.49 ( &Sensei ) Seph is homosexual but denies it all the time
    07:34.56 ( @phreakhacker ) sweet... =D
    07:35.00 ( ~Seph ) hmm
    07:35.07 ( ~Seph ) anyway I can make it so ops CAN'T use it?
    07:35.13       .•• Seph sets #RomUlation mode -o phreakhacker
    07:35.17 ( b00bage ) Seph: type /bs help to see what other shit you can make sensei do
    07:35.23 ( b00bage ) Seph: no
    07:35.31 ( b00bage ) its dependant on chanserv
    07:35.34 ( phreakhacker ) oh... ffuuuuuccckkkk.... C'MON YOU BIG BABY!!!
    07:35.37 ( b00bage ) phreakhacker type !op
    07:35.43 ( phreakhacker ) !op
    07:35.43       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o phreakhacker
    07:35.52 ( @phreakhacker ) holy shit...
    07:35.55 ( ~Seph ) !deop phreakhacker
    07:35.56       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode -o phreakhacker
    07:35.56 ( phreakhacker ) whoa...
    07:35.57 ( ~Seph ) haha
    07:35.58 ( +cpM ) fantasy cmds are weak :P
    07:36.00 ( ~Seph ) !op phreakhacker
    07:36.00       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o phreakhacker
    07:36.21 ( ~Seph ) so can it op non auto opped users?
    07:36.23 ( b00bage ) phreakhacker: /cs op #romulation if you want to be stealthy =p
    07:36.33 ( b00bage ) Seph: yes
    07:36.40       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o phreakhacker
    07:36.49 ( @phreakhacker ) hm... =P
    07:36.50 ( @phreakhacker ) nice
    07:36.56       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o Seph
    07:36.58       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o Seph
    07:36.58       .•• Sensei sets #RomUlation mode +o Seph
    07:37.04 ( ~Seph ) oh looks I'm tripple op
    07:37.19 ( ~Seph ) haha nomercy can't use this bot
    07:37.20 ( ~Seph ) awesome
    07:37.30 ( &Sensei ) Seph is stooopid...
    07:37.32 ( +cpM ) Seph, /cs deowner
    07:37.58 ( ~Seph ) /cs op
    07:38.00 ( @phreakhacker ) muahahaha... i love this thing... =D
    07:38.03 ( ~Seph ) /cs deowner
    07:38.06 ( ~Seph ) it doesn't do anything =/
    07:38.11 ( +cpM ) /cs clear #RomUlation users
    07:38.13 ( ~Seph ) /cc deowner
    07:38.16 ( ~Seph ) cpM stop lieing =/
    07:38.22 ( @phreakhacker ) rofl
    07:38.26 ( b00bage ) Seph: /cs deowner #romulation
    07:38.39 ( ~Seph ) /cs deowner #romulation
    07:38.42 ( ~Seph ) still doesn't work
    07:38.48 ( ~Seph ) why are you lieing too =/
    07:38.59 ( @phreakhacker ) haha
    07:39.13 ( b00bage ) Seph: typing /cs owner #romulation will reowner you
    07:39.24 ( ~Seph ) /cs owner #romulation
    07:39.27 ( ~Seph ) I broke it =/
    07:39.31 ( +cpM ) b00bage, owner doesn't need the channel
    07:39.49 ( ~Seph ) /me broke the irc
    07:40.01 ( +cpM ) damn you Seph, now fix it
    07:40.02       .•• Ghostgirl ( [email protected] ) joined #RomUlation
    07:40.03 ( b00bage ) Seph: I can see through what your doing
    07:40.05 ( @phreakhacker ) whoa... how come the /me commands aren't working?
    07:40.20 ( ~Seph ) um nomercy, anyone you know?
    07:40.30 ( b00bage ) /me has sex with Seph
    07:40.43 ( @phreakhacker ) erm...
    07:40.50 ( ~Seph ) /me is glad that command didn't work
    07:40.54 ( @phreakhacker ) too much info b00bage, but okay
    07:41.00 ( b00bage ) Seph = sexy
    07:41.06 ( ~Seph ) damn straight
