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No Apple?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by yoshi2889, Dec 23, 2010.

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  1. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    you Can make a mac a gaming machine, i know people, my uncle knows too about it, his friends have gaming mac, the official complain was 'mac haz no gam3s' and such, now due to the acess to steam mac HAS games, is not the fact that it has steam, is the fact that the opening of steam to mac allows it to compete on equal ground to a windows computer, 90% of the arguments is mac has no games, believe it or not that's it, and now you are like the US with the wikileaks incident plausible denial
  2. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Mac's aren't gaming machines. Period. They don't have the parts available. They don't have the customization option available, and big releases still show no sign of ever hitting the Mac.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Mac OS X i.e the 10th. And that one OS version has about 6 generations so far. Still want to say apple don't release OS after OS? the difference is, when apple release a new OS you have to buy a whole new computer. Windows is considered user friendly, mac is kid friendly, i.e a 5 year old can use it and most mac users act like 5 year olds in my experience.
  4. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    Those "stupid SPAM topics" are giving blood to this forum.

    And I really don't think an Apple board should ever be born. It's not significant enough to warrant a board.
  5. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    hey thanks for the insult! im between those who are between the mac users, and windows IS NOT user friendly for what reason i stood away for more than a whole decade from windows? oh and you have to buy a new computer if you started with osx 10.3 or 10.4 you can upgrade from 10.5 to 10.6 if you have 1GB of ram since the specs did not increase that much, the opposite 10.5 needs at least 2GB.

    and is tood clear fron windows thanks to its ridculous propension to get viruses (had norton then panda then norton again) plus the horribly user system of 2000 and XP,im just using windows because i couldnt afford a mac rigth now, if i could i wouldnt have started using it again
  6. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    You do realize how sad that actually is right?

    "lol the most popular forum to post in is Spam where nothing even matters, whoop dee doooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

    Yeah that's a great way to show people care for your forum, No, it's not what is keeping the forum alive, REAL topics like these are. Not some stupid topic like "lole would u make out wit da persunz aviter undar uz!""
  7. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Norton is awful.
    Never heard of Panda.
    Have never had a computer breaking virus.
    My AV now keeps 99% of viruses out anyways.

    Windows is also very user friendly. I've never had an issue with any Windows OS from '98 to 7 and I'm not overly computer savvy in anyway. XP is also one of the best Windows OS's. Your overall ignorance is astounding to say the least.
  8. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    If it's sad, that's really too bad.
    Your belief that posting in "REAL" topics show care for this forum is false. Most of these topics are quite stupid, and could be answered with a search.
    If people want to have a little fun with "spam topics" there's nothing bad. If I recall, topics in the Fun and Games section don't increase post count, which essentially means it's not supposed to be taken seriously.
    That's the point. FUN and games. There is nothing wrong with pointless fun.
    In other words, it's for entertainment. And it increases traffic. Why would that be considered bad in any form?

    And naturally you'd quote that topic as complete text speak.
  9. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    Windows > Mac
    Linux > Mac
    OpenBSD > Mac
    My dog > Mac

    Face the facts
  10. Joben_

    Joben_ Well-Known Member

    You guys are crazy, Apple makes the greatest computers known to man. Hell, all of their products are top notch. The only people who don't like apple products, are people who are too poor to afford one.
  11. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    You are a good man who likes his corgis with sea creatures but you're really wrong. I use an apple powerbook as a toaster because that's all it's good for. Windows/Linux/OpenBSD computers are cheaper and faster.
  12. Duncan Idaho

    Duncan Idaho Well-Known Member

    oh shut up people im betting 90% of you have not ven tested a macintosh and just repeat over and over and over, mac is blalantly solid,
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    I've used plenty of Macs and would not want to use one as an everyday machine.
  14. Conrannex

    Conrannex Guest

    I used them at college in video editing, utter bollocks.
  15. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    I honestly see this developing as nothing but a flame war.

    I'd image that if these Apple "games" get enough discussion topics that a subforum would be looked into, but like all new sub forum ideas, right now there is... zero topics being created every day to discuss these and a forum specifically for them would be unused.

    For now, use the Gaming Lounge forum to discuss the "games" you like to play on your iPhone/iPod/iPad/Blackberry/MyTouch/HandheldPC. They are all pretty much the same anyway.

    If you want to talk about games for your Mac computers, use the PC forums. Honestly, if you are playing a game on your Mac computer, it probably exists as a PC-Compatible game as well, and any discussion about the games would be relevant to both.

    Arguing over how good a Mac is isn't going to get anyone anywhere. It's just going to make a single Mac user in the forums all flustered as every other PC user in the forums gangs up on him.

    If a single topic or group of topics is discussed a lot to the point it needs its own forum, then it will be a good reason to create a forum just for it. If a couple users want to talk about certain topics, it's not reason enough to isolate an entire forum just for a couple posts.
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