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Obesity in America

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by miros, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. BeaverDono

    BeaverDono Member

    I miss jungle gyms.. :( They use to have a ton of these things all over the playgrounds and such.. until one day a kid fell off and snapped his neck.. now you can't even find one where I live!
  2. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Sadly your not getting the point FAT is protein the people who researched it didn't thing that way they thought if your Fat your disgusting, but it is Protein basically no different than carrying crackers in your purse
    Dude what I say is that your Fat is like carrying weights, but to your body its a fridge so imagine me not having any fat carrying around weights would it not make exercising difficult, but its not like you can't
    Post Merge: [time]1272330272[/time]
    Also I am not fixated I know my history and that is why me as a Canadian respect the Americans and I am tired of how people talk about them
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    You know what the weirdest thing is that people say that women eat lot due to depression so why can't that happen in children and men. I don't know why people thing its all "cause its the future, we have it better" sometimes there is that one person trying to make our lives a living hell
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    It can but its an extremely small number of cases. that in itself cannot explain an obsesity epidemic.
  4. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    Dude and Dudess they banned us from playing Red A** [Throw the ball against the wall, if the person who didn't catch it gets the ball, the thrower gets wiped with the ball until they touch the wall]
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    Actually you can if you read what I said. things like Chocolate bars and Ice cream make you fat from the protein you gain from it, same thing with meat and that means those granola bars and peanut butter sandwiches is supplying your Protein Storage "system"
  5. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i think if you read my post it explains perfectly a balanced diet
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm just gonna say this...

    Australia had the title for the FATTEST country for a short time (and with the way i eat I'm surprised I'm not a hippo, or eaten one for that matter....)

    Now, from what I seen, sadly it seems something is in the water, everywhere I go all I see is FAT people with FAT kids!

    Something in our foods seems to making genetically fat people, sure I like to (like my father) blame fast food and shops making it easier and cheaper to buy fatty foods...but when the kids have the width of their parents it's really disturbing...

    Though it seems to be random, one family in mind, the father is FAT, the mother is a bit bigger than she should, and the child is the splitting image of a hippo...

    Yet their eldest son is a twig despite downing beers like a bottomless pit, he managed to beat his own fat problems...lots of exercise, and I mean a hell of alot!

    But no diet changes...so I guess he was genetically lucky :p

    And some fat families I knew, they would (hard to believe) hardly eat anything, while they be full 3 quarters of their meal, I'd be on my 5th serving.

    Sadly it seems some people are just born fat...it could be beaten but when your born fat it's a tad hard to beat.
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    when i stop training i put 14kg on in a couple of weeks, i have 2 sets of jeans, one lot 28" waist one lot 32"
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    40kg, 160cm, 8th grade... own....
  9. Lukong

    Lukong Well-Known Member

    I did and sadly your not understanding that FAT isn't that bad as everyone thinks it is and that the balance diet like eating vegetables, fruits and nuts that maybe apart of a balance diet, but for people who want to shed some pounds are just gaining back that fat because FAT is protein and protein is in some vegetables, fruits and definitely in nuts so your Calories post doesn't really get that.

    The reason for the first post was because I am tired of how people take Obesity like its the end of world [Literally] and pointing it at America [As a Canadian I know my history and see more than what they teach us]. There are people in this world like lazy activist just hanging up signs and expecting the gov't to do everything and they couldn't spread the news around community cause its to much work, but its not to much work to get pass government security.
  10. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Actually fat is not protein, they're distinct food groups.
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    What turns to fat fastest in your body is unused sugar and wheat starch, so wheat products (even wholegrain) can contribute to putting on weight.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

  13. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    read my post again.
    ive been to uni studying to be a PE teacher, i have been bodybuilding for 16 years and i am an amateur cagefighter and get my diet from a top nutritionist. I kinda know a little bit about diets.

    there are 6 different classes of nutrients fat and protein are nutrients they are NOT the same thing. My post EXPLAINS calories as part of a diet, it is not just a calorie post.
    proteins can turn to fats as can EVERYTHING ELSE, this is why in my post it says overeating should be avoided and you should exercise. is this what your on about? because protein is certainly not classed as a fat in any books ive read or diets ive seen.
    and you say people wanting to shed pounds gain it all back by protein? the body starts burning fat after 30-40 mins of exercise so if thats the case, people are not exercising enough and eating too much.

    and you say i dont understand FAT isn't that bad as everyone thinks it is.
    when did i say that? did i say fat was bad?
    fat is needed in a balanced diet, some body fat percentage is healthy, even more so for women
  14. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    I'm taking Foods right now, and I can tell you that fat is definitely not a protein. Also, water is a nutrient.

    I think the biggest problem where I live is that there's nowhere for people to exercise. No trees to climb, stuff like that. The only reason I haven't ended up like my family is because I have OCD and possibly a form of body dysmorphic disorder which makes me conscious of what I eat and also makes me exercise.

    Hurrah for paranoia! Excuse me while I do some squats...

    You know... people should start lifting weights while using the computer, maybe? It's easy to type with one hand.
  15. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    i covered that one but some people dont read or dont understand posts:
    but i cant take seriously anyone that says: How does Anorexia happen basically when your body isn't getting anything to eat [Protein most likely] it feeds off the body's protein which is your Muscles and stored FAT

    [quote author=MessoMesso's link]
    With a completed-suicide rate more than double than that of major depression, and a suicidal ideation rate of around 80%, BDD is considered a major risk factor for suicide
    That doesn't sound too good
  16. Silvertie

    Silvertie Well-Known Member

    Those things were fun, but, by god they were dangerous. Even loose bark "padding" and a thick woollen jersey could not stop me breaking my wrist when I was five, and fell off.
  17. fdman

    fdman New Member

    with too much M's....
  18. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    Body fat percentile is a much more accurate weigh of measuring things.