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nintendo admits why they sucked at 2009

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I don't know how long you've had Vista, but I got it almost as soon as it came out (I was doing some part time work for MS at the time). It was worse than ME, and yes I did own ME for about a year. However, SP1 for Vista more or less fixed it. So now, while it is bloated and has a few incompatibility issues with some games, on the whole it's a fairly decent OS, just not as good, as you say, as XP or 7.
  2. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    I got it a little bit before SP1, I had to buy a new PC since my old one crapped out, I didn't notice problems. Never froze, never did anything like ME did when I had it.
  3. ultra

    ultra Guest

    off topic.
    vista and windows 7 is not a program.
    it's an os. an os is different then a program or software. an os is not a program because there is nothing to run or use. an os is a platform or a gateway for access to something else. people use vista/windows 7 because there is no other gateway or platform to gain access to the other side, software. there is linux but linux is limited. look at linux for instance, you can install linux bare and it'll be like a console and waits for the user to put in a cd or cartridge in the system to run programs and software. so people are using vista/windows 7 not because they want to or because they have a choice, but because there is nothing else. linux can do it because right now vista and windows 7 isn't doing much and most people are okay with the environment of windows xp. direct x is irrelevent because games are no longer on pc and most pc games are still in support of dx 9. this means there is an opportunity for linux to develop a windows xp clone. but the linux community aren't concerned about it. that is why they are irrelevent.

    if people want bigger and better, then where did all the ps2 owners go when ps3 was released? shouldn't they all go to the ps3 after owning a ps2, knowing that it is bigger and better?! it really makes sense. all the ps2 owners truly wanted bigger and better because the sales of the ps3 shows that very much. even the sales of the 360 clearly shows that people wanted bigger and better. you can even apply this to cars where those who once own a two door car went to suv or even better, viper because they want bigger and better. and we see high sales of high performance cars because companies like gm and other high performance car companies are getting customers becaues the customers are seeking bigger and better. i've noticed that there are so much suv's in the dealer lots. i think many people want them.

    hey btw, bionic commando on the ps3/360 did great. it did so great that they should make more games. let's email them our ideas, http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/59958.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Linux is the opposite of limited in just about every way imaginable

    [quote author=ultra]if people want bigger and better, then where did all the ps2 owners go when ps3 was released? shouldn't they all go to the ps3 after owning a ps2, knowing that it is bigger and better?! it really makes sense. all the ps2 owners truly wanted bigger and better because the sales of the ps3 shows that very much. even the sales of the 360 clearly shows that people wanted bigger and better. you can even apply this to cars where those who once own a two door car went to suv or even better, viper because they want bigger and better. and we see high sales of high performance cars because companies like gm and other high performance car companies are getting customers becaues the customers are seeking bigger and better. i've noticed that there are so much suv's in the dealer lots. i think many people want them.

    hey btw, bionic commando on the ps3/360 did great. it did so great that they should make more games. let's email them our ideas, http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/59958.


    Okay, could you clarify what you are trying to say here? It really makes little to no sense, even less when compared to your previous posts.

    Also, the article shows that the company closed even though the sales were good because they got screwed over.
  5. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Wow, seriously. Read over my post.

    The developers went out of business because they had a lot of games they made that didn't sell well. Terminator Salvation, Wanted, and Bionic Commando didn't start selling well until Capcom lowered the price to 20 dollars, by that time Grin already went under.

    The thing I hate about 'debating' against you ultra is that everything we try to drill into your thick head is that everything we tell you dissipates when it touches your brain. Meaning that the next topic like this, you'll repeat that Dead Space Extraction sucks and all that junk.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    even with a $20 price tag for bionic commando didn't help sales. gamestop had a summer sale for this game at $20. it didn't help the game. even worse, it stayed at $20 there after and it still didn't help. i don't know what to tell you other then that it is a really good game.

    half a million margin is a good thing on the ps3/360 that is often repeated as for gamers. where the hell happened to all the gamers? if the game was for the hardcore, then why didn't the hardcore buy it? clearly there is quality in the game as this is a game for the hardcore gamers on the ps3/360. so what's going on?! i know, they pirated the game. but the ps3 you can't do that with the ps3 [pirate]. i know something is wrong here.

    we're approaching 1 year from the release of bionic commando and it has been at $20 for quite a while now. what is going on?! talk about being cheap! the casuals are spending $50 for a 2d mario game and the hardcore won't spend $20 on a modern 3d sophisticated game. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Casual-Gamers-Vs-Hardcore-Gamers-Round-2-12857.html
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Before the price drop, the first month of sales for Bionic Commando was 27,000 copies sold. Terrible, then the price drop happened, half a million.

