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No love for M$

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by bobdrakke, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. I think M$ is grat for computers, but I just like Sony more for Game Systems.

    (Haha, M$, great!)
  2. Stephen666

    Stephen666 New Member

    Microsoft All the Way Xbox 360 Kiks ass I got both Xbox and Xbox m360 The Graphics are the BEST yet and PS3 Is a total Waste of $ Same shit as 360, Just for a 360- GET A FUCKING FAN
  3. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    I mean i dont mean to diss microsoft, because im a big fan of microsoft when it comes to Software and PC Gaming, however the newer console that they made the XBOX 360 seem to of had a huge flaw in it, usually the games wouldnt load or the xbox would get too hot...personally I own a Xbox the first xbox that came out...and I like it, but they gotta fix does flaws for 360, personally i think the PS3 has better graphics then the xbox 360 has, but thats the limit for the PS3 for the 360 since it has all the equivalents of a PC you can practically turn it into a pc gaming system, by removing the AGP Core system and adding the already made processor chips of a regular pci or AGP graphics from a pc and soldering it to the 360 then youd get killer gaming and a better performance pc xbox 360, thats the only thin i like bout it because its more f a PC and its processsor speed is pretty damn nice ofcourse nothin beats the real PC
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm of the opinion that graphics isn't everything, as long as it doesn't ruin the experience then it can pretty much be whatever.
  5. Prototype

    Prototype Well-Known Member

    yeah but something about the WII that doesnt bring my inner child, dunno why...but it just doesnt seem cool enought....Like some peeps said call us old fashion but I preffer a hand held controller then a remote, I guess because WII hasnt made killer games like destructive remote racing killing space scraft or anything thats action, prob why I dont like it much, and just in case you peeps say well if you havent played it, then you dont know diddily squat, well I have played it.....Ive also played Zelda and Mario World just didnt bring out my exitement, my friend has one guess we all have our own sence of taste good for all of us :p :p
  6. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    You said it Seph..graphics dont mean everything...gameplay does...the Xbox 360 has that in abundance..PS3 = Resistance...been there..done that..
  7. Elru

    Elru Well-Known Member

    I personally think the 360 is awesome. It only really gets hot if it's on for like 6 or 7 hours straight and being able to turn on your console from the controller thus eliminating getting out of bed is simply awesome. The gameplay is awesome. Madden on the 360 is simply the best. Not to mention the fact that you can have music playing in the background while your are playing is simply amazing. 8)
  8. bobdrakke

    bobdrakke Member

    ELru the own music in game is cool thing I liked just wish other consoles and game developers took note as some game music sucks or is to repetitive.

    I'm not for graphics but for games Wii is good for innovation but how many games will it get. Considering its not that far from xbox/GC I'm surprised its not priced lower, I feel due to Ps3 its taking adv. The core X360 is only 50 (enter your currency) more.

    The good thing is the Wii is not a kidde console with call of duty and red steel etc. X360 due to Ps3 shooting its self in the foot have gained alot of exclusives if these conversions are as good or better the ps3 imo is dead.
  9. zerozangel

    zerozangel Well-Known Member

    I agree with EVERYTHING you say i borrowed my friends xbox i got bored of it in like 3 days xbox 360 too i played my ps2 longer than that infact i still play my ps2
  10. CDBlackmage

    CDBlackmage Member

    Aww, come now...

    Ol' Microsoft really isn't that bad. They've come a looooooong way since original Xbox (What a piece of utter crap that thing was; why else are there usually over 20 of them traded in at every GameStop on the planet? :p ). I first hated the 360 when it came out, 'cause when it came out, there was only one game really worth playing: Oblivion. Even then, it doesn't exactly count as a next-gen game in my opinion. But, now, things have become much better, now that there's some Japanese developer support, a la Capcom, Konami, and Square Enix.

    I first really wanted a 360 for Dead Rising, a game truly worthy of the next-gen tag. I ended up getting a 360 because of Gears of War (and, I'll be the first to admit, kinda disappointed overall with it; short single-player campaign, and a multiplayer user base with the intelligence of 3 trained monkeys across the millions of them). Nowadays, while waiting for awesome games like Blue Dragon, Two Worlds, Virtua Fighter 5, and Project Sylpheed, I play either Earth Defense Force 2017 or XBL Arcade games (like Castlevania: SOTN, Doom, Geometry Wars, Alien Hominid, and more). BTW, EDF 2017 is ridiculously fun. It's got the lowest budget put into a game since NES, but I'll be darned if it isn't entertaining.

