Demetious, how about you provide some sources of where you are getting your information. Some reason and logic would also help as well. Yeah, yeah, William Ayers. It's old news, and frankly many of us don't care about it since the crimes Ayers committed in the past when Obama was only 8 years old have little to NO relevance to Obama's candidacy. However, I do believe Ayers should be locked up, but since Obama probably had no clue that Ayers committed such heinous acts prior to meeting him face-to-face, his connection to Ayers is nothing more than a stupid distraction the desperate Republicans are just nit-picking at. Too bad for you guys that it's not working effectively against Obama. And what are those "reasons that are just stupid"? McCain picking an incompetent running mate (i.e. Palin)? McCain supporting Bush 90% of the time via Senate votes? People being sick of Bush? Oh please do elaborate on this. Well, no shit? Tell us how McCain can fix the economy 'in four years' then. I'm dying for an answer to my burning question ever since McCain blurted that claim out in the last debate. Guess what? McCain's associate was also involved in Freddie Mac. If you're going to continue with this nit-picking game, make sure your party is completely innocent of the same crime. That's a hardly credible assumption for you to make. Neither you nor I have a clue in terms of what Obama's cabinet will be composed of. Same applies for McCain's cabinet as well. Again, this is another baseless point you're making. And here comes another myth of yours for me to debunk: Obama does support the Second Amendment! I support the Second Amendment myself, and I do plan on buying a handgun as a home security measure. Frankly, I don't see a big deal on bans of automatic weapons. Unless you are an avid gun collector, you can go cry to your non-automatic arms that you have left after the ban is enforced. All civilians have no business owning an assault weapon in the first place. You know one of the reasons why the US Police Force is getting their asses kicked? Assault weapons in hands of civilians and criminals. EDIT: Probably the only group of beliefs in your post that I agree with. Welfare should be eliminated to make room for Social Security since welfare is abused a lot. Food stamps should be severely restricted and reformed as well. However, don't assume the Democrats will make "everything for free". Must I bring up that Political Spectrum concept again?
Hey Hypr, lay off the Palin insults, man. Palin is a MASTER of foreign policy, because she can practically see Russia from her window. I know this is true because I am astronaut, because I can see the moon outside of my window right now. PS - Hey, uh, Demetious... Palin doesn't have shit in terms of foreign policy, but she was a governor of Alaska (a state ranked 47/50 in terms of population) for two years. Maybe I'm not giving her enough credit, after all, I'm sure she picked up an unimaginable amount of foreign experience when she was a mayor of a 5,000 population town. I'm still being unfair though, I mean -- she's just a VP. Sure, when McCain dies (and he has a 9:1 chance over Obama of dying in office) she'll become our President but it's not like she's running as the gal in charge. I guess it's just hard to understand that McCain, someone who has relentless attacked Obama for a lack of experience, would choose Palin as a vice presidential candidate, while Obama chose someone with a vast amount of knowledge and experience. But I regress. As a VP, she isn't bad. I mean, Biden isn't that fantastic either; he's only been a senator for thirty-five god damn years.
Amnesty for illegal immigrants who take away jobs from Americans? Hell, Illegal immigrants can't even find jobs. What the new government should fix is all the jobs moving to damn china. Keep the jobs in the US. This is why I no longer drive or wear Levis jeans(haha).
No. Tell me a credible source that proves without a doubt that Obama is friends with a radical terrorist. Oh, wait.... Don't be naive. Please lead on about how the American dream works and how we'll all do well by working our asses off. The system doesn't work that way. If that was true, then why the fuck is there a (large) wealth gap. Some people work harder than others? No. Try telling that same line to the 30 million+ Americans who live in poverty. I support free enterprise, effort, and hard work; and I do think that the welfare/ social security system should be limited in the sense that people who really need it have access. But there is an inherent flaw in the system that makes it so that these people don't benefit from their hard work.
that terrorist thing is so ridiculous that i cant even believe its people even say it out loud. the board they were on together was headed by a Republican among other republicans so are they all terrorist lovers or just the democrats.
Back in the '60's Bill Ayers was not a "terrorist". He was a "social activist". BTW how many people debating here are even legal to vote?
that terrorist thing about obama [i don't remember the name of the guy], obama states that the guy will not be part of his aids or counsels when he becomes president [please note i don't remember the exact quote but if you can find it [a youtube video or similart] and post it you can examine it]. it's nice that the guy won't be one of obama's aids or counsels but he can still be an influence, which can have an impact on his decision making. religion [priests, etc...] for instance doesn't aid or give counsel for us when we are in power, but it does offer us influence on what we do. what is this thing about everyone attacking palin's political experience?? obama is on the same boat as palin and yet palin get's hit more then obama?? is this a sexists attack by the democrats?
This is a portion of what I have said about Palin. It's not that it's sexist, it's more like whenever she speaks she doesn't put any clear clarification into any of her answers. I've seen interview with Katie Couric and to be talking about Foreign Policy only to change it over to Health care reform is not answering the question. On top of that SNL cast member Tina Fey took that same interview practically word for word and people laughed at it. McCain did not convince me to vote for him by having a woman on his ticket. I understand that learning about a candidate is a given, but, come on seriously, to pick her for the women voters is ridiculous. I'm a woman and I wasn't going to vote for Hillary Clinton in the first place either. And she has way more experience than Obama any day. People need to see who is the better candidate for the job. Everyone will disagree about who is better, that is always the case with politics.
