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Nintendo 3DS Images Revealed!

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by totallydood, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's far to wide to be a hand held, I smell a fake.

    I'd hate to buy something that freaking huge, and because nintendo didn't say anything, and the fact is...why give it to someone when it's not finished?

    If that's the concept and it turns out to be real, I swear nintendo is gonna have hell to pay!
  2. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Well you make it seem like a universal fact, and that took me off, for I myself have my own opinion, I believe that the DSi is superior, since it's got a camera, music player, more potential in apps/gaming, better screens. Go figure.

    By the way. Seen the video, no way nintendo made that thing. But whoever made it had a good design.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Fan concept I reckon, we'd have plenty before it comes out, anyone seen the ones before the wii came out?

    Some were awesome :)
  4. mikeac

    mikeac Well-Known Member

    Fan concept for sure.
    I don't see how pics of a handheld with absolutely no confirmation count as a 3DS.
  5. lollyluna

    lollyluna Member

    You still have to open it remeber? if you look closer at the image but anyways doesnt look liek the real thing if it was then thats something apple would make
  6. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    We had this linked to IRC a couple weeks ago, as well as on /v/ and another IRC server I frequent. Common consensus on the internet is that this is fake. I think this was like a PSP or a couple of iPod Touches iirc.

    tl;dr stop posting. This is fake. As in not real. As in totallydood is wrong.
  7. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    None of which is worth the downgrade made.

    Just saying.
  8. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Actually, the camera has no use. If your gonna take a pic with you friends, you really gonna pull a DSi outta your pocket/bag and use it? I think not. Same goes for the music player. Ipod is way more portable than that DSi ****
  9. saddamsdevil

    saddamsdevil Well-Known Member

    I made pics of me and my gf just so I can have it on the boot screen of my DSi XL. I have them on my pc too.

    It's a pretty big generalization, saying that no one is gonna get it out of their bag and use it. There will always be people using the features.
  10. azlanshah

    azlanshah Well-Known Member

    Nintendo Wont Make A New Console..If They Were To Make One..They Could Be Bankrupt
  11. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    You and You are wrong.

    I definitely don't mind calling the removal of the GBA slot a downgrade when I see that the hinges have been fixed, the lovely matte finish on the system, the better screens, etc. I see it more as a personal choice of interest, the GBA slot wasn't exactly great looking on the DS lite with it sticking out of the system like that, if I wanted to play GBA games, I'd whip my Micro out.

    I'm a guy who favors the all in one flavor, and I don't mind whipping out my DSi to take pictures and to listen to music. I know that the camera isn't that good, and the music player isn't all the better, but they're satisfactory, and good enough for me to use, knowing that I only brought one gadget instead of 3 different ones.

    Thank you.
  12. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    But they are making a new DS.
  13. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Those fake designs are getting better and better! And most of them don't look very practical :p
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you'd use your worse camera phones then wouldn't you?

    I don't bother with pics-I DRAW!
  15. dills2

    dills2 Well-Known Member

    fake what was that a machine to amuse kids yeah all it you can do is write stuff on it like a notepad
  16. Usoppu

    Usoppu Well-Known Member

    Not wrong.

    I find the lite's screens, finish, and hinges were perfect as they were, there is nothing wrong with the them at all (I've had it for so many years with no problems). I'd rather have extra battery, than a fancier screen which improves on already great specs.

    Being able to play gba is a huge bonus, even if does look minimally awkward. Some ds game link up gba games aswell, for example, Advance wars gets you extra maps, Pokemon gives you pal park, plus there are others. That's not something I'd wanna lose.
  17. dancubs

    dancubs Well-Known Member

    Okay. I couldn't care less for the losing the GBA slot, losing that ever so violent snap when opening a DS lite, and going for a new generation of gaming. I like the change.
  18. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    It's not a new generation of gaming, the DSi hasn't been used good for DS games, and most likely never will, nor will it most likely never have any really good DSi games. Just my opinion
  19. m3xicanjo3

    m3xicanjo3 Well-Known Member

    wow i cant believe you would actually think this random guy would have somthing this rare...... no its not real and it's not even close to how it was described at nintendo power....should try to read up more about it before posting something like this....
  20. kieran-123

    kieran-123 Well-Known Member

    i do miss playing gba games but the dsi is better anyway and playing gba games was always better on the actual game boy system anyway.
    and you can play gba games on the dsi,just get a ds iplayer and it can play gba games from the slot 1 card with no other extinction needed so you could get one of them or just use a game boy micro because they were better playing gba games on than a ds.
    so yeah dsi's are better and all the extras that come with it really do matter and the click when opining the dsl was really bad because i had 2 snap on me and im not ruff with them at all....