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Nintendo 3DS Images Revealed!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by totallydood, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. m3xicanjo3

    m3xicanjo3 Well-Known Member

    i hate the analog on the psp and if its in the same place as the psp i will hate it even more that setup cramps my finger up it will suck!
  2. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    it IS going to have an thumb/analogue stick like the PSP. Ninty said so in the announcement. That's why the fake design I posted has it. All the guy did was follow the description. Mind you, it's missing the second camera. I don't own one, but I believe the DSi has a camera inside the top screen, AND on the outside. This guy's design just has the inside one.
  3. rell

    rell Well-Known Member

    this kinda looks like a ps3 dont you agree??
  4. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    hmm... a nice concept, it looks fragile. i read those infos at wiki too. i'm not sure about the rumors that 3ds will be released this october.
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    Yeah. Didn't Ninty confirm that they want to release it for the end of 2010? I think the October rumor started cause that's when Sony and MS are releasing major stuff pertaining to 360 and PS3.
  6. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

  7. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

  8. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    i agree. that was from totallydood, i just posted the image from the video link.
  9. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Oh ok.

    I wonder how you will play games with this.
    Will it use a similar content to the flashcards?
    Probably not because of piracy.
  10. m3xicanjo3

    m3xicanjo3 Well-Known Member

    yea that would be great for people that are 5 foot 4 with small dinky hands i on the other hand have big hands and all these concepts are to small and would cramp my hands in 10 minutes tops. and the dsi xL was the best one yet :) and the dsLite cant even compare to this beast .dsi XL has a battery life of allmost 20hours you cant top that and for it being its size you wouldn't think so but it size made it able to carry a bigger battery :) yea the dsLite has gba slot but you wont be able to say that long :) supercard dsTwo is all i need to say :) over all dsi XL will end up on top.
  11. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    yea, i have no idea too, i think cartridges will be costly.
  12. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    Most likely.

    Plus it's probably going to stop piracy for a while.
  13. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    A month or so.
  14. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I think that nintendo will go all out on stopping Piracy.
    But who knows.
  15. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

  16. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    plus it's unrealistic, cause we already know that the 3DS will have two separate screens.
  17. benyah

    benyah New Member

    I like it
  18. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

  19. Yutrzenika

    Yutrzenika Well-Known Member

    Except in an inconvenient size!
  20. kadyome

    kadyome Well-Known Member

    IT'S!!! IT'S!! IT'S!!