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No more RROD with xbox 360...slim!?

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by mds64, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    So I can no longer joke about the RROD?


    (Makes me want a 360 now)
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    It's probably true that it's coming, but we'll know more about it by tomorrow.
  3. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I dont see the point in it, the 360's about 5 years old, they should just concentrate on the next console
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    Well, it may have something to do with how easily people can take apart the 360 and flash the drives as well.

    Much like the PSP 3000/Go, the PS3's 3.21 firmware getting rid of other OS option, and the DSi firmware v1.4 blocking all flashcarts that are DSi Compatible.

    But...there's a way around everything. ::)
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What about the PSOne and PS2 Slim revisions? Along with the DS revisions, and PSP revisions? The GBA revisions? The GB revision?
  6. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    I agree^^

    I think the Slim XBOX360 is a great idea in pairing up with Kinect (aka Project Natal). Problem is, it appears that it will use a different HDD. BUILT IN WIFI ADAPTER YEAH!
  7. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    I still think they should have put the effort into a new console, be the first with next gen and get a monopoly on the market before anyone else can.
    What was the point of the PSOne, ps2 slim etc? I never bought them, they didn't do anything my older console couldn't.
    by the time this kinect comes out, the consoles gonna be near the end of its lifespan
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    This gen for consoles is supposed to last a lot longer than previous gens. Sony said they wanted the PS3 to have a 10 year life cycle (the PS2 had a 6 year life cycle). It's only the fourth year in the PS3's life. Meanwhile the 360 is it's fifth year.

    The point of the PS2 slim, and the PSOne was because they can. Cheaper costs to make the parts and price reductions made making a revision necessary. The PS3 stopped selling under cost after the PS3 slim got released. While the 360 has been turning a profit lately, a revision is smart. Having a bigger hard drive, Wi-Fi built and having no RRoD rectifies all the problems with previous models (although the Jasper units apparently have a 3% failure rate or some shit). It's to stir up buzz, and entice buyers, in fact it's replacing the Elite SKU's price. And honestly, stirring up buzz is needed so far. It seems like the 360 has run out of steam for the time being, the lack of big retail exclusives hurt.

    Actually, the 360 probably has the most revisions so far, just not cosmetic. Chip changes happened frequently, from the drive, to the Jasper/Falcon chips. The changes in the 360's hardware changed a lot from what it is now, to when it was before.

    The revisions aren't for the people who already have one, it's to get more people onboard their console. It seems to have done it's job as mds now kinda wants a 360.
  9. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    I've had my PS2 since it came out :p
  10. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    well, the part about no RROD is true. why? they removed the ring, literally...

  11. HorrorOvYig

    HorrorOvYig Well-Known Member

    LOL at all the comments

    I gonna get the Xbox 360 slim from my local game store in about 2 weeks or so I will have it. =D
    I know its been out for some time already but my country is pretty outdated so i will have to wait.

    The new Xbox 360 Slim is quite cool actually 'cause this time there is a built in Wi-Fi adapter and the design looks sleek.
    Its also good to know that there wont be any RROD. =)

    I had an Elite which i saved up a lot of money for and once i got it, i went on vacation and i didn't get to play with it at all.
    I did get to hook it up and check it out on my 42 HDTV and etc.
    I lent the Elite to my cousin while i was away so at least they could try it out and stuff.

    After about 40 days from vacation i got the Elite back and i found out it had RROD =/

    I was devastated so i went back to the shop and asked if they could fix it and they said NO and asked about my warranty.
    They said the warranty was by Microsoft and has to be shipped to Microsoft in the US and they will fix it.
    In the whole process, it would take about a month (I live in the Middle East which is quite far from US) and about 200 dollars for shipping with care and etc.

    So i gave the Elite back and got my money back. Been saving ever since for a new console
    I was about to get the PS3 slim when i heard news about this. =D

    Its time i Jump In. =)
  12. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    the "slim" will have RROD, it's just no longer called RROD. it's RDOD, Red Dot of Death.
    their failsafe method of preventing the 360 from overheating is to force shutdown the 360 when it reaches a certain temperature.

    it has better ventilation, but it still stands as the same 360... with wifi + it produces more heat apparently which exits out the vents on the side.
    i am opposed and supportive of a purchase...
  13. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    so now people will get RROD without knowing they got RRoDed?
  14. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    Like i said earlier, they should have put the effort into the next console. Its still a 360 underneath and now produces more heat.
  15. Kage56

    Kage56 Well-Known Member

    no, they'll know when they look at the power icon on the 360's power button. instead of green, it will be red.
  16. HorrorOvYig

    HorrorOvYig Well-Known Member

    I saw the Slim..
    Its sooo sexy!
    But I still want a Jasper Elite!
    My 4 year old Arcade failed on me too.