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Nintendo's 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Natewlie, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    PS3 early? They had to release it when it was released, Microsoft had a huge hold on the next gen console race even before the PS3 was officially announced. I don't think the PS2 was too early either, considering they came out long before the Xbox and Gamecube, and the advent of DVDs becoming popular, and the Dreamcast in a rut, Sony released the PS2 at just the right time. It was offered as a DVD player and had better graphics than the Dreamcast, and was cheap for a DVD player, just like the PS3. You may classify Sony as dangerous, but really, I think it's the most logical move.

    Actually if anything the PS3 came out late. And the 360 came out early.

    Do you have a DS already? Why do you want a DSi/DSXL. I really don't understand why everyone needs a new version of everything, and then when they get the newest version, they complain that another version or another iteration is coming out. People who buy the newest version of a product, fuel more of these different versions of product. If you want it to stop, stop buying the damn thing.

    That and the DSXL comes out within next month I think. If you want to save money just buy a DS Lite, and wait for the 3DS to come out, it'll play all the DS and DSi games anyways. That and all the games that have DSi functionality either suck or really, don't need it.
  2. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    How did Sony release the PS2 and PS3 too early? And what do you mean by "they don't any more"?, they haven't released a console since the PS3; unless you're talking about a version of the PSP...?
    Lol, exactly. Stop being such a spiteful little bitch Sony
  3. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Don't worry.. I'm sure they'll copy that next.
  4. Lysergic420

    Lysergic420 Active Member

    Well there's a few reasons. I'd love a bigger ds that feels more comfortable to hold and I would like to play multiplayer games with people who do not own their own ds.
    But whats the point if there's gonna be a whole new system to buy? It's just a kick in the balls to people who already bought one as well.

    Oh and bigger screen I forgot about that :D
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Is that really worth another 200$?

    It's expected that there's going to be a new console/handheld, I don't buy a new standard DS or Xbox or Playstation and think "Oh, well down the road there's going to be successor to these consoles, so I won't buy it". I didn't feel offended that Microsoft released the 360 about 5 or so years after the Xbox, why should I? I didn't feel offended that Sony announced the PS3 a year or so after the PS2 slim came out and I bought it. I don't feel offended that six years after the DS, they release the successor, the 3DS. Why should I? That's a whole 6 damn years. I had the time to enjoy the handheld and I can move onto a new one.

    As for the people who don't already own a DS, they missed out and they can either purchase a DSi and enjoy it with it's catalog of games and buy the 3DS later down the road, or they can buy a cheap DSLite or they can just wait it out. The Gameboy Micro came out a year after the DS, I see that more of a burn than releasing a successor a year after the previous' incarnation.
  6. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Nintendo's a commercial company; if people keep buying them then they'll keep making them. It's as simple as that. It's a tactic their stock holders apparently approve of. I've got to say though; i think that they have done infinitely better than with Sony with their various PSP versions.

    Dammit, people keep posting what i'm about to say as i'm typing it
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Oh my god,you aren't a fanboy are you? So you think that developers didnt utilize Nintendo's brilliant idea because they hate Nintendo or something ?
    Dont you think,since Nintendo brought up that DSi's extra capabilities and trashed it after a few months before any more games came out, is actualy Nintendo's fault ? If PSP had some new technology that was a gimmick and nobody used these extra capabilities, you would say it is the dev's fault. I say otherwise because Nintendo didnt give a good reason for the devs to use the upgraded DSi platform. And we all know that Nintendo loves to get in direct competition with the developers who are making games for their own consoles! (DSIWARE is the prime example how bad the service is.20 megs cap... and this cant be blamed on the developers.)
    So basicaly ,by your logic, Nintendo is a victim of circumstances. I can't see reason in this logic,im sorry.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I've made that point in a couple of posts ago. :p

    It's really really true. Although Sony hasn't had success with it, although I blame that there hasn't been much added from the PSP-1000 to 2000 to 3000. There hasn't been much change.

    No, look up any topic created by ultra, I post in a lot of them, you'll see my perspective from there.

