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Nintendo Announces new DSi

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Seph, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Yes jin, it's basically the same matter though. That's for the stupid as GBA that uses AA batteries. It has no charger obviously. And no goddamn light. The hardware is different from the DS (to allow the camera etc. to be used, larger screens to be outputted and wrapping for regular DS games etc.) so the hardware won't be the same, but very similar. Trust me on this. I'm sure they won't make too many DSi only games, it's just stupid. Oh blacksun23, the processor power will stay the same with the DSi (according to QJ), so no better "graphics" card for the DS. Homebrew development for this won't be too hard, just to add some new functions for the screens and to utilize the camera options and advanced firmware features but that's all. Should still stay the same. But Nintendo haven't really released the full interal specs that would be different to DS/Lite. Here's a outlook on the specs, if you can understand them. http://ds.qj.net/Nintendo-DSi-hardware-specs-software-details-bigger-screen-shorter-batt-life-more/pg/49/aid/124571
  2. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    it seem that the only fuction of DSi is to combat PSP

    seriously DSlite is good enough as a portable gaming console.

    edit: this make me wonder if Sony will be stupid enough to remake thier PSP to combat DSi.....
  3. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    The battery life time is shorter. Yesterday i planned to buy it someday but today i think i must think once again to buy DSi. I love my DS Lite :D
  4. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    3 megapixels is better than most laptop webcams. :eek:

    I don't plan on replacing my one and only DS Lite though. But its stylus calibration is screwed up; the point is half a centimeter to the right if I press the stylus near the bottom of the screen. Calibration does not help.
  5. shadowknuxem

    shadowknuxem Member

    I read a story that the DSi wont be able to play GBA games. I don't know if it is true or not, but if it is, then I won't be buying a DSi at all.
  6. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    Not relevant as the DSi has 0.3 megapixel cameras.
  7. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Which is worse than the one on my phone.
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Don't expect a good camera on the DSi. Born2killx, that happens to my DS too. Calibration doesn't do shit.
  9. Impulse411

    Impulse411 Member

    Dont forget that DSi is also Region Locked! Which for me is a total turn-off...
  10. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    "The new and revamped DS unit, which includes a 3 megapixel camera and a web browser, is set to go on sale in Japan on November 1st for 18,900 yen (about $180)."

    So the media lied to me. :-X

    P.S. My phone's got a 2 MP camera. The LG enV.
  11. ultra

    ultra Guest

    anyone live or ever been to japan? i read that in japan, you do more with the ds then just play games. what specifically i don't know.

    i've read an article on the net that says the dsi isn't in competition with iphone or psp.

    the dsi isn't meant to replace the ds lite. it's to introduce gaming to non gamers by making the device have properties that attract non gamers. one thing that people are drawn to are cameras and music. if a device offers both, then it is more likely that someone would buy it. if someone is more likely to buy and in addition to the two properties stated [camera and music player] have the ability to play games, you have just introduced a gaming machine to a non gamer. so they will definitely buy software to accomodate not only the camera use and music use, but the gaming device use. this is a very well thought out strategy by nintendo.
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Nokia tried that with the N-Gage and it failed miserably.
  13. jill545454

    jill545454 New Member

    It doesn't matter if the DSi has a 3M or 10M or 100M camera.... it will still look like crap on the low resolution screens.

    The whole point of the DSi is profit $$$$$.
    Nintendo's not stupid, they know what there doing. Slap a Nintendo logo on a pile of POOP, and people will still buy the dam thing.

    Wait a couple of months and give the option for a different colored POOP, and people will still buy it. ( Yeah a red colored POOP )
    Don't forget about all them special cover cases too. Lets put a Final Fantasy case on the POOP yeah......

    The fact is any new game coming out, will and have to be able to be playable on any DS system Phat,Lite,DSi..
    Unless ofcourse those special DSi only games-but whats going to be so special about them. More Pony racing games with camera features.
  14. ultra

    ultra Guest

    remember that there will be a download service like the wii. with that notion in mind, you may get more then just gaming downloads. the dsi may end up being like a pocket assistant, which is like a tool, and people will use it along with the gaming aspect of the system. that is why i asked how portables are in japan. i've read you can order food from using your ds, it's similar to like how franchise pizza stores like dominoes or pizza hut have one of those online orderings. instead of using a computer, you use your dsi.

    wii has the news channel, maybe dsi will have the same thing as well as the weather report. streaming media maybe [video and maybe audio radio]?
  15. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Remember the region lock is for DSi games only.
  16. n0thealthy

    n0thealthy Well-Known Member

    The whole point of any product is profit...
  17. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    yup, but they are trying tweaking a little to make more profit :p sux they made an SD slot for the GBA slot
  18. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

    well i don't really care if the GBA slot is gone.

    if i want to use the GBA slot, ill use my GBA. If i want to use the GBA slot accesorries like the guitar grip ill use my DS lite.

    ill still get the DSi though. I see this hardware has potential especially for the online store and (maybe) the camera. and my brother wants my DS lite anyways so ill just buy the DSi and give my old one to my brother.
  19. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    thats too many systems and wasted cash for me... I'm broke
  20. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    me too.... another good reason not to buy a new dsi. Also Im guessing that not all the new games are gona be for the dsi only, isnt it??