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Obama vs. McCain

Discussion in 'Debates' started by Demetious, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    I'd vote Obama, he looks much more intelligent than McCain, and McCain seems like Bush in a sense.

    Oh, I bet you are, although you don't want too. I don't want a flame war or something here, mind that. And I'm ashamed to say this but I'm racist in a sense. I don't like gypsy people (pretty bad relations with them in the past, involving hospital once). So don't blame me.

    Oh, and really, don't take me very seriously, I'm a very straight person (whether it is for me or not).
  2. darksynyster

    darksynyster Well-Known Member

    Personally, I think both of them suck. No matter who wins, they are both idiots. Ron Paul should have been the candidate. Obama is so close to being a socialist that it makes my blood boil and his healthcare "we're here to help you" attitude is bullshit. As soon as he gets elected he is going to change a lot. He just wants the votes. McCain on the other hand, is a Bush clone. He probably knows nothing about economics and his only interest will be war. However, everything comes down to war. Obama wants to bring the soldiers home, which is a noble act and I respect him for that but ultimately it's going to backfire. We messed up their country's social and cultural structure, now it's up to us to fix it. If we don't then they'll go back to being the way they were. The only problem with that is: McCain may not be the best man for the job since he will probably make things worse. Therefore, both candidates are garbage. I still stand by my decision that Ron Paul should have been the Presidential Candidate.

    I think I will leave you guys with the wise words of Lewis Black (He should have been the other candidate):

    "The Democrats are a party of no ideas and the Republicans are a party of bad ideas. What this means is that the Republicans will think of a bad idea, and the Democrats will think of a way to make it worse. This keeps repeating over and over until we are all screwed and with a trillion dollar debt." - Lewis Black.
  3. sonicsam12

    sonicsam12 New Member

    To above poster^ that signature about the correct use of grammar is funny because it would be nice if it had correct spelling too. XD

    In a way.. I too think both candidates are not the best, but it is what we got. I also think that the hole America is in cannot, and will not be fixed by simply choosing a new president. Our problems are not going to be fixed by the new president. The whole country needs to rally up and help take this country into a new direction other than the shitty one it is going at the moment. Instead of working hard to better the country, most look towards improving their own life and they don't care about those people who endured great tragedies in the past few years. A new president is not going to come save us like some sort of a hero or something. The U.S. is full of people with opposite opinions, many different cultures, religions, and races. While I think it's great that this country has all of this, it is also what hurts it the most. It seems the feeling here in the U.S. is that you're never going to be satisfied.. and at the moment we can't. People have this mindset that America has to be at a certain level to be a great country. That it should have everything that the people need, whenever they want. Does no one see that there are countries out there that have it so much worse than us? Does no one understand that sometimes things have to change? This country has to change.
  4. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I believe if you vote, you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around, I know. They say, "well, if you don't vote, you have no right to complain," but where the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up - well you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem, you voted them in, you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote - who, in fact, did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way for what these people have done, and have every right to complain as loud as I want about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with! So, I know that a little later on this year, you're gonna have another one of those really swell presidential elections that you like so much, you enjoy yourselves, it will be a lot of fun. I'm sure as soon as the election is over, your country will improve immediately. As for me, I'll be home on the same day, doing essentially the same thing as you. The only difference is, when I get finished masturbating, I'm gonna have a little something to show for it, folks. - George Carlin

  5. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    maybe, but if you do vote you can then bitch about the election being rigged if your candidate doesn't get in.
  6. Sprite

    Sprite Well-Known Member

    All I know is, I can't and won't support a candidate who would deny a life-saving abortion. Which both McCain and Palin would.

    Pro-Life my arse. Pro-Unborn Life more like.

    But I don't live in the US, so...


    Free healthcare > non-free healthcare. Better losing a couple hours of your time than your house.
  7. Demetious

    Demetious Member

    Obama is friends with a radical terrorist. What if McCain was friends with Osama Bin Laden before 9/11? He would be dead by now. There is such a bias in America today and everyone is voting for reasons that are just stupid. The economy is a huge deal right now. Who was a huge supporter of Fannie May and Freddie Mac? Obama sure helped them along, much with the help of Bill Clinton who signed the CRA act. Who are obama's financial advisers? James Johnson and Franklin Raines. Some people say....what....aren't those the same people who also got us into this mix as execs for the two piss poor companies who gave money to people who couldn't afford it? Yea.....put those guys in Obama's cabinet. Here's how the Obama cabinet could end up looking

    President - Obama
    VP - Biden
    Dep of Homeland Security - Obama will abolish this because peace and cookies solve everything.
    Dep of Treasury - Franklin Raines - Why not, he helped get us into this, he can dig us out.
    Dep of State - William Wright - He will fix America so America is no longer damned by God.
    Dep of Energy - No need for energy Independence, just inflate your tires and get a regular tune-up.
    Dep of Defense - William Ayers - He knows how to make bombs, he bombed his own country and wish he had done more.
    Dep of Justice - He got off in the white house (pardon the pun) and didn't get in trouble, he knows the law and how to get around it.
    Dep of Education - Al Alinsky - Rules for radicals, he has taught Obama, he can now teach us.