    I say that it's ultimately the dev's fault, Nintendo presents an idea, releases it, the developers make the software for it. The software determines it's success, and it hasn't declared that the DSi's capabilities as a success (although sales present it as a success). While I'll say that the DSiware restriction is totally Nintendo's fault. I really don't think the DSi's camera was really meant for games in the first place, I mean the devices surfs the net and play music as well. Doesn't that point that Nintendo meant the DSi as a multimedia device as opposed to using the camera as a gaming device? (And really, just camera + game = crap).
  9. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    p.s.: why should anybody feel offended by a new console...if it is new. On the other hand it is offensive for Nintendo to make small upgrades ,promising new stuff and then they dont deliver - no matter why,the fact remains : BROKEN PROMISES. Why is it offensive? Because Nintendo feels like we are mindless zombies who will buy anything that writes "Nintendo" on it. Even if it is a brick with 2 cameras attached to it's sides. And that is somewhat offensive to some ,no?
    Post Merge: [time]1269460250[/time]
    But that's not the case here. There was no "bad software" for the DSi. There was virtualy NO SOFTWARE whatsoever that could've made a legacy of other games. You are doing a circular argument and you know it.
    YOU DONT THINK CAMERAS WERE NOT MEANT FOR GAMING? What about WARIOWARE SNAPPED that was supposedly only a "taste of what is coming in the future in gaming" ! You are contradicting yourself
  10. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Does Nintendo think that you're a mindless zombie? Hell no, you've educated yourself and you know about the 3DS so you won't buy into the DSXL, am I correct?

    For the people who don't know any better, it's a great chance for Nintendo to rack up a more absurd amount of money with the DSXL if it sells. And really, every company is down to money, money, money. If you hadn't noticed Nintendo rakes up money on their already established franchises, and the spin offs (Mario sports games and Mario Party). It's really the same deal. Why do they make annoying Mario Party games STILL and Mario Sports games? Because they sell.
  11. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    No, they just decided not to. The reasons are various and known only by the devs and publishers. Were i to speculate though; i would say that it's because of the relative newness of the DSI and the fact that committing many people and a lot of funding to develop games for features exclusive to a console that many people don't own may negatively affect sales and alienate owners of the previous versions that lack a camera and the slight hardware boost. *Takes deep breath*

    "Dont you think,since Nintendo brought up that DSi's extra capabilities and trashed it after a few months before any more games came out, is actualy Nintendo's fault ?" I have no idea what the hell you're rambling on about here.

    "If PSP had some new technology that was a gimmick and nobody used these extra capabilities, you would say it is the dev's fault." PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU LEARNT TO READ WOMEN'S MINDS AND PREDICT THEIR THOUGHTS IN AN ALTERNATE REALITY, I NEED TO KNOW SOS MY GIRLFREIND WILL NEVER LEAVE ME

    Nintendo isn't a victim at all, they're frakin' loaded, we the consumers are. Cold hard marketing logic on the part of devs and publishers not to invest more than a small amount of money in the creation of DSIWare games

    I don't own a DSI, but i've read reviews of some DSIWare games that are very positive (usually puzzle games). I think that it's a shame that the DSI's capabilities are not being fully exploited, not just the cameras; but also the RAM and processor upgrades could be utilised to produce even more imaginative and ambitious games but aren't by the majority of devs.
  12. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    There was software for the DSi, what are you talking about? With the exception of Wario Ware (which I actually never knew existed until now) most of it is, pretty damn mediocre. The lack of software for the camera simply means that devs didn't want to bother with it or that they couldn't come up with the idea to make a game surrounding it.

    That's a game that made the camera a game, whereas the I think the camera was made to be a camera. If you get webcam software, you might get a couple games, oh those are fun distractions, I see that with the DSi's camera.

    How am I contradicting myself when I didn't make that point? Really? And I am not doing a 'circular argument'. I'm repeating myself so you can understand what I'm trying to say.

    I think the DSi's camera was meant to be a camera, not a gaming only add-on. The software available that uses it, and the other multimedia functions on the DSi point that, that was it's purpose in the first place.
  14. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\\\\\\\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    So your answer to my argument is basicaly to try and insult me/mock me... okay. Are your arguments so weak that they cannot withold a debate ?
    I am not reading your mind i was stating how it would look like if we talked about PSP console who had the same approach as Nintendo did.

    A-ha! lol ...im sorry. You say "they just decided not to" .... and your supporting argument regarding this is ... ?

    edit: =snipped= i thought i was talking to somebody else... damn this netbook and its small screen

    I see facts are irrelevant in this debate.

