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Nintendo's 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Natewlie, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    Re: Nintendo\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    exactly what i was saying earlier i don't think nintendo ever really intended there to be that many dsi exclusive games

    still really want to buy foto showdown :/
    Post Merge: [time]1269463387[/time]
    only real noteworthy dsiware games i can name off are

    wario ware snapped (just plain entertaining though short)

    Dark Void Zero (awesome 2d action platformer)

    and the original pc version of Rayman ported to dsiware ( good ol nostalgia)

    other than that though i could care less about the other dsiware available

    kinda pitiful like you said.. :/

    and although all games are shoved into different categories of points i really don't think most of them are worth anywhere near what you pay for them cash wise
  2. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\\\\\\\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    O RLY ? what about the design of "pure white" for the DSI-EXCLUSIVE cartridges so they would be different from others ? dont tell me you forgot that... and yes,if they said THERE COULD BE,it doesnt say it WONT be.They could've easily said "no,no DSi-exclusive shit",but since they planned it they said "could".
    you are interpreting facts to support your own conclusions.

    Can you tell me how many dsi-enhanced games are there? i have difficulty finding any review about them... please,we can agree there are verry little dsi-enhanced games. and the fact that there are a few,suggest they did plan having dsi-enhanced games.

    also if that is so (they never planned it ,never promised,never happened)...why was DSI upgraded hardware-wise? dont tell me because of the cameras

    also on a side note:

    MTV Multiplayer: What’s the DSi software landscape going to be like once the system is out? Will there be DSi-exclusive games? Will there be DS games that have DSi-exclusive features?

    Reggie Fils-Aime, president, Nintendo of America: The short answer is “Yes.” There’s going to be both. Our expectation is that most of the content will be, call it, DSi-enhanced vs. DSi-exclusive. Why? One hundred-million installed base of DS. Developers are going to want to leverage that installed base and yet they’ll want to provide extra content via the features of the DSi, like the camera. That’s my expectation as to how it will play out.
    Post Merge: [time]1269463569[/time]
    But didnt you say before "they just didnt" and disagreed that Nintendo is at fault here? You even tried to insult me (tried, not succeeded) for some reason.
    Post Merge: [time]1269463817[/time]

    Photo Showdown= DSIWARE,no? ... DSI-EXCLUSIVE games/cartridges are something else.

    Post Merge: [time]1269464003[/time]
    edit: let my also point out that Nintendo promised DSi-enhanced and DSi-exclusive... the first is a failure.The second never even existed.So yes, they lied or at the verry best, misslead us into thinking otherwise. end of story
  3. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Call me a cynic, but i think that they just wanted to milk more money from the DS line and felt they needed a new (but cheap and flashy) gimmick or consumers wouldn't bite
    Fils-Aime said they "expected" that it would play out that way, he promised nothing.
    Devs aren't really bothering with DSI enhanced features at the moment because games sell just as well without them. The "new" sonic game for DS is apparently DSI enhanced though.

    "But didnt you say before "they just didnt" and disagreed that Nintendo is at fault here? You even tried to insult me (tried, not succeeded) for some reason." I did not insult you and i think that Nintendo shares as much fault as the devs who aren't making an effort, but just because Nintendo hasn't supported DSIWare very well or put out enhanced games doesn't mean that other developers doing the same should be excused. Nintendo has set a crappy example though.
  4. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    well duuh George! I know that... your position was quite different a few posts ago regarding Nintendo's fault. Maybe you should indeed buy that device that makes you telepathic,i dont know... ( it is you who brought that up before,dont look at me ;) )

    The new Sonic game is NOT enhanced in any way.The box doesnt say it and not even the features have nothing enhanced.
    If by any chance exists a Sonic with enhanced features, if it has better gfx,ok.But this is not at all the debate here !!!!

    I see here is more of a talk about opinion taken as a fact than anything else. I realy dont have time for this.
  5. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Ok lets get this straight...