    Doesn't anyone see his relationships and where his mindset must be? I am a big supporter of the second amendment and that alone is enough for me to say no to Obama. But his socialistic views; Sure everyone in America is born equal, but where we get should be how well we perform in life. It is not a right to have health insurance, it is a responsibility. It is not a right to have a home, it is a responsibility. Americans now want everything given to them which is just insane. Get off your lazy ass and work for your family. Welfare is bullshit. Food stamps should be abolished. With the exception to disability, we give Americans so much that Americans now just want everything for free. Socialism is not where America should be headed but it is on a collision course with a Democratic House, Senate, and President.
  8. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry it took a while to respond, sorta forgot about this thread. Anyway, I'm a student, so I don't have much of a paycheck besides the $350 the government gives as a minimum to all who studies.

    But our maximum tax is 63% for those "top earners" problem is top earners is about 80% of the Danish population by now. Usually a good rule of thumb for the average top tax payer is that you pay about 50% of your income to taxes.

    As for your latest post, I'm not sure if it's sarcasm or you're actually serious, but since you suggest William Wright as head of state I'm going to assume you're just poking fun of the ignorant Americans who thinks Obama is a terrorist and an arab and ignore it.

    As for socialism, it's good to a limit, in America you have a huge amount of unskilled labour because most people can't afford an education, in Denmark you have a huge amount of skilled labour because the government pays for your education. The country as a whole benefits from that and you generally have a lot less ignorant people.

    Be careful with the whole "socialism is evil", it's like some fear that just because the Russians are communist, and socialism is vaguely like communism then socialism is bad. As with all things, in excess it hurts but I honestly see a lot of uses for it. Even though I would like a lower tax rate...
  9. Demetious

    Demetious Member

    I won't go so far to say that socialism is like communism, as it is clearly not. However, I believe in free markets. I also believe in the belief that you get back what you put in. It drives me nuts when people say they can't pay for college. Anyone can get student scholarships, loans, and grants. If you are willing to spend moeny on yourself, you will reap the benefits. I don't want my government to provide me with a house, a doctor, an education, and whatever else; I like knowing that if I bust my ass, I can reach the top and not have to watch some other lazy bastard be there with me when he/she did nothing to deserve it. That is my problem with socialism/wealth distribution. You think the American economy is bad now? Let's see what happens when Obama gets in and cuts our defense budget while increasing taxes on the backbone of America, small businesses. Of course the rest of the world wants Obama in office, most of them are sick of the American lifestyle, the lifestyle I love.
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    Obama said he would lower taxes, not raise them... This is turning into a flame war. Control yourselves.
  11. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    I'll add my 2 cents now. ;)

    First off I would like to say some Pros and Cons of each Candidate, some may be repeating but this how I feel.


    Pros: Intelligent, well-spoken and I feel like there is more to him than what you see on television.
    Con: Yeah, he may not have as much experience as anyone in Politic Land but, he's willing to put his ass on the line to make a change.

    Pros: Seriously, I can't find any.
    Cons: I've not once heard him speak clearly or thoughtfully ever. Palin is on some serious bullshit. As soon as I heard about her and started paying attention to her, she was obviously just as fake as the other people before her.

    Now, the reason I am voting for Obama is because I'm voting for someone who is lesser than the two evils. Had a Conservative or Liberal thought much like Obama, yes, I would for them. But no one has stepped up and stood out like he has. I've seen McCain's and Obama's health care plan. Obama's makes more sense to McCain's. I am one of those millions of people who do not have health care. I hate the war. I did have my Uncle James over there in Iraq because of it for a whole fucking 18 months. A woman should be able to make her own choice on whether to keep a child that was either planned or unplanned. It is her body. Government didn't make her body, so why should they say if she can have an abortion or not?

    That's it for now...
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    My family likes Obama better.
  13. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    First, I would like to elaborate on my previous post as I was on a short time. I don't care that Palin is a woman. I don't care that she is a "Hockey Mom" or that she can use a Rifle to kill animals. I don't care that in her religion that she can speak tongues. I do care if she had taken the opportunity to show AMERICA that even though she is a woman, she can and will take this opportunity to show all of us who are watching that she is completely capable of running a country with integrity, pride and responsibility. But like everyone else in her position before her she fucked up the moment before she even got started.

    So, because your sister is getting her ass beat or getting a divorce, you decide to fire her soon to be ex-husband like that will totally make a difference on the already broken marriage she has? You can’t just fire someone on “GP” (general purpose), thinking no one in this world is going to speak up about it? I can totally understand if he was a crooked cop or someone who always fucked up on paper work and he was costing the state too much money to continue fixing his bullshit.But honey, your a damn Governor get real. There are people who love people like you. You lie and deceive, that’s your job. And she did a damn good job.