    Post Merge: [time]1269461089[/time]

    Didnt you say that DSi camera was not ment for gaming... Warioware contradicts what you said.

    If somebody else said this, im sorry ...i am a bit fatigued today.
    Post Merge: [time]1269461148[/time]
    NOTE: oh for goodness' sake ... i thought i was talking to the same person ,now i see i replied in between to somebody else.

    Post Merge: [time]1269461305[/time]
    and what the fuck...i wasnt saying that Nintendo IS the victim ,i was replying to somebody who said something as if Nintendo was the victim.They aren't. Nintendo fucked up with DSi ,that's my point.

    What am i rumbling about ? Nintendo scrapped the DSI-ENHANCED crap before it even started ...few months or so,3 games made.This is somewhat disapppointing,isnt it? if it isnt ,they fuck it...i think it is.
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Meant and being used for are completely different. Rush made a song called The Trees, it was written by Neil Peart. It's studied about maples being slaves to the oak trees because they take up more sunlight, eventually the maples make a union and stand up to the oaks.

    What was the song written in mind with? Neil Peart wrote it because he saw a cartoon and it had, guess what? Maple trees standing up to Oak trees.

    Let's see what else. The yo-yo was made with the intention of it being a weapon, it's now a toy. The Slinky, same deal.

    Also, all the marketing I've seen about the DSi and it's camera functionality was only with camera functionality with a few silly morphing tools and basic editing tools for photos. None for games.
  16. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    Yes but i doubt those toys became what they are now , on buyer's expense (in the meaning, yo-yo didnt damage anybody financialy ;) )...and those toys turned out to be fun.They didnt say for a Yo-yo that "see this? this with the addon gadgets you can buy from us, will fly on its own! but now we are not planing to do that anymore" instead they sold it as it is. Nintendo said and promised many things for the DSi, i bought it ... then i saw that those DSi enhanced features were scrapped. You understand what im saying? I feel a bit cheated... because i bought it with my own money,that's why.

    Regarding Warioware example, fair enaugh.I can agree on that.
    Post Merge: [time]1269461907[/time]
    I just can't understand how can you blame developers for not feeling comfortable working on the DSi-enhanced features ... You cannot just say "they just didnt,end of story".And even if they "just didn't",it is hardly their fault. The problem is i bought the damn machine and those features are not used.I dont care why,the point is those feature ARE NOT.
  17. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I don't remember hearing any specific promises, they described the possibilities; and with their new Warioware game they are showing what the DSI EDIT: (I forgot to add the "i in my original post) is capable of. The DSI was in a precarious position to start with: not enough of a hardware upgrade to justify a new generation and too many exclusive features for games made specifically for it to be available to owners of Phat and Lite.
  18. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Well, that's just BS... i cant believe you are actualy serious about this.

    I think your arguments speak on its own and anybody with a little sense can go an see what google shows ;) So DSI-EXCLUSIVe and DSI-ENHANCED games are all a myth ? you are amazing :)

    edit: why then didnt NINTENDO themselves make a few DSi-enhanced/exclusive games ? (since you are blaming developers)
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks



    Nintendo announced that the DSi could have DSi only games, and DSi enhanced software. This doesn't change at all what I think the camera was meant for. There has been both, I'm guess that the former didn't pan out, meaning at all. As for the second link:

    The lack of DSi enhanced games on this site (there's a whole topic talking about how it sucks) explains how some people feel about it. There's quite a bit of DSi enhanced games on the DSi, if you bother to look through the site's releases you'll see there's more than a couple missing. I wish I can find a list of DSi enhanced games, but alas no. There is going to be DSXL enhanced games though, although enhanced usually means barely anything has improved.

    Maybe they meant it as a camera, and not a proprietary add on that a game can surround itself with it's features?
  20. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    I'm not just blaming developers (why should they risk money on a market with few current customers?), Nintendo have supported the DSI poorly; but i just never had very high expectations. Nintendo never promised boxed retail games exclusive to the DSI, and when it first came out the only games they showed off were tiny, unimpressive DSIWare games/apps. My expectations were low; Nintendo met them.

    Too little too late (in my opinion anyway), they still haven't materialised though. Unless i count an obscure game about dinosaurs or dragons or something that i remember hearing about...