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nintendo admits why they sucked at 2009

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by ultra, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. ultra

    ultra Guest

    well that would be a problem especially since resident evil games as well as other games are being made for the wii. so you have a lot of explaining to this reason. i haven't heard nintendo limiting developers of what they want to publish on the wii. so you'll have to explain how you got that reason.

    there is a big scare of making a really good game on the wii. could you imagine a dead space on the wii like that video and it does well on the wii. how would you respond to that? imagine resident evil 5 or street fighter 4 have good sales on the wii, how would you respond to that? resident evil 4 did well on the wii though it was the third release. how did capcom respond to that, deny the gamers what they want!
  2. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Resident Evil 4 was already on the GameCube, please stop using a last gen game port as an example of why games should be made for the Wii. All console manufacturers try and get exclusivity on games, Nintendo just seem more aggressive about it than most.

    [quote author=ultra]there is a big scare of making a really good game on the wii. could you imagine a dead space on the wii like that video and it does well on the wii. how would you respond to that? imagine resident evil 5 or street fighter 4 have good sales on the wii, how would you respond to that? resident evil 4 did well on the wii though it was the third release. how did capcom respond to that, deny the gamers what they want!
    I wouldn't give two cents if mature games did well on the Wii, same way I don't care when mature games do well on the 360. Nintendo already had the rights to RE4 so could've released it themselves for Wii (I'm not sure). Most games on the Wii/iPhone tend to be severely gutted so that these platforms can run them. Also the fact that RE4 did well on the Wii is probably less a reflection that Wii owners want mature games and more that Wii owners have no mature games and so will buy any game, like Halo: CE when it came out on the Xbox.
  3. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    If Tatsunoko VS Capcom was a good indicator of how a fighting game made by Capcom could sell on the Wii, then it didn't sell great.

    Capcom's abadoned the hardcore on the Wii? wat? They've released No More Heroes, Mad World, Tatsunoko VS Capcom, and Resident Evil (which by the way the only two REsi games on the Wii that sold of a million is RE4 and the first Chronicles). All of them bombed with the exception of two Resi games.

    I could tell you that no one gave Dead Space Extraction a chance, it's a great game, just everyone overlooks it because it's a rail shooter. It maybe a rail shooter but it's damn good. Shouldn't you play a game regardless of it's genre to see if it's good? I generally hate RPGs but I want to try Resonance of Fate and FFXIII regardless of them being an RPG.

    Oh yes, HL2 on the Xbox. Half Life 2 on the Xbox was plagued with Frame Rate problems, and long, long loading times (they were frequent too) and that it looked like the PC running at around low quality. It was a bad PC port.

    That video is still dark, like so dark you can't tell if it looks that great, in fact the rooms that Isaac is placed in there are empty rooms, although that could be because it's in it's prototype stages.

    And what the crap are you talking about? The REmakes sold 0.25 million copies (combined), well under a million. Keep in mind that RE4 was released not too long after the Wii's launch.

    A good way to find out if a game is good is to play it. Quality concerning games is subjective, you can always read up reviews describing the game and seeing if it's for you. I thought Bionic Commando was good, it didn't rank too high though. How did I determine that it was good for me? I played a demo, and liked it.

    It's impossible to tell quality from sales, Bionic Commando sold a lot of copies for it's rating (and the downfall of it's developer), while No More Heroes didn't sell a lot of copies despite it's quality, same with Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Extraction and a bunch of others. What does this mean? Quality has little relation with sales and that quality is subjective.

    Or it could mean that you should play the damn game to see if it's good.

  4. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Do you know how stupid a statement that is? That's like saying "If the DS didn't have a touch screen it wouldn't sell at all" or "If the PS3 didn't have Blu-Ray and high specs it wouldn't sell at all"

    Logically, if you remove the main selling point of a console, then of course it won't sell, because then nothing sets it apart from the rest.
  5. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    She's right. There are many games that are absolutely spectacular despite poor sales. There are a number of reasons why a game didn't sell well, could be from poor marketing, a game that is "ahead of its time" e.g. Jet Grind Radio, or simply because nobody bought it, but none of these factors independently tell how good a game is. Many hidden gems don't do well in sales (reason why they're hidden gems in the first place), but these games are hard to find on the secondary market.