    07:41.10 ( +MegaRoms ) [URL active] - Address:[URL://megaroms.myftp.org:21] - Login:[roms] - Password:[downloads] - Max Users:[3] - Description:[Latest Roms 24/7 (Fserve on FTP)] - SysReset 2.53
    07:41.26 ( +cpM ) Seph = 4 letters, 4 sexy letters
    07:41.31 ( ~Seph ) damn straight
    07:41.41 ( @phreakhacker ) OMG, what is this? the twilight zone?
    07:41.52 ( ~Seph ) /me laiks the twilight zone
    07:41.55 ( +cpM ) phreakhacker, no the dusk zone
    07:41.57 ( @phreakhacker ) the zone where Seph's ego just skyrockets into the stratosphere above?
    07:42.15 ( @phreakhacker ) i don't care what zone it is!!!
    07:42.17 ( ~Seph ) it's always been up there
    07:42.22 )) @phreakhacker breathes deeply...
    07:42.30 ( @phreakhacker ) hey, how come my /me commands work?
    07:42.36 ( ~Seph ) omg phreakhacker fixed it
    07:42.40 )) ~Seph is working too
    07:42.42 ( ~Seph ) omg nice one phreakhacker
    07:42.54 ( b00bage ) phreakhacker: typing /cs invite #romulation will allow you to join this channel regardless of any chan modes and will allow you to bypass +b
    07:42.54 ( ~Seph ) omg omg
    07:43.00 ( @phreakhacker ) I'VE GOT THE POWER!!!!
    07:43.09 ( ~Seph ) b00bage: why did you have to tell him that? =/
    07:43.18 ( b00bage ) Seph: entertainment
    07:43.23 ( +cpM ) /cs clear #RomUlation users
    07:43.24 ( @phreakhacker ) 'cos i've got the power?
    07:43.29 ( Ghostgirl ) hey everyone :)
    07:43.35 ( ~Seph ) hey Ghostgirl
    07:43.35 ( @phreakhacker ) hey Ghostgirl
    07:43.41 ( b00bage ) Seph: you always have the akick up your sleeve
    07:43.43 ( @phreakhacker ) stop copying me Seph
    07:43.52 ( ~Seph ) stop copying me Seph
    07:43.57 ( b00bage ) 07:43.35 ( ~Seph ) hey Ghostgirl
    07:43.57 ( b00bage ) 07:43.35 ( @phreakhacker ) hey Ghostgirl
    07:44.00 ( b00bage ) wah?
    07:44.02 ( Ghostgirl ) so where are the latest roms? :D
    07:44.09 ( b00bage ) Ghostgirl: in my pants
    07:44.13 ( Ghostgirl ) are there any new ones available which arent on the website yet?
    07:44.19 ( %nomercy ) stop scaring away people
    Also when posting use the
    [code]enter irc quote here[/ code] (without the space) 
    to prevent this topic from becoming untidy[/code]
  2. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    [22:32] <nomercy> so anyway, i'm finally getting a new vid card
    [22:32] <loonylion> a voodoo 4? :P
    [22:33] <nomercy> nah, a 6200
    [22:33] <Seph> Voodoo 6200
    [22:33] <Seph> no such card
    [22:33] <loonylion> he means the voodoo 6.200 I think :P
    [22:33] <nomercy> finding drivers for that one is a real bitch
    [22:34] <loonylion> yeah, cos it never made retail release
    [22:34] <nomercy> you really made that sound like you're a voodoo geek
    [22:35] <nomercy> like a voodoo collector
    [22:35] <nomercy> 'it is still in the original package'
    [22:36] <loonylion> I have all the voodoo cards
    [22:36] <loonylion> none of them in original packaging tho :P
    [22:38] <nomercy> loony, you're scaring me...
    [22:39] <Seph> nomercy: wait, we're talking about loony here, and his amount of hardware is the thing that scare you the most?
    [22:40] <loonylion> just the tip of the iceberg :)
    [22:44] <nomercy> eww, I don't want to know about loony's hardware...
  3. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member