    I'm not saying that the game is for hardcore, I was just saying that I liked the game quite a bit despite it's sales and scores it got (which was mostly 6 out of 10s). It was to show that playing the game is indicative of quality, not just a score or simply speculation.

    I doubt the game is still in production anymore, I see it on clearance racks in stores.
  8. ultra

    ultra Guest

    so let's go back to the sales of these high quality great games and now let's look at the crazy comments these companies say, http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=230815. clearly someone is telling the truth. which cost more btw, umbrella chronicles 2 or bionic commando?

    don't forget, this game isn't doing so well either. but it's okay because capcom's life now hangs on the hands of the hardcore, not the wii gamers. dark void is not doing well.
  9. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Both Umbrella Chronicles 2 and Dark Void are just mediocre at a higher price point. Bionic Commando was totally worth it for 20-30$, Dark Void and Umbrella was not worth it for a higher price point apparently. I haven't played Umbrella Chronicles 2 but I'm not that interested and I played the Dark Void demo and didn't like it.

    I don't understand what point you're bringing up here.
  10. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ok, so pretty much nintendo didn't actually suck, it just fell short of its goals right?
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Umbrella chronicles 2 isn't bad gameplay wise, far better than the first...though it seems a tad shorter.

    Includes the ps2 version, obviously no online play, and the zombie mode is gone...:(
  12. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Did you just link to an article proving that there's no market for mature games on the Wii?
  13. ultra

    ultra Guest

    no. i provided a link showing you that a company has abandoned mature games on the wii. meaning it isn't that the hardcore isn't there, but that the company have abandoned them.

    capcom said resident evil 4 wii sold because there was no competition. if that was the case, then shouldn't resident evil 5 be on the wii as there won't be any competition? you see, capcom was right all along to release resident evil 5 on the ps3/360. what other resident evil 4 wii like game is there on the wii? it really makes sense of what capcom and other companies have been saying.
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    [quote author=ultra's linked article]
    He added: "Development on Wii [is] very difficult, with an oversupply [of games] and a gamer market that has radically changed. [Hardcore games] are selling less and less on the console, [be it] MadWorld or Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop or House of the Dead: Overkill."

    "Two years ago, there were still [hardcore] gamers on Wii, [but these have been] diverted from this console in favor of the new generation.
    Did you actually read this?
  15. ultra

    ultra Guest

    development on wii is very difficult because for some reason and some miraculous way, an old gamecube game remade for the wii has done better then a rail shooter game. it shows that it is very hard to make games. i have constantly said it over and over again, and i'll say it again, wii owners wanted a resident evil 5 game. where is it? there are 1.7 million resident evil 4 wii purchases, which mean there are 1.7 potiential buyers of resident evil 5 [i'm one of them]. where is it? we were promised a game, but instead we got scraps. wii gamers don't want scraps. why would we want to buy scraps for?! wii gamers didn't buy resident evil chronicles 2 because when it was announced that it was going to be a sequal to a rail shooter, we knew it was garbage. you don't pay real money for garbage. we can get garbage any where. real money deserves real value.

    you know what's funny, many people say that it wasn't the wii that helped casualize the industry. but rather sony with the sony ps1 and ps2. if that is the case, then wouldn't that mean there were more super retards on the ps1 and ps2 as opposed to the wii?! but it's really funny because if that is the case, then why was resident evil 4 ported to the ps2 with such effort as there was extra stuff included?! in that particular article, capcom said that the wii is super retarded and there are no hardcore gamers. how is ps1 and ps2 casuals weren't super retarded as compared to the wii?! why was the ps2 given full possibility while nintendo is fully shut down without even a thought?! dark void and bionic commando did poor sales and that means big losses. how come we don't hear any comments about the hardcore audience. again, if there is no hardcore audience to buy these games on the wii, then they are all on the 360/ps3. then where are the buyers for these games, especially at a $20 price range for one of the games?!

    again, when dead space was going to wii, people were expecting dead space prototype xbox 1. read all the comments of people when it was mentioned that dead space going to be a "guided first person shooter". people automatically said it was garbage. remember the comment by moldybubbles from that video. his comment says that the game is garbage and nothing but scraps. people don't want scraps. they want a full meal.

    no more heroes. have the people at capcom actually played this game? it's just weird and we don't want weird games. i can't wait for no more heroes to be released on the ps3/360. if the game does well, hardcore gamers like weirdness and any game developer that wants to make silly retarded hardcore concept games, then they should sell it on the ps3/360. if it doesn't do well, then it means the game originally suck butt.

    now that natal and move are available soon, how come no hardcore gamers have asked for these hardcore games on the wii to be on the ps3/360?! does it mean that these games are actually bad to begin with that there is no merit from the hardcore to port them over to the ps3/360?!
  16. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    remember when games for the N64 and the PC with little change?
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Ultra: the reason Wii gets the "scraps" as you call them is because the Wii hasn't got the power to run these games. The fact that developers are were willing to go thorough all the effort of making a new game just for the Wii shows that they believed hardcore games could sell, but they were proven wrong as Wii players evidently expect the Wii to run the same software that modern PCs and next Gen consoles can run.

