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No flashcarts for the DSi! *Important for current flashcart users!!!

Discussion in 'Emulation News' started by cjdogger, Oct 31, 2008.

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  1. Ter

    Ter Active Member

    Meh, I'm pretty sure someone might be able to exploit the SD reader somehow, and make the DSi load games from that. I've always wondered if companies have made their stuff easily exploitable just so it sells, and then attempt to patch it later.

    If you ask me though, I don't really mind the removal of the GBA slot since I still have my DS Lite for that, as well as the original GBA and SP. I'm still getting a DSi, but most likely not on launch date due to lack of cash. The only downside I see for the lack of GBA slot is transferring Pokemon from the GBA cart to D/P/Pl.
  2. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's still being figured out. Should happen eventually (probably when the DSi is released in Europe, US etc.).
  3. dj-husky

    dj-husky Member

    erm..... there is a flashcart that works with the dsi....

  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member


    Look at the date, people. This thread was made BEFORE there were flashcarts for the DSi. We know that there are now at least 5 flashcarts for it.
  5. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    You dont need to buy a DSi I found some mods thats alow you to access the online store on you're DSlite and I made myself a Carmera perhipal for my DSlite aswell as some homebrew software to run it. All it costed me was £10.
  6. captainbitter

    captainbitter Well-Known Member

    Girogex, I'm not going to say you are a liar, but google has no idea what you're talking about either. Post a link or something, or at least pics.

    I think you're trolling. You, sir, are having your bluff called.
  7. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

  8. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

  9. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    You're right doesn't work. I'll upload some photos of my Carmera perhipal.

    Anyway if you look at my username its foregin for "one who speeks the truth"
  10. captainbitter

    captainbitter Well-Known Member

  11. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    It looks like "One who speaks inaccurately"...
  12. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    leave me alone ! I have a stressfull life you know with all the crap I get from people about Heavens wings. I don't need you making vurturious comments.
  13. captainbitter

    captainbitter Well-Known Member


    Btw, nobody cares that you're in "Heaven's wings". I don't even know who they are. Though if you're an example, they're a bunch of pre-teen trolls.
  14. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    I'm not going to dignify you're "trolling" with a response.

    Could someone do me favour and teach this captainbitter some respect.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Really, you have no one to blame but yourself for lying out your ass and getting busted for it. I think this thread has gone on long enough anyways so...

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