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"Nintendo Will Fail if They Plan on Releasing Another Home Console"

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Well shit.
  2. ultra

    ultra Guest

    an article 3-4 years ago makes it irrelevent today?! that's the funniest thing i've read because "Nintendo Will Fail if They Plan on Releasing Another Home Console" surely doesn't sound like it was 3-4 years ago happening again today.

    of topic
    i like this constant reminder of logic because it's funny with logic and no one even know it themselves. you see this spoiler and you're going to go mad and ask me what the hell i'm referring. but there will be no way i will ever tell because there is no need for logical people to understand the illogical thinking of a logical person. ponder on.
  3. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    They aren't relevant today because of the Wii has become a massive success and disproved the predictions of failure. Nobody could possible claim that the Wii is, or ever was, a failure today because it simply isn't true. And claiming that future Nintendo consoles will fail and citing articles that predicted the Wii was going to be a failure (which are ridiculously outdated) as proof doesn't make any sense because they have already been proved wrong.
    I don't understand what you're trying to say. Are you saying that the articles the prophesied the doom of the Wii years ago are now being seen again for the next Nintendo home console?; because i've already torn apart that poorly written article linked at the beggining of the thread, if you can find better ones that say the same thing from reputable sources then please link to them.
    How have the people debating your points shown ignorance to logic?, are you trying to be ironic?
    You're not making any sense. If you're not going to tell us, if you're not even going to explain your points; then you are just asking for people to rip the crap out of you.
  4. ultra

    ultra Guest

    there were people who actually knew the wii would have been successful before it was even released. as a matter of fact, evidence were being revealed in front of everyones face and no one cared during that time period. so is the news 3-4 years ago irrelevent to today, no it is not.
  5. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Could you clarify the point that you are trying to make please?
  6. Jamster97

    Jamster97 New Member

    The wii has started to get boring and nintendo's new DSi XL is pointless i got on fine with my V1 NDS!
  7. cadz

    cadz Member

    ... Oh my.

    Well, in my honest opinion, I don't think anybody should really care what negative opinions there are. I mean, if you like something... You like it? If someone hates the Wii, good for them. That's their opinion. I think articles such as 'The Wii will fail' or whatever are a bunch of crap. Who knows? We'll just have to wait and see. I doubt it'll fail. Nintendo has gone from being a humble playing card producer to to a massive video game/console producer, and they've been going for much longer than I've been alive. MUCH longer. I doubt they're going anywhere soon.

    Suis had a good point. Ultra, you're dragging up old articles to support your claim. Yeah, you had one recent article or whatever, but that's one opinion. I don't think Suis did anything wrong by swearing at you; you're being a bit of an idiot and angering lots of people for no reason. (@Suis, you're pretty awesome, may I add XD)

    Basically, Ultra, if you hate Nintendo so much, or whatever, then you don't have to try and get everyone around to your way of thinking. I don't really give a damn if you or Jane who lives at number 35 hate the Wii. I like it. Why should care if you don't? All you're really doing is irritating people more than necessary.

    Also, your continued sarcasm about the PS3 bombing is really stupid. I don't know if you're aiming for the 'I'm a complete fool' appearance, but that's what it looks like to me. If I were you, I'd just give it up now.

    (@Jamster, Yeah, I agree that perhaps all the reboots of the DS are getting a bit old. I've got on fine with my old DS, too ^^)
  8. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Does Ultra hate the Wii though? He seems to be pushing it in his other threads; it's hard to comprehend where he stands at this point.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    He's everywhere, there's some topics where he's against it, then in the next he's all in for it.

    My phat DS' touch screen is acting wonky so I think I might get a DSXl, the bigger screen is nice.

    I admit mark, that your post regarding me and suis is good. I was going to respond to it but I forgot what to write.
  10. markswan

    markswan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, i've noticed that he likes to change his opinion between threads.

    For me, my own DS Phat is a pretty handy travelling companion to keep me entertained on my daily journey to college.

    Thank you, i enjoy your posts too :)
  11. cadz

    cadz Member

    Well, yeah, you guys have a good point. I was debating whether or not he actually hates Nintendo... He seems to change his view constantly. But, who knows. All he's doing is irritating people, though.
  12. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I believe he's a troll. Who is also attempting to say that failed predictions from 3 years ago are valid and relevant today.

    Just so everyone's clear, they're not. If I saw an article from yesterday saying the Wii would be Nintendo's last console, I'd take it more seriously.

    I get that a lot.
  13. anonthegreat

    anonthegreat Member

    ps3 no gaems
  14. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

  15. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    PS3 = a solid amount of quality games
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    U BRO?

    Because /v/, although hilariously entertaining, is not here.
  17. ultra

    ultra Guest

    okay, so according to this article nintendo will fail if they release a new console because the article is new. there are also news that the 360/ps3 will take over the nintendo dominance of casuals as they also have motion controllers on the way. that is what everyone believes, then okay. nintendo will lose from here on forward.

    i'm tired of the casuals, i wanna be a hardcore!
  18. salnaruto2

    salnaruto2 New Member

    I don't get your point. Are you try to persuade people to change from nintendo to sony/xbox or what?
    And, I have to agree Suiseiseki, your a troll.
  19. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Oh god I'm laughing so hard because you're trying to say it's not going to be a gimmick fuck I can't even breathe oh god I finally caught my breath and read the article on the front page and lol'ed all over again goddamn you must be trolling because the guy is a fucking retard lolgamesjournalism lolopinioncolumns

    Cool story, bro.

    Everyone's casual nowadays, didn't you know? I'm so casual I play Wii Sports Resort with my family!
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    But casuals have more money than hardcores, look at me, 5 days a week at a super market with the rest of the time here or gaming, not enough to actually live on my own...so I stick with my parents until I win the lottery move out with rich mates.

    That's what happens when your a hardcore gamer who spends most time gaming, plus I have no interest in anything else but gaming really...and I dislike "making" games so don't bother preaching XD

    You can be a hardcore all you like ultra, but there is a differance between a real hardcore and a casual, it's not the skill or knowledge (though it helps) but the time spent gaming...

    Alot are multi platform games, only a few are infact ps3 exclusive.