    Nintendo doesn't care what you or me or anyone eles thinks of Dsi... they just want money! and dsi XL and LL is proof of that! and remember gameboy micro? well it was geared towards the more adult/teenager style of gamer, and the dsi is exactly that, a handheld geared towards the older gamer that likes music and the casual that likes taking pictures, and placing them on facebook..(DSI has that ability)
    Lets face it.. dsi is the new gameboy micro.. and thoes that bought it fell for it,but! this version of the gameboy micro actually did better, but it's clearly not a new successor to the DS brand, but it is geared to compete towards the psp and ipod and to attract there consumer and Nintendo isn't supporting the dsi because it probably want's to impress further with it's stronger tech in 3DS.

    Also, same thing could be said for the wii..
    wii is a slightly powered up gamecube with motion controlls, but it's clearly a brand new system

    Gamecube x2 +extra features + waggle = wii
    DS + better cameras + accelerometer + force feedback + true 3D + better graphics = 3DS
  6. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Likewise. Misleading the public depends on your stance on the issue. Misleading is up to interpretation, hell, have you heard of a thing called hype? That's a way to mislead the public, every game is guilty of it. So is every console.

    Nintendo's stance on making these DSi only games have been vague at best, they've announced that there could be DSi only games and DSi enhanced games doesn't mean that they, themselves will act upon it. They obviously wanted developers to jump onboard and say "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", but look how that turned out. And because Nintendo hasn't made any DSi only or DSi enhanced games means to me that they didn't intend it to be used as a proprietary gaming device, they probably thought "oh hai, we have a camera, maybe developers can use it for games too?".

    I can't find a list, like at all. In comparison to DS games, yes there's little. But there's no way to tell how many DSi enhanced games there is without actually counting. I know Avatar, and Assassin's Creed for the DS is DSi enhanced, that's all I can list off the top of my head since I haven't tried looking for countless hours.

    I think because Nintendo though that the DSLite didn't have all the functionality that a portable device should have. The DSi has all the things that you'd need without specific devices. The DSi is a multimedia handheld, the camera, music and internet function was added to make the most out of a handheld which is to combine a MP3 player, camera, and the internet, PLUS gaming into one device. Kind of like the PSP or how the 360 and PS3 are now.

    Read above. Reggie didn't specify that's what the camera add on was meant for, he said that other developers will want to provide extra features to tap into the already large DS install base.

    And really, DSiware could mean exactly what Nintendo's talking about in terms of DSi only, really. Nintendo was vague to being with, with it's camera addition in terms of games. Commercials and mainstream advertising showed that they were trying for a multimedia device, not an add on for games. In commercials and mainstream adds, they advertised that it could take pictures, nothing about DSi only games or DSi enhanced games. This either means that Ninty changed their minds about how to go about the system or whatever.

    You're mistaking me for Mark.

    Mm, agreed.

    Oh yeah, DSi only games exist. Alpha Unit.
  7. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    This debate and all the damned EDITs has left me so fucking confused...

    What Mark thinks; a sanity restoring summary:
    Nintendo either released the DSI as a blatant attempt to make more money or to test the waters for a new generation

    My expectations for the DSI were low and Nintendo did nothing to heighten them with flimsy DSIWare games and gimmicky cameras

    They didn't promise that the DSI would be a revolution in the DS line, perhaps they were afraid to push it too hard at people in cae they irritated original DS/Lite owners

    Developers could be doing amazing things with the DSI, but few are. Perhaps they don't want to take a risk or they are taking cues from Nintendo's support of the DSI. Whatever the reason; it's their decision whether to develop exclusive/enhanced games, they shouldn't need hand holding from Nintendo

    Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_DSiWare_games_and_applications
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yes, yes, yes.

    The only thing I've seen advertised was that it had a camera, I didn't know about the music and surfing the net thing until someone told me about it. Nintendo's been vague about the entire DSi before launch and they reap the benefits of consumers who don't know any better.

