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Nintendo is generous with flash cart user,Right !!!(???)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 4ds, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Well flashcarts arrived after the DS you know :p They get the fees from having the game licensed, but they're still really rich. Loonylion said that the USB connector is far worse, forgot what he told me.
  2. nomercy

    nomercy Well-Known Member

    Companies have to buy a licence from Nintendo to develop for the DS.

    If you look at it like this, Nintendo has already been paid by 3rd party developers. Ofcourse for their own games they feel the pain of roms. But they still sell the DS. I don't know if they make a profit on the DS hardware.
  3. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    And to get the cartridges and sell them as a licensed developed game, unless you're talking about the SDKs.
  4. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    then the games developers really feel the pain i guess lol but nintendo release their own game too right like mario and metroid prime ^_^
  5. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Even if they lose loads of money because of the flashcarts, I do not feel pity for them.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    how come you don't have pity?!
    if it were say sony or microsoft then of course i [as in ultra] won't feel pity on microsoft or sony as they have alternate ways of finding money. sony with the music and video while microsoft with the computer sectors [pc games, software and peripherals]. but with nintendo, they don't have any other means of obtaining income. they're income is only from games [consoles, arcade, handhelds and portables] and merchandise that they can sell. they aren't the only ones either, square and capcom are also on the boat. if capcom goes, then that's that.

    nintendo does make the hardware, but again you're still using money to help make the hardware [manufacturing the goods]. even when you do manufacture the goods you have to ship the goods and so on and so on. this is all money used from money obtained from selling their games and systems. if it were sony, they could rely on their movie sales [both dvd, blu-ray and box office] as well as their music sales. look at the ps3, they have used all the money they got from the ps2, so they are now funding the ps3 from the music and movie income they make. the same thing is applied to microsoft except for the computer sectors [sales of vista, office suites, etc...].
  7. 4ds

    4ds Well-Known Member

    whoa lol jin you have a deep grudge against nintendo or did their customer service upset someone hmm... ^_^
  8. jc_106

    jc_106 Well-Known Member

    Nope, actually Nintendo is my favourite among Sony, Microsoft... and Nintendo. By when I said them, I said all of those three, I generalized.

    And yes, ultra, they only have games income, but even if they lose money because of the flashcarts, they still get a load of money from people who don't and from the consoles they sell. And their pockets are full with money due to previous years.
  9. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Nintendo has a lot to fall back on, if they stopped making games they could do a lot more... They used to be a card company...
  10. ultra

    ultra Guest

    nintendo is also the only company that will be supporting a comsumer product in the future, that is going to the store and acutally buying a game. remember that ms and sony have plans on having download services aka digital downloads. as a matter of fact, it's already happening with some of the games for the ps3/360. i believe the game siren for ps3 [there are others] is one and there are a few for the 360 [i don't know which one but they're there].

    that is why you see a price decrease on the 360 premium 20gb which will get replaced by the 60gb 360 and even sony have stoped with the 40gb and are only selling the 80gb, though there is a 120-160gb one in the market. this is all indicating that they're probably planning on going digital distribution.

    all in all, everyone [the pirates] will be praising nintendo.
  11. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I can't see digital game downloads taking off in the UK, where the average net speed is 2-4Mbit. The UK government has also recently ruled out investing any money in high speed fiber around the country, meaning its down to BT, and the chances of them taking a cut in profits to improve the UK telecoms network is pretty close to zero.
  12. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Actually, in simple economics, the reason for the sudden price decrease is because of the release of the new models.
    Just like a car, a brand new '09 model will depreciate the older '08 models already on the lot.
    When they release a new model of the PS3 or Xbox360, the already existing models automatically cut down on price.

    You're right though about the future move to downloadable games. Why else would they want to clear out the smaller capacity models and replace them with the bigger ones?

    This would be a good move on Sony's/Microsoft's part since it cuts out the middle-man (like gamestop, target, meijer, best buy etc.) and (possibly) makes the games cheaper. When you cut out the middle-man, they tend to get rid of the markup that is made from using a middle-man.
    This also cuts down the cost of actually making a disc, package the product, and having to ship the product to said stores. So instead of a $60 game sold at a gamestop, you might be able to download it off of the PSN or Xbox marketplace for $50.

    Cheaper prices = more sales.

    Even if Nintendo is the only one supporting a consumer product, the downloadable games might be able to be copied as well.
    Do you think Nintendo is sticking with hard copies because they are aware of the TP hack that basically pirates anything on the wii channel store?

    Sony and MS could still sell a consumer product to certain areas and sell less consumer products in an area with more users with a higher speed connection.