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Nintendo's 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Natewlie, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Your right; it was.
    As for the price; what with Nintendo's apparent dislike for the loss leader selling strategy and the new technology that'll be used, I can't imagine it costing less than £200.00-£220.00. I can delude myself with hope though.
  2. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    I JUST SAW THAT MYSELF ... What's next, Nintendo DS-WTF Deluxe 2 v1.404 ? Fuck you Ninty

    I have a realy bad feeling about this. Lets be honest, quite a few of us predicted Nintendo's arrogance on us consumers to prevail. They think they can sell us any crap that they need to put the littlest effort in it. I say it is time to say NO to Nintendo.

    seriously ... 3DS sounds so bad
    Post Merge: [time]1269384161[/time]
    That is a very stupid and dangerous notion that a company should monitor your device with illegal content. It is up to the judge and the law to decide what is illegal and what is not.If we let companies do it for them, what is left for true justice anyway ?
    I never heard of a service that can actively detect and REMOVE content that is considered illegal by them. For instance,what stops a company from removing a thing from your device,considered "illicit" from their point of view (for example,a video about how bad their company is... very bad example,and yet...).

    I can only LOL to the 3G service on the DS ...
  3. Toshi_TNE

    Toshi_TNE Member

    Meh, it will be crushed by the PSP2:

  4. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks


    Seriously, I think the DS is probably the best gaming handheld and I have 100 percent faith in Nintendo to keep dishing out the better handheld gaming devices. I think 3D is a gimmick, but a very cool gimmick. I hope it works well and I can't wait to see it at E3 and finally buy it.

    And wild speculation, you're basing this on what? Nothing? Yes.

    I think the 3DS is a neat name, says exactly what it is. It's 3D, it's a DS, self explanatory, simple and rolls off the tongue.
  5. MikeHoncho16

    MikeHoncho16 Well-Known Member

    HAHAHA thats awesome, but seriously, i hope it doesnt completely fail...
  6. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    since its coming out next year, i think im going to buy a DS Lite and sell it before 3DS arrives. im not really buying the 3D thing for now, but what i'm looking forward to are the old DS games (NSMB, TWEWY, Custom Robo Arena, etc) getting sequels with updated graphics on this new handheld.

    and oh, inb4 Loony says something about the DS like "he's not impressed" or "seen this before", etc.
  7. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    Dont be so sure about that ... look , DSi was promised it had updated graphics with those ENHANCED game-packs.Nothing happened.

    I wont fall in the same ploy again,im not a retard. I lost faith in Nintendo's judgement for what is good for us gamers.
    I think Nintendo made a major shift in sales doctrine - it CAN backfire on them. They shiften from quality games to making money by selling as much consoles as possible. Kind of understanding, but we can see what crap they're selling. Minimum improovements/upgrades and after that in the span of 1 year they give you the Ultimate Updated V1.2 DS 3D that has accelerometer inside.
    They could EASILY putt accelerometer inside a cartridge and that's that.

    Hmm,somehow the new schematics from the patent office come to mind. Maybe the 3DS wont be a new console per-se, but a new cartridge and a new way to play games (a cartridge with accelerometers inside). check it out on Destructoid, you'll see what i mean.
  8. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Yes, but it's only if the companies are willing to make a DSi only game. Since the hardware isn't available to the DS Lite and DS. There's DSi enhaced games too, but it's just last minute things. The hardware is only as good as the software, and there isn't the software to make the DSi great.

    Even though Nintendo releases new hardware versions of the base system (DS to the DSl, and the DSi), you're never forced to buy the new version, unless it broke. I still own my DS Phat, it has no problems except for a couple scratches. I see no reason to upgrade the hardware.

    The 3DS is an entirely new system, of course it's a base like the DS Phat, but you don't have to upgrade. It's stupid to complain about something you don't need.

    The 3DS is an entirely new DS system, similar to the Gameboy Color, to the Gameboy Advance. It's new hardware, new and better specs. Along with that, it also is backwards compatible with DS and DSi enhanced, since it's backwards compatible, it means it's a new system.

    What article? LINK.
  9. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    This is all speculation as far as I'm concerned. I won't fall prey to rumors and shit, so we'll see what happens at E3.

    If I'm wrong, people can say "I told you so!"

    The DSi is what, a year old? The XL either just came out or is soon to come out. Releasing a successor this early would be stupid and piss off a lot of consumers.
  10. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well one thing for sure, they spark my intrest, i wonder how much 3d is 3d.
  11. zangief

    zangief Well-Known Member

    The difference though is that the DSi was an upgrade while the 3DS is a successor.

    I dunno about the DSi exclusive games being graphically better because I never had the chance to play one, but I don't think i'll be wrong in saying that original DS games would look the same in a DSi, and the same can be said in the 3DS.

    That's why i said im looking forward to the sequels of the games i listed, because those WILL have better graphics for sure!
  12. dragneon007

    dragneon007 Well-Known Member

    Cool, maybe now they can have an excuse to bring the virtual boy wario land to the virtual handheld on 3DS or remake a brand new Wario land game. Also I can only imagine how beautiful games will look, with some 3D areas popping out..

    I can see some games that 3D would look good with

    Paper mario
    wario land
    Puzzle games
    Pheonix write
    Punchout style games with force feed back and seeing a Jab to your face and having force feed back
    3D cutscenes can be viewed differently each time.
    Or blowing into the mic to clear away smoke 3D smoke that is in 3D space of some kind of game or puzzle to view the other side or tilt to see past the smoke

    or a scary horror type of game with cheap scares that jump at you, or just crazy things that trick your mind into thinking your seeing things.

    Also, using the camera to track your eye or built in accelometer to guide movement of a 3D object without using your hands into another object such as a ball to go through a Ring or a 3D version of tetris.

    3D objects popping out and clearing them away with the motion or camera tracking your hand(sorta like wario ware snap)

    Oh and Wario land twisted used alot of motion control micro games,
    and I'm willing to bet mario Kart 3DS just got crazier lol
  13. king_leo

    king_leo Well-Known Member

    Re: Nintendo\'s 3DS (they skipped DS2 lololollolo)

    Well i saw a topic like this before
    Post Merge: [time]1269420527[/time]
    yes i did = lock this topic (well it is about ds cd but still) http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=35389
  14. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    It just rolls off your tounge. 3DS XD
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Both topics are completely different, yes it's still talking about 3D. But the other topic is about the DSi having a DSiware to simulate a 3d environment by using two cameras to position where the player is looking. Meanwhile, this topic is about the successor to the DS/DS Lite/DSi/DSXL, that has 3d similar to how a movie is 3D (safe to say, the tech is there).
  16. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    wait... which 3d are you talking about? 3d as in 3 dimentional, or 3d as in "its practically, jumping out of screen"
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    The second one.

    Kinda gives it away.
  18. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    well i never see the 2nd one in a movie before.... imax is very expensive in my country.....
  19. finalmario

    finalmario Well-Known Member

    I wonder if this will be worth it when it comes out..Nintendo keeps releasing handhelds too fast lately.Well,my DSlite ive had since it came out is almost broke,so i think its time for me to change to something.:p
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    too fast what? milking? every product since DSlite is pretty much just a re-release of an old product..... NDS.