    In terms of Nintendo straight out lying? Hell no, they have both DSi only games and DSi enhanced games, although they didn't promise anything, they only expected and that expectation fell flat on it's face. Would I say that Sony straight out lied about the capabilities of the cell processor? Not really, hype machine GO.

    Hell a dev could of made a clone of that one game on the playstation that has you collecting and training monsters. You collect them by putting random discs in the PSX and a new monster appears. I think that would of been cool on the DSi if it used barcodes or even shapes of objects.

    My expectation of the DSi was that it wasn't going to be used that much in terms of games. If you try hard and think about it, there isn't a lot of obvious ways to use the camera, to make use of it you have to be incredibly creative. I don't think that DSi was that much more powerful in terms of hardware specs to warrant DSi only titles, but that's just me.

    As far as the debate has gone, I'm glad it's done with since I'm tired of repeating myself like in most other debates. I'm stubborn. I can say that I expect the 3DS to be a lot different than the DSi in terms of upgrades and in terms of functionality with it's features.
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well ,im sorry i snapped at you back there... i should refrain from writing when im fatigue.I woke up very late and this day is a bit screwed-up for me.

    I guess when im tired,i have 0 tollerance for being apologetic to big corporations who in the past lured people into buying stuff that failed miserably.

    Same debate can be applied to Virtual Boy 3D ,but nobody in their mind would say "Nintendo played fair,because they didnt promise anything." i feel that years ago,people were more concious regarding these things,you know?

    Well,that's that and i promise i wont EDIT things so much ;)
  10. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    It was fun, see you around on the forum mate ;)
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i like this! it really shows sony!
    many people will say the same thing just as what many have said about the wii when it was released.
    the wii had less powerful tech then the ps3 and 360 that nintendo would soon call it quits and be like sega, a third party devleoper. it's not the technology, it's what you do to entertain people.

    what did sony do with psp to entertain people? movies? you have dvd's for that. music? you have ipod for that. games? you have nintendo for that. internet? you have the laptop/computer/itouch for that.
  12. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    As much as I'm looking forward to 3DS, I might want to stick to my DS Lite. Im expecting a new DS announcement six months after the 3DS is released.
  13. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    I know EXACTLY what you mean... i will wait too. I will buy it only if it is the ultimate achievement for that time. You know,backwards compatibility, GBA games on somekind of VC service, Video player/recorder etc. etc. ...
    Also,the size should be adequate for my pocket
  14. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Sharp's screen be damned, I WANT THIS: http://gizmodo.com/5502093/pcubee-interactive-display-puts-3d-in-three-dimensions
  15. Mcoupe69

    Mcoupe69 Guest

    ermm.. little late and damn you seem to nitpick at me a lot man :p, but if you lo0ook up you will see that at first i was only talking about dsi features themselves and in the back of my mind i thought of foto showdown ( the dsi exclusive game) .. i didn't start talking about dsiware till my next paragraph down .. :p may be slow sometimes but I'm definitely not that slow ;)
  16. sokka101

    sokka101 Well-Known Member

  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    There's a way to have 3d where you don't need 3D glasses, but you need to be in the exact position it needs you to be in. It's a little like headtracking, without tracking, look it upppp.

    Although if it's like the 3D TVs that don't need 3d glasses, no one can watch what you're playing if it's 3d.

    I don't really know what Sharp's 3D tech is so, eh.
  18. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    There are two types of 3D screens that don't require 3D glasses that i'm aware of:

    One that shows a different image depending on the angle from which you look at it. The latest one (that i know of) only has three available views apparently; one each for looking at it diagonally from the left and right and one for when you look at it straight on.
    One of the purposes that it has advertised the screen for is as an in-car satnav that can also play videos; the satnav would be positioned in front of the driver (whom would see the navigation interface) whilst a passenger on the drivers left could watch a video on the same screen (as they would see the video playing rather than the satnav interface).

    And the second:

  19. bobafett1136

    bobafett1136 Well-Known Member

    Look up IPS, Natewlie. The Hitachi H001 Wooo has a 3d display using IPS.