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No NDS downloads?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by timmy1991, Jun 14, 2010.

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  1. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    i'm wondering....and might be best for a mod/admin to answer this...I've got my own forum and maybe, just maybe, if I'm allowed to link to it here, i could add an NDS ROMS section.....just an idea since the ROMS section here is so full of spam...and difficult to find stuff. reason for this is because we will need to put random names on our uploads so they don't get removed, which means we'll need a new topic for each upload....just seems like something that will seem difficult to do without a special section for that ONLY. it's just so hard to find things here because of all the spam.....
  2. jrayzgurl

    jrayzgurl New Member

    I;ve got an idea. Why doesnt someone make a rom site that has all the big name games and the lesser known titles too. But instead of naming them like mariokart ds, just name em like kart racer lol. That way when the esa does a search in google or whatever for them, they wont come across that site.
  3. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    yea could work, but what server would we host it on? because i know i'm only gonna use a free host. mine is a forum with webs...there's PHBB, but they don't permit warez (ROMS)
    so i have no clue what that leaves us with that's a free host....
  4. emoboy13

    emoboy13 Member

    even if u host a forum of games what about the ones with ap, the forums will be flooded with spam about ap and asking how to fix....
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Only problem, I'm not clicking every single rom to see if I maybe know what the title is trying to say it is. It would be a pain in the ass, not helpful.
  6. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    not if it's against the rules and has a strict webmaster...:)

    check it out....mod if it's against the rules, please let me know, or you can just remove...


    i'm looking for great members!

    and PS. my site ain't on Google. if it is, I'll sue them.... they've stollen my info and i have a protection order against them. 0_o
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I would highly suggest not using a free web host for hosting illegal software. Even if you name it differently, providing software downloads may be against their ToS, and if even one person decides to report it for hosting illegal content, it will be deleted instantly.
  8. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    It's not against "webs" ToS i reviewed it many times....
  9. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Either way, if they find you to have illegal content, it gets deleted. Somebody else on these forums already tried to use that exact service to just host firmware and patches for games and it got deleted. I don't foresee that lasting too terribly long.
  10. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    i have a friend who hosts warez, and his sites been up for 3 years now. 0_o
  11. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Well, he got lucky then. Chances are though, he didn't advertise it anywhere remotely large.....and people probably don't hate him. Also, Webs is one of the worst places. You're better off just hosting on somewhere like Megaupload and just fixing the uploads when people need it.
  12. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    you can't upload to webs itself.....you gotta upload elsewhere but this would just make it a lot more well organized...
  13. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we've been around a lot longer than that...
  14. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    probably, most ROM sites have been around FOREVER.
  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Linking to uploads that contain illegal content or would be used for illegal content isn't just against the ToS (though it may not be specifically mentioned), it is also obviously against the law. Unlike Romulation, Webs doesn't care about trying their hardest to keep your content up and running. If it could be harmful to them in anyway and they learn of it, it gets pulled and deleted.

    Also, if you plan on using Webs, I suggest making it far better then it is now, as at the moment it is super laggy. I would never even try to use that place to find a download as it is now.

    Not forever, just awhile. :p
  16. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    OK...i was going to delete it anyways if it wouldn't work for this. 0_o so what hosting does romU use?!
  17. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    we own the servers.
  18. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    OH! nice! i woulda never expected that.....
  19. FulgoreSama

    FulgoreSama Well-Known Member

    Hm. what if you just make a mediafire account and host genres of ROMs? It'd be organized, Could easily link to them. Only thing Im not sure of is three things. 1. Being size of max account space, 2. How many would actually be able to access because apparently some people just cant touch mediafire. 3. Who would want to keep uploading that many clean roms for people as romulation does.
  20. Tomoka

    Tomoka Well-Known Member

    well...i've got a new megaupload folder working. before i couldn't figure out how to upload to them. 0_o they usually dont remove files!


    user and pass so everyone can work on it: rpyleoh2:computer101

    : separates user and pass. i deal with many warez, and megaupload never deletes anything!

    PS. i'm out for a while, but i'm uploading 10GB of NDS ROMS. 0_o
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