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Nintendo (stupid or not) decisions/future plans ?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by MindFever, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If anyone wanted classics on the dsi they can forget it-it'll mean no one would bother having a wii to play smash brothers on XD

    The games are designed for

    -Small downloads for those who just use bare minimum download abilities (unlike the psp where they take forever at 1gb titles!)

    -Quick to start (like the psn mini's)

    -Only a few to get which are from carts because they are easiest to download

    I assume it's download size (kids are impatient...this means quick and ready to do) and exclusives that determin the dsiware range.

    WHy only those games like mario brother's made?

    With contra 4 it's easy, that game was made in limited numbers because only a few actually follow it (and those that do but won't buy are YOU people), and I assume like resident evil ds, ninja gaiden ds was a sales test, if it did blooody well, it'll mean there is interest.

    Great reviews mean nothing if it can't sell, look at dead space wii or gta china town wars that got ported to the ds because of lack of sales :(

    And I gotten a ps3 to fill the void, people these days have a tad more cash and more people are having the best of 2 or more worlds, unlike the old days where it was sega vs nintendo only because it was too expensive to have a snes and a maga drive side by side, unlike now with my ps3 and wii side by side XD

    But despite our rants, the dsi -wareware is selling...somewhere...otherwise nintendo would'nt make such a fuss and cut out the service sooner.
    Post Merge: [time]1266590749[/time]
    My only complait is they could bother with getting gb/gbc/gba games going on dsiware at least, but the fact that a normal ds can play the gba games...means that is out of the loop.

    gb/gbc games are quite hard by todays standards, kids would whinge at how hard they are...ever compared new super mario to super mario land 2 on gameboy?

    Big differance-and that's difficulty, my younger brother couldn't get far at all...only new super mario brothers could he come close to beating the game.
  2. MindFever

    MindFever Well-Known Member

    edit: until dsiware has crappy games and Nintendo fucks up with consumers...i wont buy anything from them (i only bought 1 game for the DS). I must emphasize that i love DS games alot.I just hope there will be more Metroid,Mario and Castlevania games for the DS. But now it seems very unlikely since the DS2 plans for the next year (i also think it will be 2011 the year for DS2)
    Post Merge: [time]1266590874[/time]
    Good point.But regarding "tests" i was talking about DSIWARE and not Ninja gaiden DS (fantastic games) and other you mentiond (which i also like alot). Well regarding "Nintendo would have cut DSIWARE if it wasnt selling" i must disagree.It would have been completely obvious and made people hate Nintendo quite alot. I think they are keeping it not for the sales (because it aint that high) ,but maybe because of some contracts-agreements for 3rd party developers who bought the dev kits or something. But let me say this; i do expect DSIWARE to be scrapped not far in the future. It has no purpose. Nintendo is competing toomuch with other developers,which is moronic - they compete with 3rd party devs who use Nintendo's digital distribution service. fuck this shit ! :)

    I agree on everything else wholeheartedly
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Oh, you mentioned about "why just one" and thus why i used ninja gaiden.

    The dsi ware games as I said, download size...and if you ever seen the ps3 mini games (a blantant rip off of the smaller wiiware games) then you can see that "just a quick time waster" and not meant to make you play for long...best for kids or casual gamers, it's more cost efficient than buying a game cart that you might only finish 20% of like most casuals/kids.

    THat's assuming rom's are not entered into the math, which hurts sales no matter which way you go.

    I have bought 21 (22 if you include the second copy of mario kart for my brother before I got into roms) ds games and 18 have been clocked to the max, the other's not are all because I lacked the time/skill or lost interest (but lack of resale value means they stay :( ).

    I have a business eye about me, as good as it is to be a customer and pick away, you gotta think how a large company thinks, having gba games on ds downloads, more qualities games like new super mario bros (contra 4 and ninja gaiden are 3rd party-nintendo has no say in them except giving them dev kits) are brought down to cost, who'll play it and bother to play completly to the max, nintendo once focused on the hardcores (ie n64/gamecube period) and made poor sales...

    It's a shame, but casuals are keeping nintendo strong, hence why nintendo is doing so well in sport orientated australia...that damn wii sports has everyone hooked...
  4. Supie

    Supie Well-Known Member

    Man I feel what ur topic is saying. Don't even get me started on Nintendo games prices and crappy wi-fi everbody dosent use WEP.
  5. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    After reading these comments i'm glad i bought a crimson DS lite instead of a dsi.
  6. Supie

    Supie Well-Known Member

    Wise Choice.