    I'm mainly on the 360 train for the games comin' out: the ones mentioned above, plus Mass Effect, Unreal Tournament 3 (buh-bye Halo :p ), the Katamari game, and Devil May Cry 4. Meanwhile, what does the PS3 have comin'? Metal Gear Solid 4...and Final Fantasy 13, if you reeeeeally wanna count that; a game made by the majority of the crew that did FFX-2? *vomit*

    But, hey, let's face it, no matter what happens in the world of games, one fact stands: Nintendo prevails.
  11. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Well with all the 360 failure rate / red light of death stuff going around now, I'm seriously considering changing my (almost made) decision to get a 360. :/
  12. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    You always have your warranty, so if it breaks you can take it back.
  13. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    Shipping something from here to Texas and waiting forever isn't one of my favorite things to do.
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well buy it somewhere close by then? o_O
  15. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Microsoft is in Texas?...

  16. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Usually the store you bought it at can repair it, at least with some of the larger ones.
  17. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    No way that's true >_>

    Only Microsoft can deal with the red lights because they are cool like that. *HAR HAR HAR*

  18. MusicAddict911

    MusicAddict911 Well-Known Member

    I don't know, all the stories I've read on the Internet about the horror that is getting your 360 repaired involve sending it to Texas.

    As for getting it repaired locally, you can't unless you buy some other thing from the store. I'm not interested in paying another $100-$200 so I can bring it back to the store and get it repaired. Plus, the nearest Wal-Mart / ebGames from where I live is almost two hours away.
  19. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Meh, I've had my 360 give me 12 red lights already (to date) and it has frozen like close to 100 times. I'm really serious, it started back at the start of June and I just didn't want to send it in because I wanted to play some new games that were being released. Funny huh? I've been able to play the games just fine and now everything is at a standstill in terms of 360 games.

    It's going to be close to a full month before the next game I want comes out (BioShock) so I think it would be wise for me to ship this disaster back to Microsoft where ever the hell they are (I'm pretty sure it's Washington man) and get it fixed and returned before the end of August. Furthermore I think I can occupy the time without it with the SLEW of roms I've downloaded since I've joined this site...so no other time is more perfect.

  20. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    hey i don't want to get angry here but if u rate xbox 360 u are a fool that is stuck in a bubble and is forced into beliving in only what they get fed to them by the media or read on a forum by other idiots.
    consoles are like wine they need to mature and develop. xbox 360 is not all its cracked up to be, yes it looks all pretty but it has all ready reached its full potential its not going to get any better. come on the games are still on dvd9 for christ sake a hole 9gb of space to put games on wich means ether great graphics short game play or poor graphics long gameplay. the 360 rushed in to the market and produced something that will wow everyone for 2 seconds. it has no life to it. it will only stay the best for 2-4 years.
    yes ps3 is floping a little but only cause of idiots swept up by the 360. in 5 years u will be eating ur words 360 lovers cause ur console will die and sony who didn't rush will only be getting better. the ps3 is full of potenial for the future and game developers know it. they are sitting there right now just make games that will blow us away its on blu-ray do u not know what that means. 25gb on a single disk 50gb on a dual disk this means ultimate gaming awsome graphics and good and long gameplay when will u people learn to be patient its not about now its about the future.
    i mean look at the ps2 when it came out it was not that better than a ps1 but look at it now its still going 8 years on still produceing games well in to next year with graphics not far off the 360. as it also runs dvd9 un like xbox1 which only runs dvd5 and has already died. look at god of war for example xbox1 would not of been able to play it without a big change in graphics or game play.

    nintendo will always rule for game play ds/wii graphics are poor yes but in gameplay they will always win
    and pc will always win in graphics as they are always upgradeable and the better the card the better the graphics are.

    please people stop posting that 360 rules unless u are certain that u know what the hell ur talkin about.

    anyway ds lite is the best console ever made LOL

    sorry i had to rant but when people talk shit it makes me angry.