    The only way to determine whether a game is good or not is to play it yourself. Reading about what other people have to say should be second to actually playing it yourself. Reviews are great, but these shouldn't be the verdict on whether the game is good or not.
  6. ultra

    ultra Guest

    i like the half life 2 twist. it's on a console and those problems of ports are the point of a console. when the ps1 and n64 had ports of computer games, no one complained. when capcom released fighting games on cd, which had longer load times then a cartridge, no one complained. the reason why is because people understood the limitation of the device. again, ps1 is less powerful and many pushed games. nintendo wii less powerful and less games. sure there is a limitation on the wii and just like during the ps1 days, people will understand that and be fine with it.

    resident evil remake on the gamecube sold a 1.4 million, zero made 1.28 million and resident evil 4 sold 1.69 million. how do third party developers say that there is no such place for mature games to not sell on a nintendo console when there is data for it. remember the gamecube was in last place last generation.

    now that sony's arc has finally arrived, it is time for all hardcore gamers to demand on-rail shooters for all their games as many have said, dead space extraction is a good game. if dead space extraction was a good game, why didn't they continue making dead space 2 as a rail shooter? it sucks, that's why. ea showed interest of making extraction for ps3/360, and i hope it will be released for the ps3/360 because the ps3/360 gamers will be in a catch 22. if you don't support the game, then it goes back to say that the wii game sucked to begin with. if you do support the game, then you'll be stuck with more rail shooter games. remember, these companies on the 360/ps3 are lazy and if they can make a quick buck like making rail shooter games, then they'll do it. now here is the interesting part, extraction is a wii game and since it's a wii game, there is no excuse for it to be inferior in graphics or any form of technicality. half life 2 showed this on the organge box release. if there is any form of inferiority, then it means it was botched to die. displaying that extraction was never a problem on the wii but that there lack hardcore gamers, which we know is incorrect.

    when people are willing to pay hard earned money for something, it means it's worth the investment. when you see sales of bionic commando, it means it wasn't worth the money. japan is the place for all hacks and mods for the nintendo ds, but how is new mario ds/wii able to make those sales? btw, marketing is to show that this sort of product exist, whatever the product is. there are people on this site who say there are some really good nintendo ds games and they don't buy it. if there is quality in those games, then why won't they buy the game after sampling the game? if paying money means it's worth the cost for something and a lot of people are buying it, what would that mean?

    what the hell is a tatsunoko and why should i care? if you know the answer then you'll never understand but if you don't know the answer then you don't need to worry about it.
  7. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    What does the second sentence even mean? I said it's a shady port, which it is, games like Quake on the N64/PSX, and Starcraft64 were bad ports, and yes people complained, what the hell are you talking about? I played the Half Life 2 port and noticed that there was framerate problems and loading time issues (you walk in a hallway, minute to load, accidentally walk backwards, minute load). Half Life 2 on the Xbox was a bad port, same for Quake/Quake2 and Starcraft 64 on their respective systems. Just because I recognize that 'Oh the system can't handle it as well as ____ I can overlook it', uh no. That's just an excuse to play a shitty port. I could play through, just to play through it, but it won't turn a mediocre game into a great one because I understand the system's specs.

    Stuff like framerate and loading issues are annoying despite it being a port. The lower quality graphics aren't a big deal, I sort of expected a downgrade, but the framerate and loading times are crappy regardless of it being a port or not. This became more noticeable last generation when the hardware can handle better looking games than the N64 and PSX.

    That totally makes Doom on the SNES soooooooo much better.

    Oh woops, I read over that you specified the Gamecube, my bad.

    Considering that the Gamecube and Wii are different beasts, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Also the Gamecube wasn't in third place for a lot of the console generation, the Xbox caught up by the end of the gen and sold only a million over the Gamecube. Also considering that the remakes on the Wii of those remakes sold less than a million combined, what does that tell you? Does it say that there's little room for mature games on the Wii? Probably.

    Oh, you mean Move, and no, it hasn't arrived.

    Your logic on why Dead Space Extraction sucks is broken. Oh, because Mario Tennis/Party/Strikers/That Basketball one/Olympics/Baseball/Kart, aren't anything like Super Mario, they automatically suck. Oh okay.
    Does Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts suck because it's nothing like Banjo Kazooie? No.
    Does Dr Mario suck? No.
    Does Kingdom Hearts suck? No.
    Does Final Fantasy Tactics suck? No.
    Does Metroid Prime suck? No.
    Does Donkey Kong Country suck? No.
    Does Luigi's Mansion suck? No.
    Does Wario Land or Wario Ware suck? No.
    Does Prinny suck? No.