What Mishy said is absolutely correct. The problem with Palin is two things: one, she has poor integrity as governor of Alaska (she charged her state for her daughters' trip just recently), and two, as Mishy pointed out, Palin simply does not comprehend ANYTHING regarding today's issues that matter in this election. To make matters worse, Palin even disagrees with McCain on several issues! Palin simply is not on par with McCain at all. Also, one thing to point out is that it's not just Democrats that are against Palin as VP, but also key Republicans too. Even Colin Powell is against Sarah Palin. I've already pointed this out before in my first post of this topic, but for financial conservatives like me, even Palin's 'Alaskanomics' is a red flag that this person is bad news for taxpayers. I sincerely hope that after McCain loses, Palin's political career is finished. Palin managed to not only embarrass John McCain (although I don't care for him anymore since he lost my respect entirely as well as my vote), but also disgraced the entire Republican party.
what about obama that embarrassed hillary. obama, a nobody and he took down hillary, who has more experience then he does. isn't that something. colin powell doesn't have any meaning or merit as he's offered a job by obama and is therefore giving support. if i ran for president and have offered you a position as vice president or as one of the secretary positions, wouldn't you give support for me then the other candidate who didn't offer you a vice president position or other possible positions?
Colin Powell, has merit and meaning because he is a black man who served as Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, under President Bush for Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under both President George H.W Bush and Bill Clinton, if that doesn't speak volumes to you then you haven't been keeping up with the times. Oh and I forgot to mention that he does have 35 years of Military experience? I've not heard Colin Powell being offered a job by Obama at all. He's a one of the top Republicans, and he's giving his support for Obama because he, himself, sees that Obama is better for the job. Read that article and tell where he was 1.) Offered a job and 2.) Tell me exactly why Colin Powell chose to give support to Obama when Colin Powell, himself, is a long standing Republican?
William Ayres was in the Weather Underground, a radical group that sprung up in opposition to the Vietnam War. They started blowing shit up after peaceful protests started being raided with tear gas and several peacefully protesting students at Kent State University were actually killed by the US military. The Weather Underground always made sure that the structures they demolished we empty. The only people the Weather Underground ever actually killed were two of their own members in an accident. I believe William Aryes was involved with this incident. So whether or not Barack was 8, or 38, it shouldn't matter because his 'terrorist pal' was actually fighting against a shit war and to save lives and NOT to spread a religion >_> Millions of Americans died in Vietnam, and the war as not even about US security. The Vietnam war was about Communist containment. The only reason he's called a 'terrorist' is because that's today's buzz word. If American's were scared of Jews, William Ayres would be a 'Domestic Jew' SOMEHOW. lol.
how to prove colin powell is being offered a job by obama. the link hypr provided , a quote from that article, "On Monday, Obama said Powell would advise him if he becomes president. "He's already served in that function, even before he endorsed me," Obama told NBC. "Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether there's something that's a good fit for him, I think is something that he and I would have to discuss."" by senator obama provided by cnn scott j. anderson another article you provided, a quote from that article, "McCain played down the endorsement, saying he wasn’t “surprised†and that he has the endorsements of four other secretaries of state. But the endorsement by Powell, 71, has more gravitas because of his 35-year military experience, as well as his resume, which includes serving as secretary of State during President George W. Bush’s first term, and as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton." by pamela gentry of bet news of pamela on politics. can you read between the lines?! ???
I get your point. But so what if McCain and Powell were friends. Powell, doesn't like what McCain has done or said. So for Powell, to endorse Obama in any way, is all because of what he has seen and heard.
let me just finish by saying, you scratch my back and i'll scrath your back, sort of describes politics. do you understand what that means when it comes to politics?! ??? it maybe true, it maybe false, but based on history, the eight ball points to yes. basically, powell may have been friends with mccain simply to obtain gains and vice versa with mccain. look at that guy lieberman, this guy is jumping off the walls, goes from republican to independent to democratic or etc...[in no specific order by the way].
Regarding Colin Powell, Mishy already covered what I was about to cover, so I don't need to go further into that. However, regarding Hillary Clinton, NO! Obama did not embarrass Hillary Clinton; Hillary Clinton embarrassed HERSELF by simply running a hateful and arrogant primary campaign against Obama. Hillary attacked Obama first after she realized she couldn't get her "experience" point across to Democratic voters. That kind of makes this general election a deja vu, of the Democratic primary, doesn't it? By dividing the Democratic party, many Democrats were upset with Hillary's tactics (and not to mention she had the nerve to cry about Michigan and Florida who violated the party rules) that they willingly rallied with Obama as Obama's campaign presented a different yet more appropriate attitude of how to lead this country. The heavy support however Hillary managed to draw were female voters.
And now that McCain has Palin, he thought he could recover those women voters...Too bad, your female ticket is a complete fool. Seriously, she hasn't shown me anything worthwhile about her and how she can run this country at all. If she were to become the president, I'm sure she would run the country just like she governed Alaska...