    As regards ps1&2; hardcore gamers still used these platforms and they were similar in specs to other consoles of the time so that it was possible to port games across easily.

    You say Nintendo was shut down without a thought? Yet it's only recently that they have been "shut down" 4 years after their launch and I think it's got more and more to do with the fact that the Wii's technology is seriously showing it's age.

    Lastly, probably at least part of the reason no one has asked for the Wii's hardcore games to be ported is because natal and move are still in development you.....
  18. ultra

    ultra Guest

    you have dead space xbox 1 prototype and you have half life 2 on xbox 1. then you have resident evil 4 iphone and street fighter 4 iphone and the unreal engine 3 all on the iphone. all of these are on the superior machine and are capable on an inferior machines. some how it is impossible and all of these things prove it's impossible. also, you have dante's inferno made for the psp. so clearly it is impossible.

    so scraps are good work?! i really can't wait for dead space extraction to be made for the ps3/360. i also can't wait for the release of no more heroes 360/ps3.

    move is definitely still in development. maybe it'll still be in development even after a real product of the device has been shown to the public, which btw has been shown to the public. we all already know how and what it looks like. maybe the design will change [the look of how it is now] but it doesn't matter if the design change because we already have a concept of the technology and we've seen the technology. this is still in development folks,[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTKpgSpq-8o ] [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptUf3lTEqic&feature=related ]. even after it's been released and sold to people, it'll still be in development. no 360/ps3 gamers have signed a petition for capcom to bring over umbrella chronicles nor is there anyone making great demand for dead space extraction to be on the 360/ps3 and it was only a decision electronic arts is making [something that they can decline any time]. since the ps3 didn't get dead rising 1, why not port the wii version but with more zombies [aka better graphics]. let's see if that would have sold.

    ps1 and ps2 were said to have made video games casual. if that is the case, then that means there were more casuals then the hardcore since majority of the ps1 and ps2 owners were new into video games. so if we look at the wii, then the same idea applies here as well, that the wii made video games more casual and there are more casuals then the hardcore just like with the ps1 and ps2. so why did third party developers made more effort and games on the ps1 and ps2 but not the wii? when the ps1 and ps2 games didn't do well, no third party smacked the casual gamers nor the hardware seller but on the wii, third parties blame the casual gamers and the hardware seller, why is there this gap?! it is indicating something. with the n64, developers said it lacked the storage space. nintendo made the gamecube with cd's and there were still less games. microsoft 360 has a storage problem and they are still getting games. the wii lacked graphics, when nintendo made the gamecube, there were still less games.
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Which will sell better? A mature game on the Wii, or on an iPhone? iPhone games sell well regardless of it's quality, it also takes a lot less time and money to develop on the iPhone compared to anything besides a DS. I've told you time and time again, a mature game does not sell well now on the Wii, obvious exception to the rule is RE4, but that was released early in the Wii's life cycle when everyone thought the Wii was the shit.

    Because obviously Extraction took no work to make. And that No More Heroes is considered scrap.

    GOOD GOD. Bayonetta sold well, DMC sold well, Katamari Damaci is a good selling franchise. Of course no one wants weird games. Again QUALITY =/= SALES.

    Has the Move been sold at retail? No. Has the Move gone gold? No. Is it safe to say it's in development? Yes.

    I doubt anyone expected UC2 or Dead Space Extraction on the 360/PS3, what would the control scheme be like? I sure as hell liked Extraction and thought no way in hell it would be released on the 360's XBLA or PSN because it probably wouldn't work with Natal and at the time of the rumor Move was still just the concept.

    This doesn't even make sense given the context. Try harder.

    Who said this? I'd be inclined to say that they made video games more casual (and with the PS2 doubling as a DVD player), but that in no way means that there's more casuals than hardcore.

    Nope. The Wii was marketed towards casual gamers, the tag line that your grand pa can play the Wii, was in the Wii's initial marketing videos. Nintendo wanted the Wii to cater the casual, not the hardcore.