    Extraction is nothing but a spin off from an already existing franchise. Does that mean it sucks like you keep repeating? NO, have you actually played the damn game? I doubt it. You're ranking Extraction on something that it could have been and you're totally ignoring absolutely everything it's trying to give. I swear to god, some people just judge before they even try the god damn thing.

    Or it could mean spin offs are something to think about, optional different perspective from events could be plausible and make a sale. Remeber Half Life Blue Shift and that other Half Life expansion? Those were good, weren't they? I don't see Extraction as much different besides gameplay differences that helped make the experience to me, more hectic than anything in Dead Space. It offered something different, and it gets punished for it? And in no way Dead Space Extraction was a game made because the devs were 'lazy', there's a lot of attention to detail, the graphics look spectacular for a Wii game, the controls were good, it had a good storyline and it was FUN.

    Yay for ignorance! Tatsunoko VS Capcom was a mash-up fighter (similar to Marvel VS Capcom) released on the Wii. Tatsunoko is some sort of anime company who makes anime and characters from selected series we included in the game. You'd think that because it features Capcom fighters and all that, it'd sell good, right? Hell it even had Ryu on the box. No, it sold pretty bad on the Wii.

    Bionic Commando sold well despite it's rocky reception (which was, average), and it's lower price point helped it propel it's sales into the half a million margin.

    Think about it, the Wii and DS have a ridiculous number of owners, most of whom are people who aren't familiar with video games in the first place or are parents of kids who do own them. Now in relation think about the people who aren't that familiar with video games or parents who are aware of flashcarts, and piracy. Translate that into sales, now you have a lot of sold copies of Mario. Oh yeah, add in that Mario is the most recognizable video game character ever.

    Or that could mean that people who pirate the game just pirate the game and play it as is and don't buy it. If you own a flashcart, you don't have to buy the game if you don't want to, there's no limit of what you can do when you own the pirated version.
  8. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    From this last post I am seriously beginning to doubt you know anything about computer games. Have you played any non-nintendo consoles? Have you tried any games which hadn't already sold a million copies? Do you even understand the work that goes into a AAA title for the PS3 or even the Xbox compared to the popular games that get released on the Wii?
  9. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... sorry to barge in on such a bad queue, but nintendo is based on economics (where I'm at its only $110 at my local GAMESTOP, and thats fresh out of the box) I'll admit there were some good games, but there were a good list that straight out sucked (RED STEEL, i mean, c'mon, their making a sequel to the most sucktastic game that only registers sketchy wii control?) while other companies are built for power, the wii is really not what America is looking for.

    you see nintendo's wii is like the food processor of the gaming world, there's not much use for it, yeah its great little thing to make things easier, but thats all it's good for. the only reason they've had less short outs is because people only play them for a couple hours (unlike the 360 or PS3, where they go for days), also because the wii is based on economics (less hardware power) it tends to put them in a bad position, especially today where aesthetics in the game are as important as the game itself, and due to the lack of kahones, the wii doesn't have the power for the high end graphics you see in halo or mass effect 2. (and people would pay hundreds to see the game better).

    if you take the wii and the gamecube apart (my gamecube couldnt read discs anymore because the lens scratched out, while my friends wii died from overheating) you'll see that aside from some hardware-software re-arrangement/tuneups, it's pretty much the same. now you might go "erg, your bullshitting!", um, no i'm not.

    see here

    I'll end with this, economics is really not a good way to go today, even if there are good games, its now a race for the latest and greatest. and tatsunoko vs. capcom was good nostalgia (yes I grew up partly on the megaman cartoons, but a lot from old animes of street fighter, yatterman, casshern and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman) but a bit flat.
  10. xelados

    xelados Well-Known Member

    Excusing poor hardware performance with specs won't really hold up. We don't let computer part manufacturers off the hook with shit like that; why should we let MS off the hook for releasing hardware before it's been properly tested?