    That's some awesome stuff... =D
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    [04:33:05] <Winterreise> how are you?
    [04:34:10] <Ganondorf> Pretty good, you?
    [04:34:34] <Winterreise> Not bad.
    [04:34:39] <Winterreise> Shaving, in fact.
    [04:34:57] <Ganondorf> haha
    [04:36:14] <~Seph> what an odd time to shave O.o
    [04:36:30] <~Seph> shaving and IRC'ing at the same time.
    [04:36:52] * ~Seph awards Winterreise the "Most Technologically Advanced Shaver" award
    We're still having fun in there, come join us. :D
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    After an usual amount of activity:
    [04:35:22] <Ganondorf> Today is, like, a landmark in #romulation history
    [04:35:29] <Ganondorf> August 14, 2007
    [04:35:29] <~Seph> oh yeah
    [04:35:31] <~Seph> on activity
    [04:35:32] <Ganondorf> NEVAR FORGET
    [04:37:01] <~Seph> Remember remember the 14th of August, the IRC chat and plot, I know of no reason the IRC chat should ever be forgot.
    [04:37:29] <~Seph> we should definitely do this again in November
    Everyone get the November reference right? :p

    Why is it that the fun stuff always happens when I'm supposed to be sleeping?
  6. dooz

    dooz Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    yay for activity!

    btw im asdf...on IRC
  7. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    It'd be even better if we did it tomorrow, since I have the day off from work.

    If you don't know who I am, I pity you.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    [21:51:23] <RudyChan> Why does the latest nds rom say.. (loli) at the end
    [21:51:28] <RudyChan> makes me want to play it.
    [21:51:33] <asdf> release group
    [21:51:38] <RudyChan> oh.
    [21:51:40] <RudyChan> nvm. ]:
    Dirty mind that one. :p
  9. stevo11185

    stevo11185 Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    Heh. i was there when he said that Seph. It does worry me though that he said he wants to play a game because it says loli at the end.
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    [17:48:47] <Winterreise> OK, i'm going to call WalMart to see if they've broken the street date on Bioshock
    [17:50:18] <Winterreise> $5 says they have/
    [17:50:47] <~Seph> ...
    [17:50:57] <Winterreise> What the hell. Noone's picking up.
    [17:51:09] <Winterreise> The feds must have tipped them off that I'd be calling...
    [17:51:36] <~Seph> they're playing hide and seek
    [17:52:01] <Winterreise> Or being robbed.
    [17:52:41] <Winterreise> Yay, someone picked up.
    [17:52:46] <Winterreise> Bastard lady.
    [17:52:49] <Winterreise> "Bio..what?"
    [17:52:56] <Winterreise> "Shock"
    [17:52:56] <Winterreise> "Shuck?"
    [17:53:02] <Winterreise> "No, shock. As in, I'm going to shock you with a taser"
    [17:53:04] <Winterreise> "Oh."
    [17:53:13] <Winterreise> "One moment, please"
    [17:53:45] <Winterreise> *Enjoys hold music*
    [17:53:51] <Winterreise> *It's Moonlight Sonata - Beethoven*
    [17:53:56] <~Seph> WalMart really is the epitome of intelligence
  11. Phreak Hacker

    Phreak Hacker Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    All bash-worthy.... I think you guys should post some of this stuff.
  12. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Well, we learn new things about people all the time around here.

    <Seph> "Control a polar bear and a walrus in a changing 3D environment. Each animal has varying attributes such as speed, stamina, strength and hunger that will change depending upon their condition
    <Seph> and surroundings.
    <Seph> new Wii game, I can't fucking wait
    <Seph> bed time, I think I'll dream about all the wonderful polar bear action
    [Reider] Wow, I didn't know you were into that sort of thing.
    <Ganondorf> Hahaha
  13. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Why would anyone want to capture Seph's fetishes anyway? Aren't you disturbed yourself then?
  14. DerikkuKun

    DerikkuKun Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    There is an IRC?
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    On the main page, there's a menu and on that menu you should see "IRC Channel"