    So you also have a teenager whom is 17 and about to have baby. What you thought no one would notice her belly is getting bigger and bigger every time they see her ass? Please. Yeah, she has a teenager pregnant, get real AMERICA, it happens everyday. It’s nothing new. But to ostracize the daughter for her choice to lay down with someone is silly. She chose to have sex and probably unprotected, was her and her partner’s choice. Not her parents or any else. So if you want to blame someone for her pregnancy blame her and her soon to be husband. Oh and to hear that yes they are getting married is a big whatever. And that the “boyfriend” came to the rally was because of the girlfriend is bullshit. His ass came because they don’t want to make it seem like he’s just a “Baby’s Daddy” or “Sperm Donor”. They want to give the child’s father a “face”.

    I don’t think McCain can do anything. He doesn’t seem to know squat about anything. Every time I hear him speak, he doesn’t make sense. For crying out loud stop repeating yourself every other damn sentence. Stop fucking “mumbling” and show why you want it. If he had thought this out better with better judgment and clarity he might of beat Obama. But because he’s a Bush clone, it’s not happening Captain. So sit your old ass down and let someone who is willing to put in the hard work, show people that he is intelligent enough to see that there is a problem with our current AMERICA. Let someone who has spoken with clarity and in my eyes integrity take the reins. I don’t care if Obama is black. That’s not why I’m voting for him. I believe that some where in his mind and heart that he can make a change. I’m tired of the stupidity. I really am. I want to know and be able to feel secure that my family and I don’t have to struggle to make ends meet. I don’t want to feel that I can’t take care of my son.

    This is the rest of my 2 cents... :-\
  14. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Obama's income tax plan is to lower taxes significantly for the lower class, a bit for the middle class, and slightly for upper class. The rich (people who make more than $250,000 and don't really have to ever worry about money) will experience a slight tax increase. McCain's plan is quite the opposite, increase current taxes for lower and middle classes while reducing them for the rich. This is because we need to further the gap between the rich and middle class, obviously.

    Tl;dr - anyone who votes for McCain and isn't rich is a fucking idiot.

    I understand that this is only ONE key issue, but unless you're one of the ridiculously stupid <20% people (I assume this is mainly comprised of legally retarded people in the south) in the US who approve of Bush, you shouldn't vote for McCains policies, and it's really just more and more of what Bush has given us. It's not change, it's a progression of recession.
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    what i like about mcCain is that he wants to stop political abuses. however, i feel that it's going to be hard knowing that you'll need support and people may not like that back stabbing.

    mccain does have some sense about iraq. you've spent time there, so we'll might as well finish the job and do it right.

    if a nation has preconceive notions of performing an act of harm, then it's likely they shouldn't be negotiated as you won't change their minds.

    obama has some nice ideas like having his first priority to have america from becoming oil dependent. if this goes through, that american is no longer restricted from oil, other nations would be in trouble. there will be no threat against america anymore especially from oil. so if america does something and a nation wants to impose an imbargo of oil, you can't because america no longer use it and there are powerful nations with that power and are no longer a threat, such as iran. who knows, maybe obama will be the one to start world war 3 with the iranians.

    obama wants to make social programs and such, but how without raising taxes? it's great that the gov't is interested in reaching out to it's people and helping them out, but how will you do it without money from taxes. he also wants to have tax cuts. so where will he get the money from to do all those spendings?

    afghanistan?? so obama truly wants to find his long lost father ;) [i'm joking]. anyway, we can't find bin laden because he's hiding and we don't even know if he is truly in afghanistan.

    through all this debate, my sister and i have found a racial dilema. if obama is picked as president and fails, people may start to dislike blacks for causing the nation to crumble. with that in mind, we may end up having some sort of segragation where the whites blame the blacks for the countries problems since the president is black. hopefully it doesn't come to that and hopefully he does a decent job.
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    As Void said, Obama plans to raise the taxes on the people that can afford to pay them, i.e the filthy rich who get telephone number salaries and currently take advantage of loopholes to pay very little tax.
  17. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Pfft whoever said blacks can't be president! YOUR WRONG! We've never tried a black president, so how would you know?
  18. marcy

    marcy Guest

    Of course blacks can be president.

    The ability to rule a country has nothing to do with the color of your skin.

    I think Obama would be a fine as president.
    (I'd say 60:40 for Obama)

    The first time I heard: Obama could be the first black US president.
    I only thought: Eh? Obama is black? Since when? :D
  19. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    He's just as much white as he is black. It's misleading to call him black, really. You never hear anyone calling him white (though I have heard stupid, stupid, people call him "middle-eastern").
  20. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i like that picture of him and his wife that was drawn and published in the new yorker magazine [front page too].

    i hope he becomes president as he has unorthodox methods, which i sort of like, and hopefully it doesn't blow up in his face though.

    btw, as mentioned by someone before, anyone can be president. it's not about the color of your skin but how you present yourself to people. just like a job interview, anyone can get hired but it's how you present and approach the person that will give you the position.