    Also, "The Wii isn't what America is looking for". What. Were you living under a rock from the end of '06 to the end of '07? You pretty much could not find a Wii in stock. It took Nintendo quite a while to restock stores because they received much more demand than anticipated. It took'em about 2 years for stocking to become easier and demand to lessen. Why, I'll never know... but to say the Wii isn't what America is looking for is not only nationalist garbage that doesn't belong here, but it's flat-out wrong.

    The US is a capitalist nation that thrives on competition. Consumers like choice, because that's what competition provides them.

    Also, it's old news that the Wii runs the same architecture CPU and GPU as the GameCube; it's been given higher specs. It's the same as upgrading a computer CPU from a Pentium 4 to a Core 2 or something; both adhere to the x86 architecture but the Core 2 is far stronger than the P4. This is what we call "compatibility".

    I think I'm going to have to step out of this topic due to the ignorance.
  11. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... have you looked at vista? it sucks, and people are still using it.

    same when the first food processors sales in the 70's, they skyrocketed and struggled to keep up with demand also (it happens to all things), and dropped in a couple of years because they didn't do much. so they added more things to it and it flatlined... america wants bigger and better. just sales alone can't define popularity... I have a food processor.

    true, but america wants bigger and faster too, If I had a choice between Wii and PS3, I would go for PS3, why? more things I can do with it.

    no it's called technological evolution, get it right. SONY does it, MICROSOFT did it, If you took every NINTENDO game and re-did it for the X-box and PS3, sales would skyrocket.
  12. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Vista being horrible is an exaggeration, it's okay, but in no way in hell it's any better than XP or 7. If you want a broken OS, look at ME.

    I like my Xbox 360, but it's a flawed system (just like the Wii and PS3), and sadly the hardware is a problem. We had to buy 3 Xboxes. The first was an older model that we kept replacing with the manufacturer's warranty, it broke again so we decided just to buy a newer Xbox. We ended up buying an Arcade model along with the Elite since we like to play together.

    We being my husband and I.

    Vista in no way has to be returned because it's broken, in no way.

    It has been a couple of years since the Wii's release, even though it's sales have dropped, it's still getting sold out almost all the time.

    I would agree if there was an example, in which case, there's not.
  13. MessoMesso

    MessoMesso Well-Known Member

    ...Wow. I thought the wars were at Xbox vs PS, but was I wrong.

    I don't really have a strong opinion on the issue, but it's nice to see some guys up top admitting they made mistakes. Even though I'm getting the impression that Nintendo is focusing more on injecting steroids into their hand-held consoles instead of just making games...
  14. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    oh yeah, forgot about that, they have been pumping research $$$ into their portables

    for nat:
    I didn't say it needed to be returned, just replaced, its just that the other models would be prefered... and yes the fact that todays hardware malfunctions are confusing (my sega still works after what 15 years). oh and I've checked Ebay, they aren't getting sold out.

    which would you like me to find proof on technical evolution or the PS MS vs nintendo thing? for technical evolution what series is the PS3 in 4th? for the games, look at call of duty world at war: the game was horrible with the wii, but rocked with the 360.
  15. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Ebay? You mean the site where people buy things from stores and then sell it on their own? That's a good way to tell if it's sold out at retail stores.

    My brother works at a Best Buy in the city, he says that Wiis constantly sell out at his store and in every Best Buy in the city. Granted that Edmonton isn't a very big city too. There's still a demand for the Wii, there's no doubt about it. Especially around Christmas, when the Wii is never in stock.
  16. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    does he get out-of-towners?
  17. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Not really, not if you count Sherwood Park, but it's so close to the city it might as well be included (it doesn't have a Best Buy).
  18. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Wrong, no more heros is by some other company(rising star games/grass hopper manufacture)...and sega(and platinum which did the awesome bayonetta) did mad world , I own these 2 :)

    And here is my thought on why the wii is doing badly in sales...from what I know in Australia.

    -Everyone basically has a wii already
    -Most are bought second hand by el cheap-o buyers
    -Then are mod chipped/soft modded to save cash (though lesser in number than those just owning one)

    Other than these I have no other facts (the wii sales I'm basing off everyone I know, co-worker, friend or relitive just having one-even people I just met :p )
  19. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Ah, woops. My mistake, I keep forgetting Clover morphed into Platinum.

    CoDWaW on the Wii was completely different than the 360/PS3/PC version.
  20. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    ...and no more heros as well :p

    Rising star isn't capcom XD