    Just click on that and it should take care of the rest.
  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    [21:59:19] <~Seph> Shaun of the Dead er genial
    [21:59:27] <RudyChan> o.o>
    [21:59:49] <~Seph> Shaun of the Dead is brilliant
    [21:59:57] <~Seph> forgot to switch brain to English
    Shit happens when it's still early. :D
  17. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    The identity of involved parts have been removed to protect their lives. ::)

    <A> Though there might actually be a market for encrypted chats
    <A> You know, for all the pedophiles and such
    <A> They're usually really paranoid...
    <B> Mwah, they put an awful lot of thrust into those little kids....
  18. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Oh such interesting facts you learn. :D

    [20:38:31] <ChrisValentine> Yes, I'm a little crazy too. (My voice sounds like a girl on the microphone. I'M A DUDE, GOSH DARNIT!)
  19. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Sometimes I really wonder if he was dropped on his head...

    [03:54:21] <~Seph> Ganondorf: you'll have a faster PC while you download :)
    [03:54:23] <Reider> Or he'll be aroused.
    [03:54:32] <Ganondorf> I download mostly overnight ;)
    [03:54:37] <~Seph> uTorrent is using 3.5 MB memory right now
    [03:54:41] <Ganondorf> Wow
    [03:54:54] <Ganondorf> In that case, I'll probably be switching over tomorrow ;p
    [03:54:55] <~Seph> yeah, uTorrent = <3
    [03:56:46] <%Winterreise> UTORRENT DOESN'T WORK
    [03:56:48] <%Winterreise> IGNORE SEPH
    [03:56:51] <%Winterreise> MINE IS FUCKED UP
    [03:57:54] <~Seph> that's not utorrent
    [03:57:55] <~Seph> that's you
    [03:58:13] <Ganondorf> oburn
    [03:58:17] <%Winterreise> How is it me?
    [03:58:22] <Ganondorf> oburn
    [03:58:28] <%Winterreise> I download an update, and suddenly none of my torrents are working
    [03:58:36] <~Seph> did you check that your port is open?
    [03:58:57] <%Winterreise> How.
    [03:59:27] <~Seph> http://www.utorrent.com/testport.php?port=port+here
    [03:59:42] <%Winterreise> what port do I try.
    [03:59:54] <Ganondorf> 6881-6889
    [03:59:55] <%Winterreise> nevermind lol
    [03:59:56] <Ganondorf> bitochca!
    [04:00:17] <~Seph> no
    [04:00:20] <~Seph> try whatever port you use
    [04:00:24] <~Seph> I use port 350000
    [04:00:28] <~Seph> err 35000
    [04:01:03] <%Winterreise> How do I open a port.
    [04:01:23] <~Seph> portforward.com
    [04:01:26] <~Seph> damn newb
    [04:01:40] <Reider> haha
  20. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Re: OFFICIAL IRC MEMORIES TOPIC - post all the funny shit that happens in irc he

    [20:48] <Ohji> FUCK YEAH I LEVELED UP
    [20:48] <Ganondorf> FUCK YEAH SEAKING
    [20:50] <RudyChan> FUCK NO MUDKIP
    [20:50] <Reider> FUCK WHATEVER
    [20:50] <Ganondorf> FUCK WHAT DID YOU SAY BITCH?
    [20:51] <RudyChan> FUCK YEAH RUDYCHAN
    [20:51] <Ganondorf> FUCK YEAH FAGGOTRY
    [20:51] <Ganondorf> FUCK NO FAGGOTRY, RATHER>
    [20:51] <Ohji> FUCK YEAH TIDAL WAVE
    [20:51] <Reider> FUCK NO SOLAR BEAM
    [20:52] <Ganondorf> FUCK YEAH THUNDERSHOCK
    [20:52] <Reider> FUCK YEAH FUCKING
    [20:52] <Ganondorf> FUCK YEAH IRCMEMORY?
    [20:52] <Reider> FUCK YEAH SURE
    [20:53] <Ganondorf> FUCK OKAY IM ON IT