    Third party companies that released games that didn't sell well, also had games that sold really well. Capcom released Okami on the PS2 with bad sales, but they were backed with games like Devil May Cry or whatever other crap they had (I don't recall). Meanwhile on the Wii, none of these things really sell well, NMH doesn't sell well, Okami on the Wii didn't sell well, Tatsunoko didn't sell well, Extraction didn't sell well, Deadly Creatures didn't sell well, Muramasa didn't sell well, Little King’s Story didn't sell well, MadWorld didn't sell well, The Conduit didn't sell well, Punch-Out didn't sell well, Umbrella Chronicles 2 didn't sell well, and most WiiWare stuff doesn't sell well.

    All these games are great, and I wouldn't call them hidden gems (with the exception of Deadly Creatures and Okami).

    Nintendo used to be strict about what games come out on their console (talking about the N64). Along with costs of development for their cartridges and the storage space and all that. The Gamecube had the same problem with storage space, they used those mini disc things that stored 2.66 GB on a dual layered disc.

    Also combine that making games on the PS2 meant that the game was going to sell alright, (it had the biggest market) and the Xbox having the technical freedom that gen, the Gamecube was stuck in an awkward place in the middle.


    Also ultra, stop repeating shit, it's like the fifteenth time I've repeated that sales are not indicative of quality. That's just the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and it gets repeated again and again so I'm furthermore inclined to think that you're pretty thick headed. If I have to repeat it again to you, I'll have the great pleasure to make the largest photo possible saying that quality =/= sales.

    And I'm seriously disappointed that the talking Hypr gave you oh so long ago did absolutely nothing. I can probably just copy and paste everything he said in that topic and it'd apply to here. You're still spouting off the same shit and it's boring.
  20. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Getting an engine to run on a platform means nothing. Getting an engine to run while it's running a game, that means something. I remember hearing of someone who got Havoc running on an old Amiga, they'd never be able to run a game on top of that as well... Street Fighter 4 is severely cut up for the iPhone, just like those "scraps" you keep harping on about. Dead Space is a prototype it still doesn't work, maybe it never will, I don't know. Maybe when it does, someone will port it to the Wii, probably not as gamers on the Wii have shown no real inclination to buy hardcore games apart from RE4.

    [quote author=ultra]so scraps are good work?! i really can't wait for dead space extraction to be made for the ps3/360. i also can't wait for the release of no more heroes 360/ps3.[/quote]
    They probably won't sell that well as both consoles have hardware capable of running better games. I've been wrong before though.

    [quote author=ultra]move is definitely still in development. maybe it'll still be in development even after a real product of the device has been shown to the public, which btw has been shown to the public. we all already know how and what it looks like. maybe the design will change [the look of how it is now] but it doesn't matter if the design change because we already have a concept of the technology and we've seen the technology. this is still in development folks,[ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTKpgSpq-8o ] [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptUf3lTEqic&feature=related ]. even after it's been released and sold to people, it'll still be in development. no 360/ps3 gamers have signed a petition for capcom to bring over umbrella chronicles nor is there anyone making great demand for dead space extraction to be on the 360/ps3 and it was only a decision electronic arts is making [something that they can decline any time]. since the ps3 didn't get dead rising 1, why not port the wii version but with more zombies [aka better graphics]. let's see if that would have sold. [/quote]

    Possibly they want to make new better games that they couldn't make when they were constrained by the Wii's poor hardware.

    [quote author=ultra]ps1 and ps2 were said to have made video games casual. if that is the case, then that means there were more casuals then the hardcore since majority of the ps1 and ps2 owners were new into video games. so if we look at the wii, then the same idea applies here as well, that the wii made video games more casual and there are more casuals then the hardcore just like with the ps1 and ps2. so why did third party developers made more effort and games on the ps1 and ps2 but not the wii? when the ps1 and ps2 games didn't do well, no third party smacked the casual gamers nor the hardware seller but on the wii, third parties blame the casual gamers and the hardware seller, why is there this gap?! it is indicating something. with the n64, developers said it lacked the storage space. nintendo made the gamecube with cd's and there were still less games. microsoft 360 has a storage problem and they are still getting games. the wii lacked graphics, when nintendo made the gamecube, there were still less games.

    [quote author=me]As regards ps1&2; hardcore gamers still used these platforms and they were similar in specs to other consoles of the time so that it was possible to port games across easily.[/quote]

    As regards the Gamecube, I have no idea why it didn't do well. The N64 however, lost it's third party developers largely due to the fact that when they initially commissioned the games, it was for the PS, which they were working on with Sony at the time. When Nintendo abandoned Sony the devs still had games geared towards the disks on the PS, so when it came out 3rd parties went in favour of the system they were already developing games for. Possibly the GC failed because trust in Nintendo was a little shaken still.